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API Reference
mingun edited this page May 22, 2014
198 revisions
Everything in D3 is scoped under the d3
D3 uses semantic versioning. You can find the current version of D3 as d3.version
See one of:
- Core - selections, transitions, data, localization, colors, etc.
- Scales - convert between data and visual encodings
- SVG - utilities for creating Scalable Vector Graphics
- Time - parse or format times, compute calendar intervals, etc.
- Layouts - derive secondary data for positioning elements
- Geography - project spherical coordinates, latitude & longitude math
- Geometry - utilities for 2D geometry, such as Voronoi diagrams and quadtrees
- Behaviors - reusable interaction behaviors
- d3.select - select an element from the current document.
- d3.selectAll - select multiple elements from the current document.
- selection.attr - get or set attribute values.
- selection.classed - add or remove CSS classes.
- selection.style - get or set style properties.
- selection.property - get or set raw properties.
- selection.text - get or set text content.
- selection.html - get or set inner HTML content.
- selection.append - create and append new elements.
- selection.insert - create and insert new elements before existing elements.
- selection.remove - remove elements from the document.
- selection.data - get or set data for a group of elements, while computing a relational join.
- selection.enter - returns placeholders for missing elements.
- selection.exit - returns elements that are no longer needed.
- selection.datum - get or set data for individual elements, without computing a join.
- selection.filter - filter a selection based on data.
- selection.sort - sort elements in the document based on data.
- selection.order - reorders elements in the document to match the selection.
- selection.on - add or remove event listeners for interaction.
- selection.transition - start a transition on the selected elements.
- selection.interrupt - immediately interrupt the current transition, if any.
- selection.each - call a function for each selected element.
- selection.call - call a function passing in the current selection.
- selection.empty - returns true if the selection is empty.
- selection.node - returns the first node in the selection.
- selection.size - returns the number of elements in the selection.
- selection.select - subselect a descendant element for each selected element.
- selection.selectAll - subselect multiple descendants for each selected element.
- d3.selection - augment the selection prototype, or test instance types.
- d3.event - access the current user event for interaction.
- d3.mouse - gets the mouse position relative to a specified container.
- d3.touch - gets a touch position relative to a specified container.
- d3.touches - gets the touch positions relative to a specified container.
- d3.transition - start an animated transition.
- transition.delay - specify per-element delay in milliseconds.
- transition.duration - specify per-element duration in milliseconds.
- transition.ease - specify transition easing function.
- transition.attr - smoothly transition to the new attribute value.
- transition.attrTween - smoothly transition between two attribute values.
- transition.style - smoothly transition to the new style property value.
- transition.styleTween - smoothly transition between two style property values.
- transition.text - set the text content when the transition starts.
- transition.tween - specify a custom tween operator to run as part of the transition.
- transition.select - start a transition on a descendant element for each selected element.
- transition.selectAll - start a transition on multiple descendants for each selected element.
- transition.filter - filter a transition based on data.
- transition.transition - when this transition ends, start another one on the same elements.
- transition.remove - remove selected elements at the end of a transition.
- transition.empty - returns true if the transition is empty.
- transition.node - returns the first node in the transition.
- transition.size - returns the number of elements in the selection.
- transition.each - add a listener for transition end events.
- transition.call - call a function passing in the current transition.
- d3.ease - customize transition timing.
- ease - a parametric easing function.
- d3.timer - start a custom animation timer.
- d3.timer.flush - immediately execute any zero-delay timers.
- d3.interpolate - interpolate two values.
- interpolate - a parametric interpolation function.
- d3.interpolateNumber - interpolate two numbers.
- d3.interpolateRound - interpolate two integers.
- d3.interpolateString - interpolate two strings.
- d3.interpolateRgb - interpolate two RGB colors.
- d3.interpolateHsl - interpolate two HSL colors.
- d3.interpolateLab - interpolate two L*a*b* colors.
- d3.interpolateHcl - interpolate two HCL colors.
- d3.interpolateArray - interpolate two arrays of values.
- d3.interpolateObject - interpolate two arbitrary objects.
- d3.interpolateTransform - interpolate two 2D matrix transforms.
- d3.interpolateZoom - zoom and pan between two points smoothly.
- d3.interpolators - register a custom interpolator.
- d3.ascending - compare two values for sorting.
- d3.descending - compare two values for sorting.
- d3.min - find the minimum value in an array.
- d3.max - find the maximum value in an array.
- d3.extent - find the minimum and maximum value in an array.
- d3.sum - compute the sum of an array of numbers.
- d3.mean - compute the arithmetic mean of an array of numbers.
- d3.median - compute the median of an array of numbers (the 0.5-quantile).
- d3.quantile - compute a quantile for a sorted array of numbers.
- d3.bisect - search for a value in a sorted array.
- d3.bisectRight - search for a value in a sorted array.
- d3.bisectLeft - search for a value in a sorted array.
- d3.bisector - bisect using an accessor or comparator.
- d3.shuffle - randomize the order of an array.
- d3.permute - reorder an array of elements according to an array of indexes.
- d3.zip - transpose a variable number of arrays.
- d3.transpose - transpose an array of arrays.
- d3.pairs - returns an array of adjacent pairs of elements.
- d3.keys - list the keys of an associative array.
- d3.values - list the values of an associated array.
- d3.entries - list the key-value entries of an associative array.
- d3.merge - merge multiple arrays into one array.
- d3.range - generate a range of numeric values.
- d3.nest - group array elements hierarchically.
- nest.key - add a level to the nest hierarchy.
- nest.sortKeys - sort the current nest level by key.
- nest.sortValues - sort the leaf nest level by value.
- nest.rollup - specify a rollup function for leaf values.
- nest.map - evaluate the nest operator, returning an associative array.
- nest.entries - evaluate the nest operator, returning an array of key-values tuples.
- d3.map - a shim for ES6 maps, since objects are not hashes!
- map.has - returns true if the map contains the specified key.
- map.get - returns the value for the specified key.
- map.set - sets the value for the specified key.
- map.remove - removes the entry for specified key.
- map.keys - returns the map’s array of keys.
- map.values - returns the map’s array of values.
- map.entries - returns the map’s array of entries (key-values objects).
- map.forEach - calls the specified function for each entry in the map.
- map.empty - returns false if the map has at least one entry.
- map.size - returns the number of entries in the map.
- d3.set - a shim for ES6 sets, since objects are not hashes!
- set.has - returns true if the set contains the specified value.
- set.add - adds the specified value.
- set.remove - removes the specified value.
- set.values - returns the set’s array of values.
- set.forEach - calls the specified function for each value in the set.
- set.empty - returns true if the set has at least one value.
- set.size - returns the number of values in the set.
- d3.random.normal - generate a random number with a normal distribution.
- d3.random.logNormal - generate a random number with a log-normal distribution.
- d3.random.bates - generate a random number with a Bates distribution.
- d3.random.irwinHall - generate a random number with an Irwin–Hall distribution.
- d3.transform - compute the standard form of a 2D matrix transform.
- d3.xhr - request a resource using XMLHttpRequest.
- xhr.header - set a request header.
- xhr.mimeType - set the Accept request header and override the response MIME type.
- xhr.response - set a response mapping function.
- xhr.get - issue a GET request.
- xhr.post - issue a POST request.
- xhr.send - issue a request with the specified method and data.
- xhr.abort - abort an outstanding request.
- xhr.on - add an event listener for "progress", "load" or "error" events.
- d3.text - request a text file.
- d3.json - request a JSON blob.
- d3.html - request an HTML document fragment.
- d3.xml - request an XML document fragment.
- d3.csv - request a comma-separated values (CSV) file.
- d3.tsv - request a tab-separated values (TSV) file.
- d3.format - format a number as a string.
- d3.formatPrefix - returns the SI prefix for the specified value and precision.
- d3.requote - quote a string for use in a regular expression.
- d3.round - rounds a value to some digits after the decimal point.
- d3.csv - request a comma-separated values (CSV) file.
- d3.csv.parse - parse a CSV string into objects using the header row.
- d3.csv.parseRows - parse a CSV string into tuples, ignoring the header row.
- d3.csv.format - format an array of objects into a CSV string.
- d3.csv.formatRows - format an array of tuples into a CSV string.
- d3.tsv - request a tab-separated values (TSV) file.
- d3.tsv.parse - parse a TSV string into objects using the header row.
- d3.tsv.parseRows - parse a TSV string into tuples, ignoring the header row.
- d3.tsv.format - format an array of objects into a TSV string.
- d3.tsv.formatRows - format an array of tuples into a TSV string.
- d3.dsv - create a parser/formatter for the specified delimiter and mime type.
- d3.locale - create a new locale using the specified strings.
- locale.numberFormat - create a new number formatter.
