The bot that lives in #kerala on MozNet (Mozilla) IRC and the Mozilla Kerala Telegram group.
for Running Botzilla you need:
Step 1 On Telegram, open the @BotFather profile, and start to talk with “him”. You can open the conversation by clicking here. If the screen remains empty, update your Telegram client, or write “/start”
Step 2 The first thing you’ll have to do is to create a new bot. Type the command “/newbot”. BotFather will ask you for a bot name and a bot username, username of the bot should always end with the "bot" suffix like “@mozkproxybot”, or “@awsmlistbot” for example.
BotFather will reply with a bot token , you have to copy it
Step 1 Clone the repo by copying and pasting the code in your terminal
git clone
Step 2
Open the Config.js with your favorite text editor and edit the keys according to your requirement
module.exports = {
tgbot_token: 'bot token you got',
tgbot_name: '@username of yourbot',
tg_chatId: 'Chat id of your telegram group',
server: 'irc network eg:',
channel: 'irc channel name eg:#kerala_testing',
nick: 'nick name to use by the bot in IRC eg:botzilla',
enabled: false,
admin_id: telegram id of admin,
admin_name: 'Name of admin'
Step 3 to start botzilla Run the following command on your terminal
node index.js