- ⚡ Hi, I'm a software developer and a software engineering academic from Universidade Federal do Pampa - Alegrete campus.
I currently work on two fronts in the IT area, Data Analysis and Software Development. Of the programming languages that I really like to use: Python, PHP and Java
From the databases, I really love MySQL and SQL Server
Experience in backend development using the best PHP framework Laravel, creating KPIs in Python and PowerBI
On a daily basis I work with great tools like Denodo, Salesforce and SAS Analytics Software
From the universe of data, I work on research/transfrmation of raw data into information for decision making.
Interased in the areas of BigData, Data Lake and Data Data Warehouse.
⚡ In this Github are my works developed in opensource projects, and also academic works, sharing the experience with others!
- Programming:
- Frameworks:
- Databases:
- others: