├── src
│ ├── assets: images, logos, etc.
│ ├── components: jsx UI components
│ ├── lib: static information like team member names and assay lists
│ ├── main.css: Compiled from sass/main.sass
│ ├── sass: source sass styling
│ ├── storybook.test.js: initialize snapshots for storybook tests
│ ├── storybookSnapshotInit.Skiptest.js: rename Skiptest to test to include snapshot testing
│ ├── testData: Mock data used in stories and tests
│ └── [Component/Feature Name]: contains reducers, actions, components, subcomponents, and tests
│ | └── __test__: contains the storybook story and jest tests for the feature.
├── public
├── .storybook: configuration for storybook
├── .eslintrc: ESlint configuration
├── .prettierrc.js: Prettier configuration
├── .stylelint.config.js: StyleLint configurations for Sass Linting
- Create [component].jsx file in src/[Component]
- Create storybook snapshots file src/[Component]/__test__/[component].stories.jsx
- Create tests in src/[Component]/__test__/[component].test.jsx
- Integrate required actions and reducers in to the components directory (ex. for upload handling logic that would be src/UploadPage/uploadReducer.js)
- If it is a full page, add routing logic to src/App/App.jsx
- Set
environment to16.20.x
, or usenvm
to runnvm use v16.20.0
- If
directory already exist in your local working copy, runrm -fr node_modules/
andrm -f yarn.lock
. - Create a
file at the root of the local working copy and addESLINT_NO_DEV_ERRORS=true
. - Add additional required environment variables to the
file in root (e.g. the API service address) - Run
yarn install
- Set
Building CSS: Uses sass in
yarn sass
- Compiles sass from
yarn sass-watch
- Compiles sass from
and watches for changes
Running React App:
yarn start
- Runs core React app at localhost:3000
Running Storybook:
yarn run storybook
- Runs storybook server at localhost:9009
yarn test
- Runs tests and storybook snapshots
yarn test --coverage
- Runs all tests and returns table illustrating code coverage
Quickly inspect someone's branch:
yarn inspect-branch
- Compiles Scss, rebuilds node_modules if different, and starts react app
- Check your version:
node --version
- If the version is not 16, you can
brew install node@16
or use [nvm](https://github. com/creationix/nvm/blob/master/README.md#installation), the Node Version Manager
- Check your version:
- Storybook used to visualize individual UI components
Style guide:
- localtunnel used to serve react app with command
lt --port 3000
after running the app usingyarn start
in a seperate terminal - url from localtunnel used to test in Twitter Card Validator and the Facebook Sharing Debugger
evaluates to nothing if the application is running on the dev server so the images which require absolute urls may not display
- Components that need to be linked to a redux store in implementation are exported by default as connected functions/containers. They are also exported in pure function form (ex: "import { UploadScreen } from 'path/to/component' " for pure function and "import UploadScreen from 'path/to/component'" for container).
- mapStateToProps used to link the section from the combined reducer to properties required by the container
- mapDispatchtoProps defines required actions and what to send to a reducer.
- redux-thunk middleware used to handle asynchronous requests like for authentication
- Storybook has trouble integrating with react-router, I installed a package called storybook-react-router to make them work together. If you run in to an issue with storybook saying something like "You should not use outside " it has something to do with react-router and storybook-react-router
- React-router is being used to handle routing
- history ( createBrowserHistory ) is used to update location from button clicks and function calls ( history.push('path/to/new/location') )
- < Link > tags from react-router are used in place of < a > tags handle navigation from links. Certain elements return < Redirect to="path/to/new/location" > elements if protected and user not authenticated.
- Analysis page only uses routing to differentiate between human and analysis (/analysis/human or /analysis/animal). After that it acts as a single page application.
- Makes call to backend for a list of uploads (size depending maxRows variable) on a given page. Expects backend to give total count of uploads fitting filters and the uploads for a specific page. (e.g on page 2, with 10 rows per page, expects items 11-20 from backend and a count of all rows that fit current filters)
- Changing filters should also call backend
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