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ECE 493 Capstone Project

KnowledgeKart is a student trading platform where users can post listings to sell to other users. Users can also view and search for listings, interacting with users using a chat interface.

There are several containers in the compose file:

  • postgres (database)
  • pgadmin4 (database administration)
  • nginx (reverse proxy / tls)
  • flask (frontend)
  • grafana (analytics)
  • etl (analytics process)
  • init-grafana (initial grafana script)


Ensure you have either Docker Desktop, or Docker Engine and Docker CLI. See:

  • Clone the repo into your desired directory.
  • Direct into the directory. Use:
    • docker compose build
    • docker compose up To start the containers. You can also use
    • docker compose up --build as a shorthand for this.

To run in the background, add the -d flag to the end.


You may need to use sudo before Docker commands for them to operate properly. Check out this URL to mitigate this.


There is a chance that Docker does not have permission to files. If you receive: error docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied postgres exited with code 126


  • chmod +x db-setup/

If you receive: open .docker/buildx/current: permission denied


  • sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/.docker


Certain distros and Windows struggle with Docker DNS resolving. If containers cannot communicate, compose down then compose up.

You should now be able to navigate to localhost/

There are three default administrative users:

Do not change these user's password, and instead change the .env file before startup.

There are several sample users:

To access analytics, go to localhost/grafana The specific dashboard is at localhost/grafana/d/analytics/

Login with either:

  • kkowner and kkownerpass
  • kkadmin and kkadminpass

To stop Docker, use CTRL+C in the terminal, or in another terminal

  • docker compose down

To remove changes to the database, use:

  • docker compose down --volumes which removes volumes, and refreshes everything on next startup.

You can clear installed images by using

  • docker image prune -a This clears all images and allows for a fresh run.

Functional Requirements

Here is further description on some functional requirements.


  • The best way to evaluate that emails are working is register using your own ualberta email, and [email protected], since we would rather not spam joe :) .


  • There are two verdicts, close and suspend, but will mark the report as closed in the database.
  • The difference is that suspend is reflected in the kkuser table in main.


  • Administrative users can file a report against a user, to ensure that a reason will be given, which allows them to suspend.


  • See SQL/analytics/core, where there are three fact tables, and the "sale" fact table being core_listing.
  • dim_date, dim_time, dim_status, dim_condition, and dim_categorytype are the relevant tables
  • in the files themselves, you can see reduced columns


  • SQL/analytics/core/1-CREATE_TABLE_core_delta.sql is where delta columns are stored. Primary keys are used as deltas.


  • See SQL/analytics/datamart, where there are 6 reports aggregating information.
  • For the final sentence, the use of "such as" was deliberate, as at the time we were not sure what could be visualized. We formally decided to use category and condition.


  • Data mart updates are done first by update_etl changing the core database, and core_etl re-performing the operations


  • The analytics dashboard is refreshed every minute (see top right corner)
  • Slicing is done through the time picker in the top right, and specific date/time dimensions on the top left
  • Dicing is done through category and condition. There are figures/graphs already diced by status.
  • To export figures and reports, click the ellipses at the top right of any figure, and select "View Data". There should be an option to export as .csv