The MiggiBot is not just a simple bot!
Our DiscordServer ->
My Bot invite ->
The MiggiBot is not just a simple bot!
- lookup -> Lookup IPs and Domains
- info -> Shows infos about this server
- music -> Shows music help
- covid19 -> Shows stats about Corona [GERMANY]
- gif -> search a gif on tenor
- help admin -> Shows the bot help for admins
- R6Help -> a lot of R6 Comamnds!
The bot can also play music from youtube!
- play -> Play song title or Youtube link
- pause -> Pause current song
- skip ->
- shuffle -> Mix the current playlist
- stop -> Stop the current song
- loop -> Loop the current queue
- queue -> Show the current queue
- party -> Play your own create playlist! [PREFIX]helpPlaylist
Create/Play/See your playlists
- create [PlayListName] -> Create a new playlist
- add [SongeTitle] -> Add a song to your current playlist
- join [PlaylistName] -> Select one of your playlists, to join
- see -> See all your songs, in your current playlist
- rm -> Delete a song by title or track number (Also: del, delete)
- rmPlayList -> Delete the entire playlist (current playlist) (Also: delPlayList, deletePlayList)
- playlists -> List all your playlists
- publish -> Publish your current playlist. Every user can then, see & play your playlist
- hide -> Hide your playlist, from other users [Default]
- check @USER -> See all published playlists from a specific user. MUST BE AN ANNOUNCEMENT!
A lot of R6 commands!
- randomMap -> Get a random R6 map
- listMaps -> See all maps in by database
- match -> Create tow teams with players in your voice channel
- r6Stats -> See your R6 stats!
- r6Highlight -> See your R6 last highlight!
- newPlayer [ADMIN ONLY] -> Register new R6 player from your server for matchmaking
- updateMaps [BOTOWNER ONLY] -> Only onwer can update maps
- addNewMap [BOTOWNER ONLY] -> Only owner can add new maps
- POSTGRES Database -> Config in src/main/resources/hibernate.cfg.xml
- Maven installed
You can configur this bot in target/bot.config!
POSTGRES Database help!
Config in src/main/resources/hibernate.cfg.xml