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Solving Hard Exploration Problems with RL using Prior Skills

This repo is related to my final project for the MVA course "Object recognition and computer vision" and is based on the following paper:

Robin Strudel, Ricardo Garcia, Justin Carpentier, Jean-Paul Laumond, Ivan Laptev, Cordelia Schmid
CoRL 2020

The purpose of this project was to improve perfomances obtained on difficult maze problems using prior skills as described in:

Karl Pertsch, Youngwoon Lee, Joseph Lim
CoRL 2020

I coded everything based on the original version of this repository. In particular, the PointNetEncoder class is a modification of the PointNet class (almost a copy-paste), as well as the launcher and For the SPiRL implementation I modified the SAC implementation (the rlkit one from the original repo) after modifying the samplers and data handlers to replace the actions with embeddings. The rest was coded from scratch.

Table of Content


Download the code

git clone

To create a new conda environment containing dependencies

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate nmprepr

To update a conda environment with dependencies

conda env update -f environment.yml



With the current version one should be able to run the baseline (i.e the model of the original repo) as originally. To do so you can run the following code to train the baseline on the 3x3 maze for 1500 epochs with trajectories of maximum length 80 and default parameters.

python -m nmp.train Maze-Simple-v0 maze_baseline --horizon 8 --seed 0 --epochs 1500


The first step to reproduce project's results is to collect trajectories. To do so one can use the proposed oracle on the simplest maze using

python Maze-Simple-v0 --log-dir $PATH$ --n-samples 10000

Note that the data directory should contain folders "training" and "validation". If you want to explore the use of a policy trained with the baseline you should use the the option --model-dir and specifiy the related path.

Once the trajectories are collected you need to train a VAE on the action sequences using

python --log-dir $PATH$ --log-name $NAME$ --data-dir $PATHTODATA$

Then you need to train your prior skills model by using (given that you want a MLP prior skills model)

python --log-dir $PATH$ --log-name $NAME$ --data-dir $PATHTODATA$ --model-dir $PATHTOVAE$ --archi mlp

Finally, you can train a SPiRL agent by using

python -m nmp.trainSpirl Maze-Simple-v0 spirlMLP --horizon 8 --seed 0 --epochs 1500 --archi mlp --dir-models $PATHTOVAEANDPRIORSKILLS$ --load-prior

Note that I proposed to use an horizon of 8 as each action (i.e embedding) yields 10 environment steps (H=10 by default you may modify this by specifying --H=$YOURCHOICE$ in the previous runs).


Results will be shared by the submission day.


You may monitor experiments (except from prior skills learning) with (given that SPiRL modification didn't break it)

tensorboard --logdir=/path/to/experiment


By default the checkpointing will be in your home directory. You can change it by defining a CHECKPOINT environment variable. Add the following to your .bashrc file to change the logging directory.

export CHECKPOINT=/path/to/checkpoints


Please cite the original work if you use this code or compare to this approach

title={Learning Obstacle Representations for Neural Motion Planning},
author={R. {Strudel} and R. {Garcia} and J. {Carpentier} and J.P. {Laumond} and I. {Laptev} and C. {Schmid}},
journal={Proceedings of Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL)},


Project associated with the MVA RecVis course







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