- locale.timeFormat - create a new time formatter / parser.
- d3.rgb - specify a color in RGB space.
- rgb.brighter - increase RGB channels by some exponential factor (gamma).
- rgb.darker - decrease RGB channels by some exponential factor (gamma).
- rgb.hsl - convert from RGB to HSL.
- rgb.toString - convert an RGB color to a string.
- d3.hsl - specify a color in HSL space.
- hsl.brighter - increase lightness by some exponential factor (gamma).
- hsl.darker - decrease lightness by some exponential factor (gamma).
- hsl.rgb - convert from HSL to RGB.
- hsl.toString - convert an HSL color to a string.
- d3.lab - specify a color in L*a*b* space.
- lab.brighter - increase lightness by some exponential factor (gamma).
- lab.darker - decrease lightness by some exponential factor (gamma).
- lab.rgb - convert from L*a*b* to RGB.
- lab.toString - convert a L*a*b* color to a string.
- d3.hcl - specify a color in HCL space.
- hcl.brighter - increase lightness by some exponential factor (gamma).
- hcl.darker - decrease lightness by some exponential factor (gamma).
- hcl.rgb - convert from HCL to RGB.
- hcl.toString - convert an HCL color to a string.
- d3.ns.prefix - access or extend known XML namespaces.
- d3.ns.qualify - qualify a prefixed name, such as "xlink:href".
- d3.functor - create a function that returns a constant.
- d3.rebind - rebind an inherited getter/setter method to a subclass.
- d3.dispatch - create a custom event dispatcher.
- dispatch.on - register or unregister an event listener.
- dispatch.type - dispatch an event to registered listeners.
- d3.scale.linear - construct a linear quantitative scale.
- linear - get the range value corresponding to a given domain value.
- linear.invert - get the domain value corresponding to a given range value.
- linear.domain - get or set the scale's input domain.
- linear.range - get or set the scale's output range.
- linear.rangeRound - set the scale's output range, and enable rounding.
- linear.interpolate - get or set the scale's output interpolator.
- linear.clamp - enable or disable clamping of the output range.
- linear.nice - extend the scale domain to nice round numbers.
- linear.ticks - get representative values from the input domain.
- linear.tickFormat - get a formatter for displaying tick values.
- linear.copy - create a new scale from an existing scale.
- d3.scale.sqrt - construct a quantitative scale with a square root transform.
- d3.scale.pow - construct a quantitative scale with an exponential transform.
- pow - get the range value corresponding to a given domain value.
- pow.invert - get the domain value corresponding to a given range value.
- pow.domain - get or set the scale's input domain.
- pow.range - get or set the scale's output range.
- pow.rangeRound - set the scale's output range, and enable rounding.
- pow.interpolate - get or set the scale's output interpolator.
- pow.clamp - enable or disable clamping of the output range.
- pow.nice - extend the scale domain to nice round numbers.
- pow.ticks - get representative values from the input domain.
- pow.tickFormat - get a formatter for displaying tick values.
- pow.exponent - get or set the exponent power.
- pow.copy - create a new scale from an existing scale.
- d3.scale.log - construct a quantitative scale with an logarithmic transform.
- log - get the range value corresponding to a given domain value.
- log.invert - get the domain value corresponding to a given range value.
- log.domain - get or set the scale's input domain.
- log.range - get or set the scale's output range.
- log.rangeRound - set the scale's output range, and enable rounding.
- log.interpolate - get or set the scale's output interpolator.
- log.clamp - enable or disable clamping of the output range.
- log.nice - extend the scale domain to nice powers of ten.
- log.ticks - get representative values from the input domain.
- log.tickFormat - get a formatter for displaying tick values.
- log.copy - create a new scale from an existing scale.
- d3.scale.quantize - construct a linear quantitative scale with a discrete output range.
- quantize - get the range value corresponding to a given domain value.
- quantize.invertExtent - get the domain values for the specified range value.
- quantize.domain - get or set the scale's input domain.
- quantize.range - get or set the scale's output range (as discrete values).
- quantize.copy - create a new scale from an existing scale.
- d3.scale.threshold - construct a threshold scale with a discrete output range.
- threshold - get the range value corresponding to a given domain value.
- threshold.invertExtent - get the domain values for the specified range value.
- threshold.domain - get or set the scale's input domain.
- threshold.range - get or set the scale's output range (as discrete values).
- threshold.copy - create a new scale from an existing scale.
