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OpenClinica Case Report Forms Builder

To Publish

To publish run ./gradlew publish

You will need to have an AWS credentials provider.

For developers publishing directly from their machine it typically means either:

  • Java system properties: aws.accessKeyId and `aws.secretAccessKey.

  • Environment variables: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.

  • You install [AWS CLI](, you run aws configure you enter your access key id and secret and it creates a ~/.aws/credentials file which the Java SDK is able to access.

We use the Codeartifact Gradle plugin to abstract the token setup in the repository.

If you want to publish from AWS Code Build, we should provide the IAM role associated with the Code Build Project the CodeArtifact policy.


The model represent the structure of the Case Report Form (CRF) focused on preventing the common errors when creating the CRF manually. It supports Bean Validation but can be used with Spring Validation as well using the SpringValidatorAdapter.

You can use following snippet of code to validate the form in Java EE environment:

Validator validator = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory().getValidator();     // (1)
Set<ConstraintViolation<CaseReportForm>> violations =  validator.validate(form);    // (2)
  1. Get the default bean validator

  2. Get the form violations

You can use following snippet of code to validate the form in Spring environment to get the Errors object:

Validator validator = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory().getValidator();     // (1)
SpringValidatorAdapter validatorAdapter = new SpringValidatorAdapter(validator);    // (2)

DataBinder binder = new DataBinder(form);                                           // (3)
binder.addValidators(validatorAdapter);                                             // (4)
binder.validate();                                                                  // (5)
Errors errors = binder.getBindingResult();                                          // (6)
  1. Get the default bean validator

  2. Wrap the bean validator to Spring adapter

  3. Create new data binder

  4. Add the validation adapter to the binder

  5. Validate the form

  6. Get the errors


Form preview displays the form created manually or using builder as HTML preview. It also displays validation errors.

File destination = new File("preview.html");                                    // (1)
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destination);                       // (2)
CaseReportFormPreview preview = new CaseReportFormPreview(form)                 // (3)
preview.write(fos);                                                             // (4)
  1. File to be written

  2. Create new FileOutputStream for given file

  3. Create new CaseReportFormPreview for given form

  4. Write preview to the file


Form serializer exports the model created manually or using builder to Excel file which can be imported to OpenClinica.

File destination = new File("form.xls");                                        // (1)
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destination);                       // (2)
CaseReportFormSerializer serializer = new CaseReportFormSerializer(form);       // (3)
serializer.write(fos);                                                          // (4)
  1. File to be written

  2. Create new FileOutputStream for given file

  3. Create new CaseReportFormSerializer for given form

  4. Write form to the file


Builder provides Groovy DSL on top of the model for easier easier form creation. Builder add two more static method to CaseReportForm:

  1. build(formName){…​} - builds the new form using the DSL

  2. load(dslFile) - loads the form from DSL file (see samplePhysicalExamEnglish.crf as an example)

The idea of builder is to follow the logical nesting of the forms and ignore the flat structure of the Excel files.

CaseReportForm form ='Sample Physical Exam') {        // (1)
    version 'English'                                                       // (2)
    versionDescription 'Sample Physical Exam'                               // (3)
    revisionNotes 'htaycher 09-19-2012'                                     // (4)

    section('I Basic') {                                                    // (5)
        title 'Basic Information'                                           // (6)
        row {                                                               // (7)
            text('PEDAT') {                                                 // (8)
                header 'Visit Information:'                                 // (9)
                description 'Date of Physical Exam'                         // (10)
                question 'Date of Physical Examination:'                    // (11)
                questionNumber 1                                            // (12)
                dataType date                                               // (13)
            text('PETIM') {
                description 'Time of Physical Exam'
                question 'Time of Physical Examination:'
                units 'HH:MM'
                questionNumber 2
                dataType string
                    'Please enter the time in the 24 hour format (HH:MM)')  // (14)

        text('TEMPERATURE') {
            description 'Temperature'
            question 'Temperature:'
            units 'F'                                                       // (15)
            questionNumber 5
            dataType real
            validate('Temperature out of expected range of 95-110 F.') {    // (16)
                range(95,110)                                               // (17)

        // ...

    section('II Body System') {
        title 'Body System/Site'

        calculation('BMI') {                                                // (18)
            description 'Body Mass Index'
            question 'Body Mass Index:'
            dataType real
            formula '(WEIGHT/pow(HEIGHT,2))*703'                            // (19)

        row {
            singleSelect('APPEARANCE') {                                    // (20)
                description 'Appearance'
                question 'Appearance'
                options 'Normal':1, 'Abnormal': 2, 'Not Examined': 99       // (21)
                value '(select one)'                                        // (22)
                dataType integer
                required true                                               // (23)
                questionNumber 9
            text('APPEARANCE_COMMENTS') {
                description 'Appearance Comments'
                question 'Comments:(Required if Abnormal)'
                dataType string
                show {                                                      // (24)
                    when 'APPEARANCE' is 2 otherwise 'If a comment has been entered, abnormal should be selected. Please update the value(s) or enter a discrepancy note before continuing to hit save.'

    section('III Other') {
        title 'Specify Other Body System/Site'

        grid ('Other Body System Site') {                                   // (25)
            header 'Other Body System / Site'                               // (26)
            text('OTHERBODYSYSTEM') {
                description 'Other Body System/Site Description'
                question 'Other Body System/Site:'
                dataType string
            singleSelect('OTHERBODYSYSTEM_STATUS') {
                description 'Other Body System/Site Status'
                question 'Status:'
                options Normal: 1, Abnormal: 2
                value '(select one)'
                dataType integer
            text('OTHERBODYSYSTEM_COMMENTS') {
                description 'Other Body System/Site Comments'
                question 'Comments:(Required if Abnormal)'
                dataType string
  1. Build a new form using the builder DSL

  2. Declare form’s version

  3. Declare form’s version description

  4. Declare form’s revision notes

  5. Create new section

  6. Declare section’s title

  7. Create a row of items

  8. Create new text item

  9. Declare item’s header

  10. Declare item’s description

  11. Declare item’s question (left text)

  12. Declare item’s question number

  13. Declare item’s data type

  14. Set the regular expression for the item

  15. Declare item’s units

  16. Set validation for the item

  17. Validation is declared as method call with apropriate arguments

  18. Create new calculation

  19. Set formula for the calculation

  20. Create new single select item

  21. Declare item’s options

  22. Declare item’s default value

  23. Mark item as required

  24. Configure simple conditional display

  25. Create grid group

  26. Declare header for the grid group