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Moving some exploratory code here
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facusapienza21 committed Feb 14, 2025
1 parent 48e6b62 commit fcdba19
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Showing 26 changed files with 4,667 additions and 192 deletions.
Binary file modified Julia/.DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions Julia/CondaPkg.toml
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
cartopy = ""
pandas = ""
matplotlib = ""
xarray = ""
seaborn = ""
numpy = ""
3,984 changes: 3,984 additions & 0 deletions Julia/Manifest.toml

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions Julia/examples/explore.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
using Pkg; Pkg.activate(".")
using ExploreODINN

# Exploration of Glacier data is done with OGGM:
# As there explained, we can find an individual glacier using the GLIMS glacier viewer:

# Data corresponding to Mont Blanc Massif
# Raw data
nc_file_multi = "../../data/DATASET_FACU/"
# Interpolated dataset
nc_file_interp = "../../data/DATASET_FACU/"

# Read the dataset
data = preprocessing(nc_file_multi)

# Let's make a plot with the timeseries for a grid point with good measurement

# Bossons Glacier
# idx, idy = 165, 95
# Brenva Glacier
idx, idy = 225, 235

plot_timeseries(data, idx, idy; ignore_zeros=true, saveas="figures/timeseries_vabs.pdf")
plot_timeseries(data, idx-1, idy+1; ignore_zeros=true, saveas="figures/timeseries_vabs_2.pdf")
plot_timeseries(data, idx+1, idy-1; ignore_zeros=true, saveas="figures/timeseries_vabs_3.pdf")

# Plot the total number of observations
plot_count(data, saveas="figures/v_count.pdf");

# facubsapienza
# FacuEarthData_2025

# id_date = 70
# @show date1[id_date]

# zs1 = vx[:, :, id_date]
# zs2 = vy[:, :, id_date]
# zs3 = v_abs[:, :, id_date]

# vmax = maximum(x -> isnan(x) ? -Inf : x, zs3)

# # zs3 = replace!(x -> x==0.0 ? NaN : x, Array{Union{Float64, Nothing}}(zs3))
# zs1 = replace!(x -> x==0.0 ? NaN : x, zs1)
# zs2 = replace!(x -> x==0.0 ? NaN : x, zs2)
# zs3 = replace!(x -> x==0.0 ? NaN : x, zs3)

# joint_limits = (-vmax, vmax) # here we pick the limits manually for simplicity instead of computing them
# abs_limits = (0, vmax)

# fig = Figure(size=(2000, 600), axis=(;title="dsds"));

# ax1, hm1 = heatmap(fig[1,1], xs, ys, zs1, colorrange = abs_limits, colormap = Reverse(:acton25), nan_color = :transparent, axis=(; title="V Abs (Data: $(date1[id_date]))"));
# ax2, hm2 = heatmap(fig[1, end+1], xs, ys, zs2, colorrange = joint_limits, colormap = :broc25, axis=(; title="Vx"));
# ax3, hm3 = heatmap(fig[1, end+1], xs, ys, zs3, colorrange = joint_limits, colormap = :broc25, axis=(; title="Vy"));

# # CairoMakie.scatter!(ax1, Point(xs[idx], ys[idy]); marker='🦜', markersize=40, color = :purple)
# CairoMakie.scatter!(ax1, Point(xs[idx], ys[idy]); marker='x', markersize=40, color = :purple)

# # Colorbar(fig[:, end+1], hm1) # These three
# # Colorbar(fig[:, end+1], hm2) # colorbars are
# Colorbar(fig[:, end+1], hm1); # colorbars are
# Colorbar(fig[:, end+1], hm2); # equivalent

# save("figures/v_heatmap.pdf", fig)

83 changes: 83 additions & 0 deletions Julia/examples/geodesy.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@

# Playing with coodinate projection

using Geodesy

projection = LLAfromUTMZ(wgs84)

x_bossom = UTMZ(-682.471, 5.1912e6, 0.0, 31,true)

tm = Geodesy.TransverseMercator(WGS84)

x₀ = 10.1335
x = -682.471
y = 5.1912e6

Geodesy.transverse_mercator_reverse(x₀, x, y , 0.9996, tm)

using Unitful: m, rad, °
using CoordRefSystems

k₀ = 0.9996

# xₒ = 500000.0m
xₒ = 0.0m
yₒ = 0.0m
# yₒ = hemisphere == :north ? 0.0m : 10000000.0m

lonₒ = 8.01919°
# lonₒ = 10.1335°
latₒ = 0.0°

S = CoordRefSystems.Shift(; lonₒ, xₒ, yₒ)

x = -8040.94
y = 5.15794e6
x_glacier = TransverseMercator{k₀,latₒ,datum,S}(x, y)

convert(LatLon, x_glacier)

# Clean for each glacier

k₀ = 0.9996
xₒ = 0.0m
yₒ = 0.0m

# Aletschgletscher

lonₒ = 8.01919°
latₒ = 0.0°
x = -8040.94
y = 5.15794e6
S = CoordRefSystems.Shift(; lonₒ, xₒ, yₒ)
x_glacier = TransverseMercator{k₀,latₒ,WGS84Latest,S}(x, y)

convert(LatLon, x_glacier)
# Answer: Lat = 46.574977403312715°, Lon = 7.914252983649885° (correct for upper left corner)