- d3.scale.quantile - construct a quantitative scale mapping to quantiles.
- quantile - get the range value corresponding to a given domain value.
- quantile.invertExtent - get the domain values for the specified range value.
- quantile.domain - get or set the scale's input domain (as discrete values).
- quantile.range - get or set the scale's output range (as discrete values).
- quantile.quantiles - get the scale's quantile bin thresholds.
- quantile.copy - create a new scale from an existing scale.
- d3.scale.identity - construct a linear identity scale.
- identity - the identity function.
- identity.invert - equivalent to identity; the identity function.
- identity.domain - get or set the scale's domain and range.
- identity.range - equivalent to identity.domain.
- identity.ticks - get representative values from the domain.
- identity.tickFormat - get a formatter for displaying tick values.
- identity.copy - create a new scale from an existing scale.
- d3.scale.ordinal - construct an ordinal scale.
- ordinal - get the range value corresponding to a given domain value.
- ordinal.domain - get or set the scale's input domain.
- ordinal.range - get or set the scale's output range.
- ordinal.rangePoints - divide a continuous output range for discrete points.
- ordinal.rangeBands - divide a continuous output range for discrete bands.
- ordinal.rangeRoundBands - divide a continuous output range for discrete bands.
- ordinal.rangeBand - get the discrete range band width.
- ordinal.rangeExtent - get the minimum and maximum values of the output range.
- ordinal.copy - create a new scale from an existing scale.
- d3.scale.category10 - construct an ordinal scale with ten categorical colors.
- d3.scale.category20 - construct an ordinal scale with twenty categorical colors.
- d3.scale.category20b - construct an ordinal scale with twenty categorical colors.
- d3.scale.category20c - construct an ordinal scale with twenty categorical colors.
- d3.svg.line - create a new line generator.
- line - generate a piecewise linear curve, as in a line chart.
- line.x - get or set the x-coordinate accessor.
- line.y - get or set the y-coordinate accessor.
- line.interpolate - get or set the interpolation mode.
- line.tension - get or set the cardinal spline tension.
- line.defined - control whether the line is defined at a given point.
- d3.svg.line.radial - create a new radial line generator.
- line - generate a piecewise linear curve, as in a polar line chart.
- line.radius - get or set the radius accessor.
- line.angle - get or set the angle accessor.
- line.defined - control whether the line is defined at a given point.
- d3.svg.area - create a new area generator.
- area - generate a piecewise linear area, as in an area chart.
- area.x - get or set the x-coordinate accessors.
- area.x0 - get or set the x0-coordinate (baseline) accessor.
- area.x1 - get or set the x1-coordinate (topline) accessor.
- area.y - get or set the y-coordinate accessors.
- area.y0 - get or set the y0-coordinate (baseline) accessor.
- area.y1 - get or set the y1-coordinate (topline) accessor.
- area.interpolate - get or set the interpolation mode.
- area.tension - get or set the cardinal spline tension.
- area.defined - control whether the area is defined at a given point.
- d3.svg.area.radial - create a new area generator.
- area - generate a piecewise linear area, as in a polar area chart.
- area.radius - get or set the radius accessors.
- area.innerRadius - get or set the inner radius (baseline) accessor.
- area.outerRadius - get or set the outer radius (topline) accessor.
- area.angle - get or set the angle accessors.
- area.startAngle - get or set the angle (baseline) accessor.
- area.endAngle - get or set the angle (topline) accessor.
- area.defined - control whether the area is defined at a given point.
- d3.svg.arc - create a new arc generator.
- arc - generate a solid arc, as in a pie or donut chart.
- arc.innerRadius - get or set the inner radius accessor.
- arc.outerRadius - get or set the outer radius accessor.
- arc.startAngle - get or set the start angle accessor.
- arc.endAngle - get or set the end angle accessor.
- arc.centroid - compute the arc centroid.
- d3.svg.symbol - create a new symbol generator.
- symbol - generate categorical symbols, as in a scatterplot.
- symbol.type - get or set the symbol type accessor.
- symbol.size - get or set the symbol size (in square pixels) accessor.
- d3.svg.symbolTypes - the array of supported symbol types.
- d3.svg.chord - create a new chord generator.
- chord - generate a quadratic Bézier connecting two arcs, as in a chord diagram.
- chord.radius - get or set the arc radius accessor.
- chord.startAngle - get or set the arc start angle accessor.
- chord.endAngle - get or set the arc end angle accessor.
- chord.source - get or set the source arc accessor.
