2024.12.21 Beta Update
69 commits
to main
since this release
This update adds sodium emergency coolant options for dynamic tanks and unit dynamic tanks to the unit Pocket app! There have been multiple other improvements and bug fixes, such as no longer needing to specify the app when using ccmsi
for updates, but you need to make sure you update the installer first with ccmsi update installer
or when prompted installing apps. Afterwards, that new functionality will be available. See below for the full list!
New Features & Improvements
- #556 Added unit dynamic tank views to Pocket's unit app.
- Optimizations to dynamic tank layout handling.
- #479 Added sodium emergency coolant support. Note that this is purely graphical, as emergency coolant is emergency coolant. This requires reconfiguring the supervisor. As always, old configurations are not lost.
- Shortened log message timestamps.
- #584 Improved the loggers tolerance and handling of errors and out-of-space scenarios.
- #587
will now autodetect the app you want to update or re-install if you do not specify it. - Updated configurator warnings about an invalid configuration, clarifying old configurations are not lost and that the configuration is invalid for a specific version of the application.
Bug Fixes
- #581 Fixed revert changes and apply button behavior in RTU gateway configurator for redstone and peripheral configurations.
- #575 Fixed crash on supervisor when auto control was started with unformed reactors not assigned to an auto control group.
- #574 Fixed occasional RTU gateway crash on boot in Minecraft 1.21.
- #539 Fixed rare issue where supervisor RTU gateway connections list would have gaps on RTU gateway disconnect/reconnect.
- #588 Fixed the coordinator not blanking UI if the supervisor disconnected while the main UI was being started.
rt that.
Graphics Library
- Fixed a bug with child ID assignment causing potential duplicate IDs.
Known Issues
See wiki for longer standing compatibility issues: https://github.com/MikaylaFischler/cc-mek-scada/wiki/Known-Issues
Config Changes
- Supervisor emergency coolant fluid types added, requiring you to go through the configuration process again to set those options. Existing configuration is not lost and will be autofilled as usual.
Component Version Updates
- Installer v1.20 to v1.21
- Bootloader version unchanged
- Comms 3.0.2 to 3.0.3
- Common 1.4.6 to 1.4.10
- Graphics 2.4.6 to 2.4.7
- Lockbox version unchanged
- Reactor PLC v1.8.13 to v1.8.14
- RTU Gateway v1.10.16 to v1.10.21
- Supervisor v1.5.17 to v1.6.1
- Coordinator v1.5.16 to v1.6.2
- Pocket v0.12.10-alpha to v0.12.13-alpha
Installation without HTTP
Release bundles are attached below! Read how to use them here.