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Releases: Mu2e/Offline

Last commit with art v3_09_02

24 Jul 00:55
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Tag the state of the repo before the upgrade to art v3_09_03.

v10_03_00: Merge pull request #525 from michaelmackenzie/GeomSTMRebase

08 Jul 18:01
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MDC2020 Pre-production release

23 Jun 20:43
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Pre-production release for 1% test Beam production.

Ready for next round of MDC2020 testing

17 Jun 00:22
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The release is being made to enable the next round of testing for MDC2020.

Most of the merges are incorporating new features to be used in MDC2020. Also includes the addition of the Production Target Scanning Monitor, improvements to the TEveEventDisplay and some bug fixes.

Upgrade art to v3_09_01 and g4 to v4_10_7_p01c

29 May 03:45
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This marks a waypoint on a long string of development towards MDC2020. See:

There are breaking changes

  • Older versions of Offline cannot read files written by this version. But this version can read files written by older versions.
  • See the introduction to PR #409 for a description of code changes that you may need to make in privately maintained code

Final tag before start of MDC2020

29 May 03:19
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This tag captures the head of master after a long development effort towards MDC2020.

For running new MT simulation jobs at ANL

22 Dec 16:33
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This tag will be used to test if PR #302 indeed fixes crashes that occurred about 60k events into jobs on BeBop. If the tests pass this will be used for stage 2 cosmic MC production at ANL.

The integrated since v09_11_00 are:

PR #301 from goodenou/RNseeds_with_cryptopp
PR #297 from gianipez/trigger_prolog_fix
PR #300 from kutschke/VMInfo
PR #302 from macndev/s105
PR #296 from rlcee/align_checks
PR #298 from brownd1978/matfix
PR #284 from gaponenko/extmon-geom
PR #295 from macndev/s104at286
PR #286 from gianipez/trigger_updates_20201203
PR #287 from rlcee/val_calo_update
PR #282 from brownd1978/trkcond2
PR #283 from AndrewEdmonds11/no-compression-option
PR #291 from brownd1978/mhbug
PR #289 from rlcee/instability_fix
PR #278 from macndev/mod
PR #279 from resnegfk/g4msc
PR #270 from bechenard/caloDevRebase
PR #277 from AndrewEdmonds11/mva-db-fix2
PR #276 from rlcee/rmDbExample
PR #275 from rlcee/alignpath
PR #274 from rlcee/alignflag
PR #271 from macndev/e20
PR #265 from AndrewEdmonds11/mdc2020-step-mixing-combined
PR #267 from bonventre/PBT
PR #268 from bonventre/newdigi

For Stage 1 beam sims for Mu2eII

13 Nov 04:35
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First production of simulated POT for Mu2eII for Snowmass 2021.

Last release able to read existing StrawDigis, a breaking change.

16 Oct 21:54
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This tag captures the state of the repository immediately prior to merging PR #268 which will be a breaking change. This is the last version of master able to read files that contain the current generation of StrawDigis. Since the previous tag we have the following merges.

#264 from soleti/corsika_campaign - Configuration for the Corsika campaign
#261 from brownd1978/ptmfix       - Add config for excluding proton times from cosmics, and some additional protection/diagnostics.
#258 from brownd1978/trkcond      - Add conditions support for Tracker hardware status (replaces DeadStraw).
#259 from bonventre/digideadtime  - Added back in tracker digitization deadtime, adjusted to 400 ns
#257 from kutschke/overlapFix     - hanged geometry file for overlap checks to geom_common_current.txt
#244 from sophiemiddleton/TEve    - First release of TEveMu2e Event Display
#251 from kutschke/setupFix       - Remove definition of obsolete environment	variables from
#242 from brownd1978/val          - Correct histogram title in the validation package

For digitization of the CRY4 sample

08 Oct 16:04
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This release will be used for digitization of the CRY4 sample - the critical PR is PR#261.

The full set of PRs capture by this release:

PR#264 soleti/corsika_campaign -  Configuraiton for CORSIKA jobs
PR#261 brownd1978/ptmfix       -  Add config for excluding proton times cosmics, and some additional protection/diagnostics.
PR#258 brownd1978/trkcond      -  Add conditions support for Tracker hardware status (replaces DeadStraw).
PR#259 bonventre/digideadtime  -  Added back in tracker digitization deadtime, adjusted to 400 ns
PR#257 kutschke/overlapFix     -  Changed overlap check to use geom_common_current.txt
PR#244 sophiemiddleton/TEve    -  First release of TEve based event display
PR#251 kutschke/setupFix       -  Remove definitions of obsolete envrionment variables
PR#242 brownd1978/val          -  Correct typos in histogram titles in validation histograms.