- chord.target - get or set the target arc accessor.
- d3.svg.diagonal - create a new diagonal generator.
- diagonal - generate a two-dimensional Bézier connector, as in a node-link diagram.
- diagonal.source - get or set the source point accessor.
- diagonal.target - get or set the target point accessor.
- diagonal.projection - get or set an optional point transform.
- d3.svg.diagonal.radial - create a new diagonal generator.
- diagonal - generate a two-dimensional Bézier connector, as in a node-link diagram.
- d3.svg.axis - create a new axis generator.
- axis - creates or updates an axis for the given selection or transition.
- axis.scale - get or set the axis scale.
- axis.orient - get or set the axis orientation.
- axis.ticks - control how ticks are generated for the axis.
- axis.tickValues - specify tick values explicitly.
- axis.tickSize - specify the size of major, minor and end ticks.
- axis.innerTickSize - specify the size of inner ticks.
- axis.outerTickSize - specify the size of outer ticks.
- axis.tickPadding - specify padding between ticks and tick labels.
- axis.tickFormat - override the tick formatting for labels.
- d3.svg.brush - click and drag to select one- or two-dimensional regions.
- brush - apply a brush to the given selection or transition.
- brush.x - the brush’s x-scale, for horizontal brushing.
- brush.y - the brush’s y-scale, for vertical brushing.
- brush.extent - the brush’s extent in zero, one or two dimensions.
- brush.clear - reset the brush extent.
- brush.empty - whether or not the brush extent is empty.
- brush.on - listeners for when the brush is moved.
- brush.event - dispatch brush events after setting the extent.
- d3.time.format - create a new local time formatter for a given specifier.
- format - format a date into a string.
- format.parse - parse a string into a date.
- d3.time.format.multi - create a new local multi-resolution time formatter.
- d3.time.format.utc - create a new UTC time formatter for a given specifier.
- d3.time.format.iso - the ISO 8601 UTC time formatter.
- d3.time.scale - construct a linear time scale.
- scale - get the range value corresponding to a given domain value.
- scale.invert - get the domain value corresponding to a given range value.
- scale.domain - get or set the scale's input domain.
- scale.nice - extend the scale domain to nice round numbers.
- scale.range - get or set the scale's output range.
- scale.rangeRound - set the scale's output range, and enable rounding.
- scale.interpolate - get or set the scale's output interpolator.
- scale.clamp - enable or disable clamping of the output range.
- scale.ticks - get representative values from the input domain.
- scale.tickFormat - get a formatter for displaying tick values.
- scale.copy - create a new scale from an existing scale.
- d3.time.interval - a time interval in local time.
- interval - alias for interval.floor.
- interval.range - returns dates within the specified range.
- interval.floor - rounds down to the nearest interval.
- interval.round - rounds up or down to the nearest interval.
- interval.ceil - rounds up to the nearest interval.
- interval.offset - returns a date offset by some interval.
- interval.utc - returns the UTC-equivalent time interval.
- d3.time.day - every day (12:00 AM).
- d3.time.days - alias for day.range.
- d3.time.dayOfYear - computes the day number.
- d3.time.hour - every hour (e.g., 1:00 AM).
- d3.time.hours - alias for hour.range.
- d3.time.minute - every minute (e.g., 1:02 AM).
- d3.time.minutes - alias for minute.range.
- d3.time.month - every month (e.g., February 1, 12:00 AM).
- d3.time.months - alias for month.range.
- d3.time.second - every second (e.g., 1:02:03 AM).
- d3.time.seconds - alias for second.range.
- d3.time.sunday - every Sunday (e.g., February 5, 12:00 AM).
- d3.time.sundays - alias for sunday.range.
- d3.time.sundayOfYear - computes the sunday-based week number.
- d3.time.monday - every Monday (e.g., February 5, 12:00 AM).
- d3.time.mondays - alias for monday.range.
- d3.time.mondayOfYear - computes the monday-based week number.
- d3.time.tuesday - every Tuesday (e.g., February 5, 12:00 AM).
- d3.time.tuesdays - alias for tuesday.range.
- d3.time.tuesdayOfYear - computes the tuesday-based week number.
- d3.time.wednesday - every Wednesday (e.g., February 5, 12:00 AM).
- d3.time.wednesdays - alias for wednesday.range.
- d3.time.wednesdayOfYear - computes the wednesday-based week number.
- d3.time.thursday - every Thursday (e.g., February 5, 12:00 AM).
