The data fusion of LiDAR and camera holds vast application prospects, with calibration as a crucial prerequisite. In this paper, we propose SPTG-LCC, a novel, general, and target-free LiDAR-camera extrinsic calibration framework. On the one hand, SPTG-LCC is open-source, which is very suitable for practitioners seeking a robust, general, and convenient target-free calibration tool. On the other hand, the four diverse datasets are open-source, which is very suitable for researchers to comprehensively evaluate feature-based target-free LiDAR-camera calibration methods.
Video Link: Video on Youtube
The following tasks will be completed quickly and step by step.
- Video Link: Video on Youtube Completed
- Paper Link:
our self-assembled sensor suites as follows, where the camera is the Realsense D455 and ZED 2i. Four diverse datasets were collected using these four suites, named FB-LCC-NS360, FB-LCC-NS70, FB-LCC-RS16, and FB-LCC-MEMS-M1, which are released for evaluating feature-based LiDAR-camera calibration methods. Moreover, sequence 00 on the public KITTI odometry benchmark is evenly divided into 67 LiDAR-camera data pairs as a dataset, named FB-LCC-RS-KITTI-VLP-64.
![]() |
![]() |
- Reference values of extrinsic parameters of the sensor suite in the dataset: Reference_calibration matrix.yaml Completed
- FB-LCC-NS360 : Baidu Cloud Disk Completed
- FB-LCC-NS70 : Baidu Cloud Disk Completed
- FB-LCC-RS16 : Baidu Cloud Disk Completed
- FB-LCC-MEMS-M1 : Baidu Cloud Disk Completed
- FB-LCC-RS-KITTI-VLP-64 : Baidu Cloud Disk Completed
- Docker images tool : Completed
- main code : Completed
- test code
- Optional motion-based initial guess : Completed
- Simplified code
- Simplified Docker image
- parameter description
git clone
Assuming the folder where the code is downloaded locally is: /home/wyw/SPTG-LCC
Check the folder where you cloned the code and replace the example folder(/home/wyw/SPTG-LCC) in all the following commands
Docker images: Baidu Cloud Disk
docker load -i sptg-lcc.tar
sudo docker run -it -v /home/wyw/SPTG-LCC:/calib_data -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --net=host -e GDK_SCALE -e GDK_DPI_SCALE --privileged --gpus all -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all --name SPTG-LCC sptglcc:latest bash
sudo docker start SPTG-LCC
sudo docker exec -it SPTG-LCC bash
cd /calib_data/direct_lidar_camera
conda deactivate
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
Download the weight file and put it in the following folder respectively
cd /home/wyw/SPTG-LCC/matcher/Efficinet_LOFTR/EfficientLoFTR && mkdir weights
EfficientLoFTR weights: Baidu Cloud Disk
cd /home/wyw/SPTG-LCC/matcher/LightGlue
superpoint: Baidu Cloud Disk superpoint_lightglue Baidu Cloud Disk
cd /home/wyw/SPTG-LCC/mono_depth/Marigold/
mono_depth weights(The entire folder): Baidu Cloud Disk
cd /home/wyw/SPTG-LCC/SPTG-LCC/bag
The rosbag needs to contain the camera image topic, the intrinsic parameters topic, and the lidar topic.
Modify your topic name in the yaml file in the config folder
Rosbag example for testing : Baidu Cloud Disk
cd /home/wyw/SPTG-LCC
chmod +x
The final result is the latest txt file.
cd /home/wyw/SPTG-LCC/SPTG-LCC/results
![]() |
![]() |
chmod +x
cd /home/wyw/SPTG-LCC/SPTG-LCC/data
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
In addition, to deal with the problem of calibration failure in some extreme installation situations, we have released a motion-based LiDAR camera extrinsic parameters coarse calibration tool, which aims to provide a rough initial guess, and users can continue to use SPTG-LCC to complete the calibration based on the initial guess. This initial guess is fully automatic.
The Github repository link is as follows:
LCC_init :
All the required C++ libraries and python libraries are packaged into the docker image. You only need to have an Ubuntu system (not dependent on a specific version) and have installed the NVIDIA driver (you can use the nvidia-smi command to test it).
If there is no docker on the host, you need to install docker and nvidia-container-toolkit so that docker can perform visualization and call the GPU.
wget -O fishros && . fishros
Successful execution of the following command indicates successful installation
sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-container-toolkit
- We sincerely appreciate the following open-source projects: DVLC, KITTI, Lightglue, Efficient-LoFTR, Marigold, Superpoint.
- In particular, our code framework is based on DVLC(direct_visual_lidar_calibration), thanks to this great open-source work.