This lightweight CLI is designed to generate test data for your SQL Server database. Just add your API key and connection string to an .env file in the app directory and you're good to go! Using OpenAI GPT models, this application sends prompts with all relevant metadata of your database, along with any user input, resulting in ready-made INSERT statements you can instantly use. Whether you want to copy and paste, write to a file or insert directly into your database is completely up to you.
- Python installed
- ODBC Driver for SQL Server installed
Clone the repository:
git clone <link to this repository>
Navigate to the project directory:
cd your-repository
Create a virtual environment:
python -m venv venv
Activate the virtual environment:
On Windows:
On macOS/Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
Install project dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: don't create an .env file just yet. Run the program for the first time, it will create an .env file with placeholders and exit.
Now you're ready to run the project:
Note: copy and paste your connection string and OpenAI API key instead of the placeholder, run program again and you're good to go!
This is the list of available commands:
Engine-independent commands:
--help see help
-pt see all tables in the database
-ptr see tables and their FK relationships
-pto see table order for data generation
--start starts engine: keeps prompts, generated data, tables and requirements to memory
--stop stops engine: clears the above from memory
--models see all models
--setmodel <model_index> set model
--getmodel get current model
-q quits the program
Engine-dependent commands:
-g <number> [-t <table_index>] specify the number of lines of data data to be generated for each table. Can be used with -t to specify the table index. Table index can be found using -pto command
-ar <requirement_text> adds requirement <requirement_text> to the requirement list when engine is running. Prompts are used to customize the data generation output.
-dr <index> deletes requirement <index> from the requirement list when engine is running
-cr clears requirement list when engine is running
-pr prints all saved requirements
-at add table to prompt
-dt delete table from prompt
-ct clear tables added to prompt
-ptp see tables added to prompt
-pp print prompt
-w <path> writes data to file when engine is running
-idb inserts data into database when engine is running
Open the ODBC Data Source Administrator:
- On Windows, search for "ODBC" in the Start menu and choose "ODBC Data Sources (32-bit)" or "ODBC Data Sources (64-bit)" based on your system architecture.
- On macOS/Linux, use the odbcad32 or odbcad64 command in the terminal.
In the ODBC Data Source Administrator, go to the "System DSN" tab.
Click "Add" to add a new data source.
Select "ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server" from the list.
Configure the connection parameters:
- Name: Enter a name for your data source.
- Server: Enter the address of your SQL Server.
- Authentication: Choose the appropriate authentication method.
- Database: Enter the name of your database.
- (Other settings as needed)
- Test the connection to ensure it's successful.
Click "OK" to save the data source.
I would like to express my gratitude to the following open-source projects and their contributors, whose work has made my project possible:
- aiohttp v3.9.0
- aiosignal v1.3.1
- annotated-types v0.6.0
- anyio v3.7.1
- attrs v23.1.0
- certifi v2023.11.17
- charset-normalizer v3.3.2
- click v8.1.7
- colorama v0.4.6
- distro v1.8.0
- frozenlist v1.4.0
- greenlet v3.0.1
- h11 v0.14.0
- halo v0.0.31
- httpcore v1.0.2
- httpx v0.25.2
- idna v3.6
- iniconfig v2.0.0
- log-symbols v0.0.14
- multidict v6.0.4
- openai v1.3.7
- packaging v23.2
- pluggy v1.3.0
- prompt-toolkit v3.0.41
- pydantic v2.5.2
- pydantic-core v2.14.5
- pymssql v2.2.11
- PyMySQL v1.1.0
- pyodbc v5.0.1
- pytest v7.4.3
- python-dotenv v1.0.0
- regex v2023.10.3
- requests v2.31.0
- six v1.16.0
- sniffio v1.3.0
- spinners v0.0.24
- SQLAlchemy v2.0.23
- termcolor v2.4.0
- tiktoken v0.5.2
- tqdm v4.66.1
- typing-extensions v4.8.0
- urllib3 v2.1.0
- wcwidth v0.2.12
- yarl v1.9.3
- GitHub Issues:
- Open an issue on the GitHub repository to report bugs, request features, or ask questions.