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Enterprise Middleware Coursework

This coursework covers the development of an enterprise application using Java EE technologies deployed to a PaaS cloud. The coursework is designed to give students hands on experience with building enterprise applications. Furthermore, all the technologies used are production grade, given the students the experience and knowledge they need to build a real enterprise application.

This coursework was produced by Newcastle University (UK) in conjunction with Red Hat. It’s available under an Open Source licence. However, the exact licence is still to be decided.

If you want to run this coursework at your University, then we encourage you to do so. However, you would be advised to contact [email protected] first. This will allow us to provide you with some support and also give you access to the private materials (model answer and marking scheme).

We have provided all the materials needed, to deliver this course at your University. In particular the following materials are available:


This document instructs the students how to setup the various accounts they require during the coursework. It also guides them through setting up a sample application and then deploying it to the Cloud. This sample application us then used to build upon during the coursework.

There is also a video available to watch here. In this video a member of staff, at Newcastle University, walks through the tutorial with the students. This video has a few Newcastle specific bits in, but could be valuable to your students anyway, providing they understand this caveat.


This document tells the students what they need to do during the coursework.

Model Answer

The model answer shows a completed version of the coursework. This MUST NOT be show to the students, it’s sole purpose is to educate teaching staff on what we think a good solution looks like. We also test the model answer on the recommended version of JBoss EAP that the students use, so you can be confident that the coursework is achievable. The model answer is in a private repo. You need to contact [email protected] to gain access.

Marking Scheme

There is also a suggested marking scheme. This is the one used by Newcaslte University. You are free to use it as is, modify it for your needs, or come up with an entirely new one.

Contact [email protected] to obtain this document.

Building docs

The following command builds the html version of this coursework:

asciidoctor -a stylesheet=./stylesheets/riak.css ./coursework.asciidoc
asciidoctor -a stylesheet=./stylesheets/riak.css ./tutorial.asciidoc
asciidoctor -a stylesheet=./stylesheets/riak.css ./frequentlyaskedquestions.asciidoc


Entry-point to the Enterprise Middleware Coursework






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