- d3.time.thursdays - alias for thursday.range.
- d3.time.thursdayOfYear - computes the thursday-based week number.
- d3.time.friday - every Friday (e.g., February 5, 12:00 AM).
- d3.time.fridays - alias for friday.range.
- d3.time.fridayOfYear - computes the friday-based week number.
- d3.time.saturday - every Saturday (e.g., February 5, 12:00 AM).
- d3.time.saturdays - alias for saturday.range.
- d3.time.saturdayOfYear - computes the saturday-based week number.
- d3.time.week - alias for sunday.
- d3.time.weeks - alias for sunday.range.
- d3.time.weekOfYear - alias for sundayOfYear.
- d3.time.year - every year (e.g., January 1, 12:00 AM).
- d3.time.years - alias for year.range.
- d3.layout.bundle - construct a new default bundle layout.
- bundle - apply Holten's hierarchical bundling algorithm to edges.
- d3.layout.chord - produce a chord diagram from a matrix of relationships.
- chord.matrix - get or set the matrix data backing the layout.
- chord.padding - get or set the angular padding between chord segments.
- chord.sortGroups - get or set the comparator function for groups.
- chord.sortSubgroups - get or set the comparator function for subgroups.
- chord.sortChords - get or set the comparator function for chords (z-order).
- chord.chords - retrieve the computed chord angles.
- chord.groups - retrieve the computed group angles.
- d3.layout.cluster - cluster entities into a dendrogram.
- cluster - alias for cluster.nodes.
- cluster.nodes - compute the cluster layout and return the array of nodes.
- cluster.links - compute the parent-child links between tree nodes.
- cluster.children - get or set the accessor function for child nodes.
- cluster.sort - get or set the comparator function for sibling nodes.
- cluster.separation - get or set the spacing function between neighboring nodes.
- cluster.size - get or set the layout size in x and y.
- cluster.nodeSize - specify a fixed size for each node.
- d3.layout.force - position linked nodes using physical simulation.
- force.on - listen to updates in the computed layout positions.
- force.nodes - get or set the array of nodes to layout.
- force.links - get or set the array of links between nodes.
- force.size - get or set the layout size in x and y.
- force.linkDistance - get or set the link distance.
- force.linkStrength - get or set the link strength.
- force.friction - get or set the friction coefficient.
- force.charge - get or set the charge strength.
- force.chargeDistance - get or set the maximum charge distance.
- force.gravity - get or set the gravity strength.
- force.theta - get or set the accuracy of the charge interaction.
- force.start - start or restart the simulation when the nodes change.
- force.resume - reheat the cooling parameter and restart simulation.
- force.stop - immediately terminate the simulation.
- force.alpha - get or set the layout's cooling parameter.
- force.tick - run the layout simulation one step.
- force.drag - bind a behavior to nodes to allow interactive dragging.
- d3.layout.hierarchy - derive a custom hierarchical layout implementation.
- hierarchy - alias for hierarchy.nodes.
- hierarchy.nodes - compute the layout and return the array of nodes.
- hierarchy.links - compute the parent-child links between tree nodes.
- hierarchy.children - get or set the accessor function for child nodes.
- hierarchy.sort - get or set the comparator function for sibling nodes.
- hierarchy.value - get or set the value accessor function.
- hierarchy.revalue - recompute the hierarchy values.
- d3.layout.histogram - construct a new default histogram layout.
- histogram - compute the distribution of data using quantized bins.
- histogram.value - get or set the value accessor function.
- histogram.range - get or set the considered value range.
- histogram.bins - specify how values are organized into bins.
- histogram.frequency - compute the distribution as counts or probabilities.
- d3.layout.pack - produce a hierarchical layout using recursive circle-packing.
- pack - alias for pack.nodes.
- pack.nodes - compute the pack layout and return the array of nodes.
- pack.links - compute the parent-child links between tree nodes.
- pack.children - get or set the children accessor function.
- pack.sort - control the order in which sibling nodes are traversed.
- pack.value - get or set the value accessor used to size circles.
- pack.size - specify the layout size in x and y.
- pack.radius - specify the node radius, rather than deriving it from value.
- pack.padding - specify the layout padding in (approximate) pixels.
- d3.layout.partition - recursively partition a node tree into a sunburst or icicle.
- partition - alias for partition.nodes.
- partition.nodes - compute the partition layout and return the array of nodes.
- partition.links - compute the parent-child links between tree nodes.
