This Project is my personal gaming AWS VPC. Where I'll be hosting my personal dedicated servers
This folder will contain steps/scripts per dedicated server.
As of now the only server hosted by me it's called Dante's Server - which map name is genesis.
docker build -t {tagName} --build-arg A_SERVER_NAME="My Server name" --build-arg A_WORLD_NAME="myworld" --build-arg A_PASSWORD="secret"
If you want to run it locally
docker run -d --name valheim -v my/target/worlds/folder:/home/steam/.config/unity3d/IronGate/Valheim/worlds {tagName}
Running example:
docker run -d --name valheim -v /home/ngel/valheim:/home/steam/.config/unity3d/IronGate/Valheim/worlds -p 2456:2456/udp -p 2456:2456/tcp valheim:latest
This folder will contain terraform (IaC) templates to build the VPC from scratch in an AWS account.
Angel Castro - bitbucket username: angel_castro_basurto