Tomb is a free, open-source, Minecraft 1.12.2 utility mod made for the anarchy experience.
- Install Minecraft 1.12.2
- Install the latest Forge for 1.12.2 (download)
- Get the latest Tomb version
- Put the file in your
How do I...
... open the ClickGUI?
... execute a command?
Use the ingame chat with the prefix
... fix problems with Gradle?
Make sure you have a Java 8 JDK installed and in your PATH. We recommend using the Temurin distribution of OpenJDK
... reset the ClickGUI scale?
Run the command
;set clickgui scale 100
... crashing with liteloader?
Use liteloader as a forge mod, it is available here
zeroeightysix for the original KAMI
KAMI Blue for the continuation of KAMI
Lambda for the continuation of KAMI
ronmamo for Reflections
MinecraftForge for Forge
MasterBootR for TombHack