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Releases: Mathics3/mathics-django


08 Feb 15:01
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  • Adjust and correct packaging (thanks to Atri Bhattacharya for testing and packaging in OpenSUSE) .
  • Documentation adjusted. Update to newer MathML code and track API changes in Mathics Kernel (Mauricio Matera).

Release 8.0.0 (#223)

27 Jan 02:54
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  • Adjust for Mathics3 core 8.0.0 API
  • Add bottom documentation navigation bar
  • Add summaries of items in searching. Bold (no summary) indicates a section header
  • Revise gallery example
  • Track Combinatorica package name change

7.0.0: Administrivia:

09 Aug 20:35
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  • Adjust for Mathics3 core 7.0.0 API, e.g., add explicit call to load builtins
  • doctest refactored to use more routines common to mathics-core
  • Support newer matplotlib, e.g. 3.9.1
  • Update gallery examples
  • Add background and tooltips to Graphics3D
  • Expand information in /about:
    • max digits in string
    • system encoding
    • time format

Too late for Valentines Day

26 Feb 05:10
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  • Use the latest mathics_threejs_backend: 1.3.1
  • Environment variables which change Django settings (also shown under Settings)
    • MATHICS_DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS sets Django ALLOWED_HOST; use semicolon to separate entries
  • Adjust for Mathics3 core 6.0.0 API
  • "About" page:
    • Python Implementation (CPython, PyPy, Pyston) explicitly is shown
    • Optional Python packages are also shown along with their version
  • Long <url> lines in documentation split into several lines.
  • Gallery examples now include image manipulation and Mathics3 Graph and NLP modules
  • Mathics3 errors are displayed better showing error tags, messages, and output more visible distinct.
  • Python tracebacks shown in the browser as formatted nicer; use make runserver-debug to have Python tracebacks included in browser, in addition to the backend console.
  • Menubar entries add for:
    • running gallery examples
    • going to github repository for Mathics-Django
    • getting to the information page
  • Split out controllers into separate files
  • Upgrade to fontawesome 6.2.1

We have gradually been rolling in more Python type annotations and have been using current Python practices. Tools such as using isort, black and flake8 are used as well.


31 Jul 15:09
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  • Adjust for Mathics3 core 5.0.0 API
  • Sort document reference chapters and sections
  • Urls can now have links in them


18 Dec 22:56
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  • Extend summary lists to chapters and sections
  • Support Django 4.0
  • Add GPL Copyright notice to popup startup boxes
  • Update mathics-threejs-backend to 1.0.3, and in this three.js to r135

Augustus lost

01 Aug 22:02
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Fix a small packaging issue where we weren't install autoload/settings.m.

This combined with a bug in Mathics core was causing evaluating expressions to fail.

Augustus won

01 Aug 07:31
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The main thrust behind this API-breaking release is to be able to support a protocol for Graphics3D.

It new Graphics3D protocol is currently expressed in JSON. There is an ndependent threejs-based module. to implement this. Tiago Cavalcante Trindade is responsible for this

Previously, this Javascript code and library was embedded into this code base. By separating the two, this library can be used more easily outside of Django. And the library has gotten considerably better in terms of being tested and documented.

The other main API-breaking change is more decentralization of the Mathics Documentation. A lot more work needs to go on here, and so
there will be one or two more API breaking releases. After this release, the documentation code will be split off into its own git repository.


  • a Graphics3D protocol, mentioned above, has been started
  • mathics_django.setting has been gone over to simplify.
  • The "about" page now includes the Python version as well as the mathics-threejs-backend version
  • Some Image Gallery examples have been added. Some of the examples have been reordered to put the slower examples towards the end.
  • Much of the Javascript code that remains after pulling out the Graphics3D code has been modernized.
  • Use of the "scriptaculous" library has been reduced. It will be eliminated totally in a future release.


  • Document data used in producing HTML-rendered documents is now stored in both the user space, where it can be extended, and in the
    package install space -- which is useful when there is no user-space data.
  • Code duplication used in creating documentation has been reduced. It will be moved more completely out in a future release
  • Summary text for various built-in functions has been started. These summaries are visible in Mathics Django when lists links are given in Chapters, Guide Sections, or Sections. See the online documentation of Associations for an example of a list with
    additional summary information.


  • Some of the test output for buitins inside a guide sections is not automatically rendered. See the on-line documentation for Binarize for
    an example of this.
  • Density plot rendered in Mathics Django do not render as nice since we no longer use the secret protocol handshake hack. We may fix this in a future release

Independence minus 1

03 Jul 17:36
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  • Add Arrow and Cylinder (preliminary)
  • Improve sectioning and subsectioning. (A lot more could be done on both the data tagging and presentation side)
  • Improve gallery examples
  • Modernize Javascript code more and get closer to removing scriptaculous


27 Jun 08:01
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Fix packaging issues: settings.m wasn't getting included in package.