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Set of best practices to have when developing in an iOS project


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Forge iOS by Niji

Set of best practices to have when developing in an iOS project


bundle exec fastlane init
cd fastlane
git submodule add forge

⚠️ WARNING : For add submodule use the url HTTPS for the CI/CD connection

Add import in your Fastfile :

import 'forge/Forge.rb'

Then add Forgefile dependencies in your Gemfile :

# Add these lines at the bottom of the Gemfile

forge_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fastlane', 'forge', 'Forgefile')
eval_gemfile(forge_path) if File.exist?(forge_path)

In your .swiftlint.yml file from your project, add this line :

parent_config: fastlane/forge/.swiftlint_base.yml

Environment Variables

List of environment variables to use in your Fastfile

# Obligatory

ENV['APP_VERSION_PATH'] = ''.freeze
ENV['DERIVED_DATA_PATH'] = './DerivedData'.freeze
ENV['BUILD_PATH'] = './Build'.freeze
ENV['REPORTS_PATH'] = './Reports'.freeze
ENV['PLIST_PATH'] = ''.freeze

ENV['XCWORKSPACE'] = 'NAME.xcworkspace'.freeze
ENV['XCPROJECT'] = 'NAME.xcodeproj'.freeze
ENV['SCHEME'] = ''
ENV['APP_NAME'] = ''
ENV['APP_ENVIRONMENT'] = '' # Define the environment
ENV['TARGET'] = '' # For launch the lane send_metrics

# Firebase
ENV['GS_INFO_PLIST_ARCHIVE_PATH'] = 'GoogleService-Info.plist'.freeze # The path to your GoogleService-Info.plist file, relative to the path to the archived product (xcarchive)
ENV['FIREBASE_TEST_GROUP'] = '' # ID for group tester

# iCloud
ENV['ICLOUD_CONTAINER_ENVIRONMENT'] = 'Production' # 'Development'

# App Store Connect
ENV['KEY_ID'] = ''.freeze
ENV['ISSUER_ID'] = ''.freeze
ENV['KEY_FILEPATH'] = ''.freeze

# Danger
ENV['DANGERFILE_PATH'] = 'fastlane/forge/Dangerfile'.freeze
ENV['JIRA_REF'] = '/(\b((JIRA)-)|#)[0-9]+\b/i'.freeze
ENV['XCOV_MIN_PERCENTAGE'] = '80.00'.freeze
ENV['XCOV_IGNORE_FILE_PATH'] = '.xcovignore'.freeze
ENV['PERIPHERY_BINARY_PATH'] = '/usr/local/bin/periphery'.freeze

# Optional
ENV['PODFILE_PATH'] = 'Podfile'.freeze
ENV['XCODEGEN_PATH'] = 'project.yml'.freeze
ENV['POESIE_PATH'] = ''.freeze
ENV['CHANGELOG_PATH'] = ''.freeze

Options Fastlane

  • badge: true if adding a badge to the application icon (true or false or never)
  • env: define the environment use (dev, prod, stagging...)
  • config: define the xcconfig file use (Debug, InHouse, Release...)
  • enterprise: true if use an provisioning profiles from Apple Developer Enterprise (true or false or never)

for example :

bundle exec fastlane archive env:dev config:InHouse enterprise:true badge:true

Override method Fastlane

  • config
  • switch_to_env
  • before_prepare
  • after_prepare