A library for easy usage of the mongo-scala-driver (5.1.xa). Full MongoDB Functionality in Scala with a few lines of code.
We currently testing with '4.4', '5.0', '6.0', '7.0' and '8.0'.
- Easy Database setup with Config file
- Compressor Support
- Database Commands, Changes Stream, ...
- DAO Pattern for collection
- DAO Pattern for GridFS
- GridFS: Upload from InputStream, Download to OutputStream
- Implicit conversions for Document, Bson, ObjectID ...
- Reactive Streams Support
- Json loading from File, Conversion to plain Json
- Local Server Support mongo-java-server
- Collection Sync
- ...
Documentation can be found here.
Scala Version is 3.6.x / 2.13.x
Add following lines to your build.sbt (replace x.x with the actual Version)
libraryDependencies += "dev.mongocamp" %% "mongodb-driver" % "3.x.x"
Define MongoDB Connection and DAO objects for automatic case class conversion.
import java.util.Date
import dev.mongocamp.driver.mongodb.MongoDAO
import dev.mongocamp.driver.mongodb.database.DatabaseProvider
import org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecRegistries._
import org.mongodb.scala.bson.ObjectId
import org.mongodb.scala.bson.codecs.Macros._
import dev.mongocamp.driver.mongodb.json._
import io.circe.generic.auto._
* import mongodb restaurants sample data
object RestaurantDatabase {
case class Address(street: String, building: String, zipcode: String, coord: List[Double])
case class Grade(date: Date, grade: String, score: Int)
case class Restaurant(restaurant_id: String, name: String, borough: String, cuisine: String, grades: List[Grade], address: Address, _id: ObjectId = new ObjectId())
val provider = DatabaseProvider.fromPath("dev.mongocamp")
object RestaurantDAO extends MongoDAO[Restaurant](provider, "restaurants")
Import the database object and execute some find and CRUD functions on the DAO object ...
import dev.mongocamp.driver.mongodb.demo.restaurant.RestaurantDemoDatabase._
import dev.mongocamp.driver.mongodb._
trait RestaurantDemoDatabaseFunctions {
* single result with implicit conversion to Entity Option
def findRestaurantByName(name: String): Option[Restaurant] = RestaurantDAO.find("name", name)
def restaurantsSize: Long = RestaurantDAO.count()
* result with implicit conversion to List of Entities
def findAllRestaurants(filterValues: Map[String, Any] = Map()): List[Restaurant] = RestaurantDAO.find(filterValues)
Use the mongodb functions in your app ...
object RestaurantDemoApp extends App with RestaurantDemoDatabaseFunctions {
// find specific restaurant by name as Option Result
val restaurant = findRestaurantByName("Dj Reynolds Pub And Restaurant")
// use count function
// find restaurants by filter
private val filter = Map("address.zipcode" -> "10075", "cuisine" -> "Italian")
val restaurants = findAllRestaurants(filter)
restaurants.sortBy(r => r.name).foreach(r => println(r.name))
Write some spec tests ...
import dev.mongocamp.driver.mongodb.demo.restaurant.RestaurantDemoDatabase._
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
class RestaurantDemoSpec extends Specification with RestaurantDemoDatabaseFunctions {
"RestaurantDemo" should {
"find restaurant by name in" in {
val restaurantSearch = findRestaurantByName("Dj Reynolds Pub And Restaurant")
restaurantSearch must beSome[Restaurant]
val restaurant = restaurantSearch.get
restaurant.borough must be equalTo "Manhattan"
docker rm -f mongodb;
docker run -d --publish 27017:27017 --name mongodb mongocamp/mongodb:latest;
sbt +test
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