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This repository is deprecated! Please use our new Ansible Collection Elastic Stack instead.

Ansible Role: Beats


This role installs and configures Beats. You can use it as a standalone role or combine it with our other roles managing the Elastic Stack.


You need to have the beats you want to install available in your software repositories. We provide a role for just that but if you have other ways of managing software, just make sure it's available. Alternatively you can install the Beats yourself.

Role Variables

  • beats_filebeat: Install and manage filebeat (Default: true)
  • beats_filebeat_version: Install specific version (Default: none. Possible values: e.g. ``-7.10.1for RedHat compatible systems or=1:7.10.1-1` for Debian compatible systems or `latest`)
  • filebeat_enable: Automatically start Filebeat (Default: true)
  • filebeat_output: Set to logstash or elasticsearch. (default: logstash)
  • filebeat_syslog_udp: Use UDP Syslog input (Default: false)
  • filebeat_syslog_udp_port: Port of UDP Syslog input (Default: 514)
  • filebeat_syslog_tcp: Use TCP Syslog input (Default: false)
  • filebeat_syslog_tcp_port: Port of TCP Syslog input (Default: 514)
  • filebeat_log_input: Enable Logfile reading (Default: true)
  • filebeat_mysql_slowlog_input: Enable MySQL/MariaDB slow query log collection incl. multiline (Default: false)
  • filebeat_log_inputs: Logfiles to read (Default: see below)

Default of filebeat_log_inputs

    name: messages
      - /var/log/messages

You can optionally add fields to every input as well. You can also add a multiline section with options (type, pattern, negate and match so far)

Here's a longer example for an input:

    name: messages
      - /var/log/messages
      - /var/log/secure
      - /var/log/httpd/*access_log*
      type: pattern
      pattern: '^[[:space:]]+(at|\.{3})[[:space:]]+\b|^Caused by:'
      negate: false
      match: after
  • filebeat_journald: Enable collection of JournalD logs (default: false) - available since Filebeat 7.16
  • filebeat_journald_inputs: List of journald inputs. Use for different filters on events. You can add a list of include_matches entries for filtering. Default of `filebeat_journald_inputs:
    id: everything
  • filebeat_docker: Enable collection of Docker logs (default: false)

  • filebeat_docker_ids: IDs of containers to collect. (default: *)

  • filebeat_loadbalance: Enable loadbalancing for Filebeats Logstash output (default: true)

  • beats_auditbeat: Install and manage filebeat (Default: false)

  • beats_auditbeat_version: Install specific version (Default: none. Possible values: e.g. ``-7.10.1for RedHat compatible systems or=1:7.10.1-1` for Debian compatible systems or `latest`)

  • auditbeat_output: Output for Auditbeat Set to logstash or elasticsearch. (default: elasticsearch)

  • auditbeat_enable: Automatically start Auditbeat (Default: true)

  • auditbeat_setup: Run Auditbeat Setup (Default: true) (Only works with Elasticsearch output)

  • auditbeat_loadbalance: Enable loadbalancing for Auditbeats Logstash output (default: true)

  • beats_metricbeat: Enable installation and management of Metricbeat (Default: false)

  • beats_metricbeat_version: Install specific version (Default: none. Possible values: e.g. ``-7.10.1for RedHat compatible systems or=1:7.10.1-1` for Debian compatible systems or `latest`)

  • metricbeat_enable: Start Metricbeat automatically (Default: true)

  • metricbeat_output: Set to logstash or elasticsearch. (default: elasticsearch)

  • metricbeat_modules: List of modules to enable. (Default: - system)

  • metricbeat_loadbalance: Enable loadbalancing for Metricbeats Logstash output (default: true)

  • beats_security: Activate TLS for connections to targets. Can either be use with our other roles and elastic_stack_full_stack to automatically create certificates or beats_tls* variables for custom certificates. (default: false)

  • beats_target_hosts: Only use when this role is used standalone. When used in combination with our other roles, the target hosts will be determined automatically. Use a YAML list. (default: - localhost)

  • beats_elasticsearch_output_port: Port of Elasticsearch to send events to (Default: 9200)

  • beats_logstash_output_port: Port of Logstash to send events to (Default: 5400)

  • beats_logging: Where to log (Default: file)

  • beats_loglevel: Level of logging (for all beats) (Default: info)

  • beats_logpath: If logging to file, where to put logfiles (Default: /var/log/beats)

  • beats_fields: Fields that are added to every input in the configuration

  • beats_manage_unzip: Install unzip via package manager (Default: true)

The following variables only apply if you use this role together with our other Elastic Stack roles.

  • elastic_stack_full_stack: Use ansible-role-elasticsearch as well (default: false)
  • elastic_variant: Define which variant of elastic stack to use. (default: elastic)
  • elastic_ca_dir: Directory where on the Elasticsearch CA host certificates are stored. This is only useful in connection with out other Elastic Stack related roles. (default: /opt/es-ca)
  • elastic_ca_pass: Password for Elasticsearch CA (default: PleaseChangeMe)
  • elastic_initial_passwords: Path to file with initical elasticsearch passwords (default: /usr/share/elasticsearch/initial_passwords)

If you want to use this role with your own TLS certificates, use these variables.

  • beats_ca_dir: Path to custom CA certificates and keys (default: none - if not set will be filled with different values depending on which Stack variant is used)
  • beats_tls_key: Path to the keyfiles (default: {{ beats_ca_dir }}/{{ ansible_hostname }}.key)
  • beats_tls_cert: Path to the certificate (default: {{ beats_ca_dir }}/{{ ansible_hostname }}.crt)
  • beats_tls_key_passphrase: Passphrase of the keyfile (default: ChangeMe)
  • beats_tls_cacert: Path to the CA.crt (default: {{ beats_ca_dir }}/ca.crt)


None yet

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: servers
     - { role: username.rolename, x: 42 }

