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Repository for Mitsunee's Portfolio site - written with Astro & Preact

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Development Setup

This project uses Astro with Preact for interactive components.

Make sure you have node.js (version 18 or higher) and pnpm (version 8) installed. Install all dependencies and start the Development server:

pnpm install
pnpm dev

There are git hooks in place to format all staged files prior to committing. Please run pnpm lint prior to committing if your editor does not integrate ESLint. Github Actions will check formatting, lint and check types on each push.


These are the same commands also run in CI on every push:

pnpm lint:strict
pnpm format:check
pnpm typecheck
Full list of commands
pnpm format # formats entire codebase
pnpm format:check # checks formatting on entire codebase
pnpm lint # standard lint check on entire codebase
pnpm lint:fix # standard lint check on entire codebase with autofix enabled
pnpm lint:strict # strict lint check on entire codebase
pnpm dev # start dev server
pnpm typecheck # run typechecks on entire codebase
pnpm build:types # generates content/data collection types
pnpm build # create production build

Production build

Simply run the build script:

pnpm build

To test a production build locally either use pnpm astro preview or binserve with the provided configuration.