Some very basic python projects
Program to find prime numbers between 2 and N.
Program to output Pig Latin for a given word.
Program that plays sound after a given interval of time.
Program that simulates coin toss.
Program to check whether a number is Happy Number or not.
Factorial Finder.
Created a client-server system.
Send and Recieve python objects using pickle.
Chat Room in Python (Command Prompt based).
Count Number Of Vowels in String.
Web Scraping Using Selenium.
Action Chains using Selenium.
Unittest in Python.
Automated Post For Cache9 Blog.
TicTacToe in python.
Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal converter in python.
Check if given word is palindrome.
Tax Calculator.
Count Number Of Letters in String.
Factorial of Number using loop.
Guessing Game in Python.
Blog Using django Python.