# Bossons
lonₒ = 10.1335°
latₒ = 0.0°
x = -682.471
y = 5.1912e6
S = CoordRefSystems.Shift(; lonₒ, xₒ, yₒ)
x_glacier = TransverseMercator{k₀,latₒ,WGS84Latest,S}(x, y)

convert(LatLon, x_glacier)
# Answer: Lat = 46.874338533298065°, Lon = 10.124544115391744°

# Glacier d’Argentière
lonₒ = 6.985°
latₒ = 0.0°
x = -3574.0
y = 5.09221e6
S = CoordRefSystems.Shift(; lonₒ, xₒ, yₒ)
x_glacier = TransverseMercator{k₀,latₒ,WGS84Latest,S}(x, y)

convert(LatLon, x_glacier)
# Answer: Lat = 45.98345259928449°, Lon = 6.938857312258543
125 changes: 125 additions & 0 deletions Julia/examples/glacier_oggm.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
# Let's retrieve some more data from OGGM for one of the glaciers!
using Pkg; Pkg.activate(".")

using ExploreODINN
# include("../src/ExploreODINN.jl")
using Sleipnir, Huginn
using Plots
using Plots.PlotMeasures
using MakieCore: heatmap
using CairoMakie
using Statistics
using Rasters
using Dates
using PythonCall

working_dir = joinpath(homedir(), ".ODINN/ODINN_prepro")

# Bossons glacier
rgi_ids = ["RGI60-11.03646"]

# Aletschgletscher
# rgi_ids = ["RGI60-11.01450"]

# Glacier d’Argentière
# rgi_ids = ["RGI60-11.03638"]

# Glacier Mar de Glace
# rgi_ids = ["RGI60-11.03643"]

# rgi_ids = ["RGI60-11.00872"]

# Perito Moreno
# rgi_ids = ["RGI60-17.00312"]

# Fix this
rgi_paths = get_rgi_paths()
# rgi_paths = Dict("RGI60-11.03643" => "per_glacier/RGI60-11/RGI60-11.03/RGI60-11.03643")
rgi_paths = Dict(k => rgi_paths[k] for k in rgi_ids)

params = Huginn.Parameters(simulation = SimulationParameters(use_MB=false,
tspan=(2010.0, 2015.0),
working_dir = working_dir,
multiprocessing = false,
# working_dir = Huginn.root_dir,
test_mode = true,
rgi_paths = rgi_paths),
solver = SolverParameters(reltol=1e-12)

# Define new model
model = Huginn.Model(iceflow = SIA2Dmodel(params), mass_balance = nothing)

# We retrieve some glaciers for the simulation
glaciers = initialize_glaciers(rgi_ids, params)

# Let's grab a single glacier
glacier = glaciers[1]

lats = glacier.Coords["lat"]
lons = glacier.Coords["lon"]

# Ice Surface Velocity Data

nc_file_multi = "../../data/DATASET_FACU/"
ice_surface_data = preprocessing(nc_file_multi)

v_count = mean((ice_surface_data.vabs .!== 0.0) .* (.!isnan.(ice_surface_data.vabs)), dims=3)[:,:,1]

# Python Plot

fig, axes = plt[].subplots()
fig.set_size_inches(10, 10)
caxes = axes.inset_axes([1.04, 0.06, 0.03, 0.4])

# axes.set_aspect("equal")
axes.spines[pylist(["right", "top"])].set_visible(false)

xs = lons #range(1, 48, length=48)
ys = lats # range(1, 79, length=79)
xs_mesh = xs' .* ones(length(ys))
ys_mesh = ones(length(xs))' .* ys

Δdist = 0.4 * (glacier.Δx^2 + glacier.Δy^2)^0.5

H_masked = copy(glacier.H₀)
H_masked[H_masked .< 0.01] .= NaN

# V_abs = (glacier.Vx.^2 + glacier.Vy.^2).^0.5
# V_abs[glacier.H₀ .< 0.01] .= NaN

# H_masked = np[].ma.array(glacier.H₀', mask=0.0)

# ColorGrid = axes.pcolormesh(xs_mesh, ys_mesh, H_masked', alpha=0.20)
# ColorGrid = axes.pcolormesh(xs_mesh, ys_mesh, H_masked', alpha=0.20)
ColorGrid = axes.pcolormesh(ice_surface_data.lon,, v_count, alpha=0.70)
# axes.scatter(ice_surface_data.lon',', s=1.0, c="k")
# ColorGrid = axes.pcolormesh(xs_mesh, ys_mesh, V_abs', alpha=0.95)

ContourLines = axes.contour(xs_mesh, ys_mesh, H_masked', 20, colors='k', levels=[Δdist, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250])

cbar = plt[].colorbar(ColorGrid, cax=caxes, orientation="vertical")

plt[].savefig("./figures/thickness.pdf", dpi=300, format="pdf", bbox_inches="tight")

# Temperature plot
plot_temp = Plots.plot(glacier.climate.raw_climate[At(DateTime(2012):Day(1):DateTime(2019))][:temp])
Plots.savefig(plot_temp, "./figures/temperature.pdf")
# plt[].savefig("./figures/temperature.pdf", dpi=300, format="pdf", bbox_inches="tight")

# Precipitation plot
plot_prcp = Plots.plot(glacier.climate.raw_climate[At(DateTime(2012):Day(1):DateTime(2019))][:prcp])
# plt[].savefig("./figures/precipitation.pdf", dpi=300, format="pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
Plots.savefig(plot_prcp, "./figures/precipitation.pdf")

# Now, let's plot the contours of the glacier on top of an image


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