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UltiCraft Models

UltiCraft Models is a resource pack that aims at subtly improving models with

  1. 3D models for many decorative blocks (e.g., workstations)
  2. 3D models for ores, keep the normal shape of ore nuggets, just have them slightly 3D
  3. Random stone/sticks litter on surface of grass, podzol, etc.
  4. Double slabs for polished-type slabs adds an horizontal divide between slabs if the textures has borders for this type of block
  5. Cleaned-up stairs, walls use vanilla textures smartly to create stair sides and wall tops that match the block shape

Care has been taken to not 3D-ify blocks that cause lag (e.g., Bamboo), and to make sure that this pack is compatible with VanillaTweaks, and most Redstoner-targetted packs.

It is recommended to use this pack on top of Vanilla Tweaks (e.g., this pack has better bookshelves, pointed dripstones, etc.), but it can also be used under Vanilla Tweaks if you prefer, notably VT variated grass and lower-sided grass conflict with litter/pebbles on grass.

Where to get updates

On Modrinth:


Almost all of the assets have been extracted from UltimaCraft Models packs from GrandMagus. His pack had the best 3d models ever, but was not updated since 1.17, and had many incompatibilities with Vanilla Tweaks and Redstoner-type packs. This packs revives these awesome assets in a cleaned up package for 1.19+. For compatibility, not all assets/features of UltimaCraft were kept, hence the name of this pack: UltiCraft.

Good news! The full UltimaCraft pack has received an update: If you enjoy the 3D assets in this pack, I encourage you to try the full UltimaCraft experience! It is a very impressive pack with very well thought-out and pervasive visual changes.

For my taste, the full UltimaCraft is a bit too much, and being so pervasive it can have compatibility issues when used with other packs. Thus, I will continue updating UltiCraft 3D, the lean and mean cousin pack.