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Releases: Mu2e/Offline

Upgrade to art v3_06_03

10 Sep 03:09
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The main reason for this release is to capture the upgrade to a new art version, v03_06_03. This fixes a known bug in the treatment of trigger paths. There is an art redmine issue: reported by Giani. There was a second bug, reported by Yuri, that I believe is the same issue: the job wrote two output files, each with a SelectEvents clause, and the content of the two files was swapped.

PR's merged since the previous tag (v09_08_00):
Merge pull request #240 from rlcee/art_v3_06_03 : new UPS products for art v3_06_03
Merge pull request #238 from kutschke/cvsCommentRemoval2 : CVS comment removal
Merge pull request #148 from ryuwd/refactor-cleanincludes-mu2eutils : (IWYU + manual fixups) Mu2eUtilities includes cleanup
Merge pull request #228 from michaelmackenzie/GeometryUpdates : Geometry updates
Merge pull request #229 from AndrewEdmonds11/trkana-dev-hit-level : TrkAna Updates
Merge pull request #227 from ehrlich-uva/master : updated MakeCrvRecoPulses
Merge pull request #221 from michaelmackenzie/GeometryUpdates : Geometry updates

Upgrade to art v3_06_02

06 Aug 22:02
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The upgrade to art v3_06 series was difficult. In the process we discovered several bugs in art that required two bug fix releases of art before we could complete the upgrade. The art::Selector class was re-engineered to provide better error message when no product was found; in the process bugs were introduced and it took two iterations to get them all out.

To build and run Offline required that additional rpms be installed on all machines:

  • pcre2
  • xxhash-libs
  • libzstd
  • libzstd-devel.

To run on the grid we need to request a recent singularity container that has these rpms installed. A coming upgrade to mu2egrid will add this by default.

At this time you cannot setup Offline and mu2egrid in the same shell window; the issue is conflicting requirements for python versions.

There remains one hack in place. Boost declared a number of the features that we use deprecated. These produce compiler warnings that are elevated to errors with -Werror. Boost provides a compile-time macro -DBOOST_BIND_GLOBAL_PLACEHOLDERS to allow the use of these features without warning. I added this to scripts/build/python/ . At a later date we need to change our code to avoid the use of the deprecated features and then remove this macro from the compile.

Heads up for people who may have to port their own code:

  • Root no longer has a Spectrum library. I removed it from all link lists
  • All source modules require a new #include line to get "fhiclcpp/types/Name.h"
  • Several modules that used art::Selector needed small changes to bring them into compliance with the new art::Selector

Upgrade G4 to v4_10_6_p02a

26 Jun 22:46
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The main reason for this tag is to capture the upgrade to the new version of Geant4.

Since the v09_05_00 there have been the following merged pull requests:

#211 soleti/poms_campaign - POMS configuration for CORSIKA jobs
#208 resnegfk/g41062 - Upgrade G4 to v4_10_6_p02a
#210 bonventre/threadsafety - StrawResponse only
#207 ryuwd/TrackerAlignment2 - Code to determined alignment from data
#205 ryuwd/scons-optimisations - Only affects build, not run time.
#209 ryuwd/fix-tool-satbuild - bug fix to build system for Satellite releases
#206 AndrewEdmonds11/trkqual-dev - Fix where MVA tool looks for it's input
#201 ryuwd/TrackerAlignment - Code to determined alignment from data
#197 resnegfk/g4ei - Enable proper restoration of ions in multistage jobs
#179 resnegfk/g4106 - Upgrade G4 to 10.6.p01
#194 gianipez/trigDev - Add TriggerInfo data product
#204 soleti/chdiag_fix - Add dot to path names with the same struct.

For Spring 2020 ANL Daya Bay Stage 1 Production

28 May 23:06
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Requested by Yuri to support running Daya Bay MC

Included pull requests:
PR #200 from ehrlich-uva/master
PR #202 from ryuwd/fix-srep-memory
PR #198 from bonventre/cosmicDriftFit
PR #199 from ehrlich-uva/master
PR #196 from ehrlich-uva/master
PR #188 from bechenard/FlagBkgHits
PR #167 from AndrewEdmonds11/trkqual-dev
PR #193 from gaponenko/g4cuts
PR #195 from gianipez/dev
PR #183 from gianipez/ots_v09_03_00

Update art to v3_05_01

11 May 23:14
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This tag captures an upgrade to a new version of art that is needed for a bugfix. See PR #189 and art issue . There are also a handful of other bug fixes and small improvements.

This tag includes the following pull requests:
#189 from rlcee/art_v3_05_01
#190 from ryuwd/patch-6
#191 from AndrewEdmonds11/remove-index-map-art-wrapper
#192 from rlcee/fix_deps
#178 from gaponenko/smallfix
#185 from resnegfk/g4iso
#184 from ryuwd/patch-6
#182 from soleti/master

Tag for testing grid workflow software

21 Apr 21:15
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This tag was made in order to get a current release for testing new grid workflow software.

Updated tag for CRV stage 2 production at ANL

16 Apr 22:13
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This tag includes an update to a new version of art that fixes the bug that causes art to ignore the number of schedules and threads specified in fcl. There are other updates as well.

Tag for CRY resampling production run at ANL

10 Apr 21:12
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PR #160 - Improve seeding for random number engines in worker threads
PR #162 - Make aligned panel objects in the aligned tracker
PR #166 - Move Birk's constant setting to ConstructMaterials;
PR #169 - Bug fix in G4 MT worker thread shutdown
PR #172 - Improvment to G4 MT worker thread shutdown

Upgrade raw data formats.

26 Mar 02:36
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Major rewrite of the raw data formats and the code that makes them from simulated digis and the code that turns fragments into digis. This change is backwards breaking because the data formats have changed. It also requires new version of two ups products:

mu2e_artdaq_core v1_03_07
pcie_linux_kernel_module v2_02_13

Last tag prior to change in raw data formats.

26 Mar 02:31
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This tag documents the last stable commit prior to an upgrade of the raw data formats. The next tag will be a breaking change because the raw data formats are completely different.