Started as my personal collection, but now it's a community thing I guess, at least it's being updated by the Contributors and I really appreciate that.
You need to install Rofi and an icon pack, the one I'm using is Papirus:
-> sudo apt install rofi papirus-icon-theme
-> sudo dnf install rofi papirus-icon-theme
If you're having trouble:
Also you need to download and install these fonts from nerd fonts:
- JetBrainsMono
- Iosevka
To install these fonts, copy/move to the folder ~/.fonts and run in the terminal:
-> fc-cache -fv
First you need to clone the repo (recommend in $HOME, or Projects directory):
-> git clone
As suggested by Ryan S., you could also shallow clone (not clone the entire repo history):
-> git clone --depth 1
If you're using sxhkd you need to add something like this to your sxhkdrc:
super + shift + {i,o,p}
rofi -show {run,drun,window} -theme $HOME/rofi-collection/nord/nord.rasi
or copy/move the rasi config file to ~/.local/share/rofi/themes/ and run rofi theme selector:
-> cp -r nord $HOME/.local/share/rofi/themes/
-> rofi-theme-selector
Remember to keep updated:
-> cd $HOME/rofi-collection && git pull
Quality is more important than quantity!