IPventur nmap frontend for Python3 and curses with nmap3 module
This is v1.5 of ncurses-IPventur.py
Python 3.8 or higher
$ git clone https://github.com/nmmapper/python3-nmap.git
cd python3-nmap
chmod a+x build.sh
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt && pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt
additional requirements for ncurses-IPventur.py:
for Windows:
"pip3 install -r requirements-win.txt"
for Linux:
"pip3 install -r requirements-linux.txt"
"sudo apt install nmap" or: "sudo yum install nmap"
Windows: https://nmap.org/download.html
start program (recommended as root) with: "python ncurses-IPventur.py"
Note: goal for this program was to write an easy to use frontend for nmap. Any feedback welcome.
Update betav5 version:
- added IP format check
- added if nmap program exist
- restart program when IP address is wrong
- redesign windows design
- restructure python code
Still missing:
- ask after a complete scan for a new scan or leaving... (will be soon in v6)
Update betav6 version:
- added terminal window size check of 34 x 111, otherwise program will not starts
- added restart menu after a completed scan
- some minor design changes
Update betav7 version:
- resolved json format saving bug
- added actual screen size, to windows size error message
- minor design change
Update betav8 version:
- added notes that some nmap scan options are not valid for Windows OS yet
- added some new menu points
- changed some minor style issues
Note: new features will be added son! stay tune.
Update v1.1 version:
added final version 1.1:
- added screen size check and display actual screen size
- re-org menu list and add/removed some scan techniqs
- re-start within the menu window, and not the whole prog
- some minor style changes
Update v1.2 version:
- changed some scan techniques (udp scan has still an issue on Windows 10 machine, python3-nmap author is informed)
- added result output when you leave the program
- some minor style changes
Update v1.3 version:
- output files have new naming convention and correct file extension .json or .txt
- changed scan menu, because udp scan needs admin/root rights, also contacted the python3-nmap author to resolve the udp scan under Windows 10
- some minor style changes
Update 1.4 version:
- add time to the outputfile and change output file naming convetion
- change displaying date format to day-month-year
Update 1.5 version
- moved scan technic udp scan to the admin/root area
- input text can now delete with backspace
- added estimate scanning times, because of nmap the scan process can be very long (around 30 minutes) depends of the nmap technic like udp_scan and the size of the scanned network
- some minor cosmetic changes