High-level programming and Python modules were carried out during Full Stack Software Engineering studies at Alx School.
- Shell Scripts are written in Bash 4.3.11(1)
- Python Scripts are written with Python 3.4.3
- Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
All of the following folders are projects done during the studies:
- 0x00. Python - Hello, World
- 0x01. Python - if/else, loops, functions
- 0x02. Python - import & modules
- 0x03. Python - Data Structures: Lists, Tuples
- 0x04. Python - More Data Structures: Set, Dictionary
- 0x05. Python - Exceptions
- 0x06. Python - Classes and Objects
- 0x07. Python - Test-driven development
- 0x08. Python - More Classes and Objects
- 0x09. Python - Everything is object
- 0x0A. Python - Inheritance
- 0x0B. Python - Input/Output
- 0x0C. Python - Almost a circle
- 0x0D. SQL - Introduction
- 0x0E. SQL - More queries
- 0x0F. python - Object relational mapping
- 0x10. Python - Network 0
- 0x11. Python - Network 1
- 0x12. JavaScript - Warm up
- 0x13. JavaScript - Objects, Scopes and Closures