Version 1.4.23
- Pull 1032 Make number of timer threads a piece of config (with Archaius integration)
- Pull 1045 Documentation cleanup in HystrixCommandProperties
- Pull 1044 Add request context and HystrixObservableCommand to command execution JMH tests
- Pull 1043 HystrixObservableCollapser emits error to each submitter when batch command encounters error
- Pull 1039 Use thread-safe data structure for storing list of command keys per-thread
- Pull 1036 Remove redundant ConcurrentHashMap read when getting name from command class
- Pull 1035 Rename command execution JMH tests
- Pull 1034 Remove SHORT_CIRCUITED events from health counts calculation
- Pull 1027 Fix typo in hystrix-examples-webapp documentation
Artifacts: Maven Central, Bintray