- partition.children - get or set the children accessor function.
- partition.sort - control the order in which sibling nodes are traversed.
- partition.value - get or set the value accessor used to size circles.
- partition.size - specify the layout size in x and y.
- d3.layout.pie - construct a new default pie layout.
- pie - compute the start and end angles for arcs in a pie or donut chart.
- pie.value - get or set the value accessor function.
- pie.sort - control the clockwise order of pie slices.
- pie.startAngle - get or set the overall start angle of the pie.
- pie.endAngle - get or set the overall end angle of the pie.
- d3.layout.stack - construct a new default stack layout.
- stack - compute the baseline for each series in a stacked bar or area chart.
- stack.values - get or set the values accessor function per series.
- stack.order - control the order in which series are stacked.
- stack.offset - specify the overall baseline algorithm.
- stack.x - get or set the x-dimension accessor function.
- stack.y - get or set the y-dimension accessor function.
- stack.out - get or set the output function for storing the baseline.
- d3.layout.tree - position a tree of nodes tidily.
- tree - alias for tree.nodes.
- tree.nodes - compute the tree layout and return the array of nodes.
- tree.links - compute the parent-child links between tree nodes.
- tree.children - get or set the children accessor function.
- tree.sort - control the order in which sibling nodes are traversed.
- tree.separation - get or set the spacing function between neighboring nodes.
- tree.size - specify the layout size in x and y.
- tree.nodeSize - specify a fixed size for each node.
- d3.layout.treemap - use recursive spatial subdivision to display a tree of nodes.
- treemap - alias for treemap.nodes.
- treemap.nodes - compute the treemap layout and return the array of nodes.
- treemap.links - compute the parent-child links between tree nodes.
- treemap.children - get or set the children accessor function.
- treemap.sort - control the order in which sibling nodes are traversed.
- treemap.value - get or set the value accessor used to size treemap cells.
- treemap.size - specify the layout size in x and y.
- treemap.padding - specify the padding between a parent and its children.
- treemap.round - enable or disable rounding to exact pixels.
- treemap.sticky - make the layout sticky for stable updates.
- treemap.mode - change the treemap layout algorithm.
- d3.geo.path - create a new geographic path generator.
- path - project the specified feature and render it to the context.
- path.projection - get or set the geographic projection.
- path.context - get or set the render context.
- path.pointRadius - get or set the radius to display point features.
- path.area - compute the projected area of a given feature.
- path.centroid - compute the projected centroid of a given feature.
- path.bounds - compute the projected bounds of a given feature.
- d3.geo.graticule - create a graticule generator.
- graticule - generate a MultiLineString of meridians and parallels.
- graticule.lines - generate an array of LineStrings of meridians and parallels.
- graticule.outline - generate a Polygon of the graticule’s extent.
- graticule.extent - get or set the major & minor extents.
- graticule.majorExtent - get or set the major extent.
- graticule.minorExtent - get or set the minor extent.
- graticule.step - get or set the major & minor step intervals.
- graticule.majorStep - get or set the major step intervals.
- graticule.minorStep - get or set the minor step intervals.
- graticule.precision - get or set the latitudinal precision.
- d3.geo.circle - create a circle generator.
- circle - generate a piecewise circle as a Polygon.
- circle.origin - specify the origin in latitude and longitude.
- circle.angle - specify the angular radius in degrees.
- circle.precision - specify the precision of the piecewise circle.
- d3.geo.area - compute the spherical area of a given feature.
- d3.geo.bounds - compute the latitude-longitude bounding box for a given feature.
- d3.geo.centroid - compute the spherical centroid of a given feature.
- d3.geo.distance - compute the great-arc distance between two points.
- d3.geo.interpolate - interpolate between two points along a great arc.
- d3.geo.length - compute the length of a line string or the perimeter of a polygon.
- d3.geo.rotation - create a rotation function for the specified angles [λ, φ, γ].
- rotation - rotate the given location around the sphere.
- rotation.invert - inverse-rotate the given location around the sphere.
- d3.geo.projection - create a standard projection from a raw projection.
- projection - project the specified location.
- projection.invert - invert the projection for the specified point.
- projection.rotate - get or set the projection’s three-axis rotation.
- projection.center - get or set the projection’s center location.
- projection.translate - get or set the projection’s translation position.
- projection.scale - get or set the projection’s scale factor.
- projection.clipAngle - get or set the radius of the projection’s clip circle.
