Releases: Mu2e/Muse
mtc name change
fix duplication problem
- add muse list head
- use ART_VERSION in status
- prevent obscure bug where a source is doubled in its declaration
remove previous method to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH for ntuples which need root dictionaries loaded. Replace it with setting ROOT_LIBRARY_PATH to include the lib subdirectory if the repo's .muse contains the flag ROOT_LIBRARY_PATH
In Muse with spack, we are trying to avoid setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH. However, root expects to dynamically find and load dictionaries using this path. The solution here is to look for a flag "ROOT_NTUPLE" in the repo's .muse file. If there, Muse will add the libraries for this repo to the path. If Offline is also in the environment and built with Muse, then its libs will also be added to the path. This is necessary because some objects in TrkAna are defined in Offline.
fix spack path order
This fixes a bug where in spack mode, locally-built bins were being post-pended instead of pre-pended. This would only be a problem if a locally-build bin had a backing to the same bin.
more spack2
- also replace dropit
more spack
- do not use UPS flavor
- issue error on local artexternals in spack mode
bash function
- change order of setup ops and check for work dir exists, so can be used in either order
- added file to be sourced for function in spack
setup ops
RPATH in spack mode
Triggered by environmental MU2E_SPACK
- put library paths in MUSE_LIBRARY_PATH instead of LD_LIBRARY_PATH
- add RPATH link command with minimal relative path within local build and full path to cvmfs spack env
- several secondary build features are untested
building like this allows a build and run with no LD_LIBRARY_PATH