A plugin for Couchbase Lite on NativeScript supporting LiteServ internal REST operations.
Android version working but yet in CBL 1.4.4. iOS still pending some code. For a complete and updated plugin check: https://github.com/triniwiz/nativescript-couchbase-plugin
tns plugin add nativescript-cblite
First you need to import the main class
import { CBLite } from 'nativescript-cblite';
In case you'll use the REST api, the following command will initialize it and provide the base url:
const url = Utils.startCBLListener();
Then you need to instantiate the CBLite
const cblite = new CBLite('databaseName');
Creating a local document
cblite.createDocument({name: 'John Doe', age: 99}, 'myDocumentId');
Reading a local document
// It will return a JSON object or false if the document does not exist
Updating local document
cblite.updateDocument('myDocumentId', {newData: 'My new data string'});
First you need to import the proper classes
import { CBLite, Replicator } from 'nativescript-cblite';
Then you need to instantiate those classes
const cblite = new CBLite('databaseName');
const pushReplicator: Replicator = cblite.createPushReplication('myRemoteUrl');
const pullReplicator: Replicator = cblite.createPullReplication('myRemoteUrl');
Setting up the replication
pushReplicator.setAuthenticator('username', 'password');
pullReplicator.setAuthenticator('username', 'password');
Method name | Parameters | Return type |
getDocument | documentId | Object |
listAllDocuments | - | string[] |
listAllReplications | - | string[] |
addDatabaseChangeListener | callback | void |
createDocument | data, documentId | string |
updateDocument | documentId, data | void |
deleteDocument | documentId | boolean |
createPullReplication | remoteUrl | Replicator |
createPushReplication | remoteUrl | Replicator |
Method name | Parameters | Return type |
start | - | void |
stop | - | void |
isRunning | - | boolean |
addReplicationChangeListener | changeListenerCallback | void |
setAuthenticator | username, password | void |
setContinuous | continuous | void |
setDocumentIds | docIds | void |
setCookie | name, value, path, expirationDate, secure, httpOnly | void |
deleteCookie | name | void |
Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004