- projection.clipExtent - get or set the projection’s viewport clip extent, in pixels.
- projection.precision - get or set the precision threshold for adaptive resampling.
- projection.stream - wrap the specified stream listener, projecting input geometry.
- d3.geo.projectionMutator - create a standard projection from a mutable raw projection.
- d3.geo.albers - the Albers equal-area conic projection.
- albers.parallels - get or set the projection's two standard parallels.
- d3.geo.albersUsa - a composite Albers projection for the United States.
- d3.geo.azimuthalEqualArea - the azimuthal equal-area projection.
- d3.geo.azimuthalEquidistant - the azimuthal equidistant projection.
- d3.geo.conicConformal - the conic conformal projection.
- d3.geo.conicEquidistant - the conic equidistant projection.
- d3.geo.conicEqualArea the conic equal-area (a.k.a. Albers) projection.
- d3.geo.equirectangular - the equirectangular (plate carreé) projection.
- d3.geo.gnomonic - the gnomonic projection.
- d3.geo.mercator - the spherical Mercator projection.
- d3.geo.orthographic - the azimuthal orthographic projection.
- d3.geo.stereographic - the azimuthal stereographic projection.
- d3.geo.azimuthalEqualArea.raw - the raw azimuthal equal-area projection.
- d3.geo.azimuthalEquidistant.raw - the azimuthal equidistant projection.
- d3.geo.conicConformal.raw - the raw conic conformal projection.
- d3.geo.conicEquidistant.raw - the raw conic equidistant projection.
- d3.geo.conicEqualArea.raw the raw conic equal-area (a.k.a. Albers) projection.
- d3.geo.equirectangular.raw - the raw equirectangular (plate carrée) projection.
- d3.geo.gnomonic.raw - the raw gnomonic projection.
- d3.geo.mercator.raw - the raw Mercator projection.
- d3.geo.orthographic.raw - the raw azimuthal orthographic projection.
- d3.geo.stereographic.raw - the raw azimuthal stereographic projection.
- d3.geo.transverseMercator.raw - the raw transverse Mercator projection.
- d3.geo.stream - convert a GeoJSON object to a geometry stream.
- stream.point - indicate an x, y (and optionally z) coordinate.
- stream.lineStart - indicate the start of a line or ring.
- stream.lineEnd - indicate the end of a line or ring.
- stream.polygonStart - indicate the start of a polygon.
- stream.polygonEnd - indicate the end of a polygon.
- stream.sphere - indicate a sphere.
- d3.geo.transform - transform streaming geometries.
- transform.stream - wraps a given stream.
- d3.geo.clipExtent - a stream transform that clips geometries to a given axis-aligned rectangle.
- clipExtent.extent - sets the clip extent.
- d3.geom.voronoi - create a Voronoi layout with default accessors.
- voronoi - compute the Voronoi tessellation for the specified points.
- voronoi.x - get or set the x-coordinate accessor for each point.
- voronoi.y - get or set the y-coordinate accessor for each point.
- voronoi.clipExent - get or set the clip extent for the tesselation.
- voronoi.links - compute the Delaunay mesh as a network of links.
- voronoi.triangles - compute the Delaunay mesh as a triangular tessellation.
- d3.geom.quadtree - constructs a quadtree for an array of points.
- quadtree.add - add a point to the quadtree.
- quadtree.visit - recursively visit nodes in the quadtree.
- d3.geom.polygon - create a polygon from the specified array of points.
- polygon.area - compute the counterclockwise area of this polygon.
- polygon.centroid - compute the area centroid of this polygon.
- polygon.clip - clip the specified polygon to this polygon.
- d3.geom.hull - create a convex hull layout with default accessors.
- hull - compute the convex hull for the given array of points.
- hull.x - get or set the x-coordinate accessor.
- hull.y - get or set the y-coordinate accessor.
- d3.behavior.zoom - create a zoom behavior.
- zoom - apply the zoom behavior to the selected elements.
- zoom.scale - the current scale factor.
- zoom.translate - the current translate offset.
- zoom.scaleExtent - optional limits on the scale factor.
- zoom.center - an optional focal point for mousewheel zooming.
- zoom.size - the dimensions of the viewport.
- zoom.x - an optional scale whose domain is bound to the x extent of the viewport.
- zoom.y - an optional scale whose domain is bound to the y extent of the viewport.
- zoom.on - listeners for when the scale or translate changes.
- zoom.event - dispatch zoom events after setting the scale or translate.