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Releases: MathCancer/PhysiCell

Version 1.2.0

03 Nov 02:38
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PhysiCell: PhysiCell: an Open Source Physics-Based Cell Simulator for 3-D
Multicellular Systems.

Version: 1.2.0
Release date: 30 July 2017


This release introduces a major reworking to simplify cell pheno-
types and cells. It includes a generalized cell cycle model that
can also be used to represent death cycle models. It includes an
improved motility representation. Changing cell secretion and
uptake rates is more straightforward, because all interfacing
with BioFVM is automated.

A new, comprehensive user guide is included on all the major
functions and classes in PhysiCell, including examples.

This release also includes bugfixes and corrections. Due
to the extensive redevelopment, this change log is not 100%

PhysiCell is currently under scientific peer review.

Major new features and changes:

  • Completely reworked the Phenoytype class to be much more
    straightforward, and safe to change throughout the

  • The Phenotype class includes elements on cell cycling, death,
    volume, geometry, mechanics, motility, and secretion (and uptake).

  • Completely reworked representation of cell cycle models as
    Cycle_Model: a directed graph of Phases, linked by Phase_Links.
    A Cycle_Model is bundled with key parameters (Cycle_Data) into
    the Cycle element of the Phenotype.

  • Cycle models can include user-specified arrest functions between
    Phases (e.g., contact inhibition).

  • Cycle Phases can have user-specified "entry" and "exit" functions
    to be executed upon entering or leaving a Phase (e.g., mutations).

  • Created new classes Death_Parameters and Death to represent
    cell death models as Cycle_Model.

  • Updated the classes for Mechanics, Volume, and Geometry.

  • Completely reworked the Motility class to represent cell
    migration as a combination of random and directed motility.
    Notions of persistence time are included. Users can supply
    custom functions to update the cell's migration bias.

  • Added the cell calcification model to the general volume update

  • Deprecated all code in core/PhysiCell_digital_cell_line.*

  • Added apoptosis_death_model, necrosis_death_model,
    autophagy_death_model, and live_cells_cycle_model to

  • Added new function Cell::flag_for_division() for simpler
    construction of cycle models, and to allow users to push a cell
    to divide at any time.

  • Added new function Cell::flag_for_removal() for simpler
    construction of cycle models, and to allow users to push a cell
    to be removed at any time.

  • Volume::multiply_by_ratio() now also divides the target volumes by
    this ratio.

  • Created a new Cell_Functions class to more readily bundle the
    Cell object's function pointers.

  • Rewrote the Custom_Cell_Data class, so that custom data are no
    longer hard-coded by the user in the class, but instead added
    during runtime. Moved PhysiCell_custom.h/cpp into the core

  • The Cell_Definition class includes a pointer to the default
    Microenvironment, as well as a default Cell_Functions,
    Cell_Parameters, Custom_Cell_Data, and Phenotype. Newly created
    cells all copy from the Cell_Defaults.

  • Bundled the following phenotype update functions into a single
    Phenotype::advance_all_nonmechanics_models( Cell* , double )
    Phenotype::update_function() // update cell phenotype parameters
    Phenotype::volume.update() // update cell volume
    Phenotype::geometry.update() // update radius, etc.
    Phenotype::death.check_for_death() // check for death
    Phenotype::cycle.advance_cycle() // advance the current cycle model

  • PhysiCell_Container uses the above function on each cell to
    ensure that the correct custom functions are used. It also uses
    the cell's Cell::Cell_Functions::update_velocity() to update
    the cell's state. For now, users need to remember to include
    the motility update functions in their update_velocity() function
    if they replace the default. Lastly, PhysiCell_Container calls teh
    Cell::Cell_Functions::custom_cell_rule at the end of the main loop.

  • Created new functions to directly trigger cell death.

  • Created new functions to access cell neighbor information.

  • Updated the examples for compatibility.

Minor new features and changes:

  • Added PhysiCell_constants::custom_phase to the constants.

  • Changed Cell:is_movable to Cell_is_movable to better express its
    purpose of setting a cell to rigid (unmovable) or movable.

  • Fixed Cell:turn_off_reactions(double) to completely turn off all
    BioFVM uptake/secretion, rather than cut them by an order of

  • Replaced scores of (if some_double == 0) conditionals with
    if( fabs( some_double ) < tolerance ), since you it is best practice
    to never check for equality of a floating point or double.

  • Started substituting more efficient axpy and += operators
    (from BioFVM) for many of the vector operations in PhysiCell_cell.cpp.

  • Where possible, inserted { } into if / then / else logic for
    increased code clarity and robustness to newline and whitespace

  • Moved most default / standard mechanics functions from PhysiCell_cell.* to

  • Added constants for time step sizes, time units, and spatial units to
    PhysiCell_constants.h, and removed isolated (and sometimes non-
    synchronized) timestep constants throughout the code.

  • Added State::simple_pressure for future use in mechanics-induced cycle

  • Added std::vector<Cell*>& Cell:cells_in_my_container(void) to more
    easily access a list of cells in the cell's current mechanics voxel.

  • and more.

  • Simplified the Makefile for easier cross-platform compiling. Users
    do not need to change MARCH any more.

Bugfixes and Corrections:

  • Fixed typo "max_cell_interactive_ditstance_in_voxel" to
    "max_cell_interactive_ditstance_in_voxel" in the Cell_Container class.

  • Throughout the code, replaced any logic of the form
    (if some_double == some_other_double ) with better practice of
    if( fabs( some_double - some_other_double ) < tolerance ), since
    floating point numbers aren't often equal.

  • In PhysiCell_cell_container, the function find_escaping_face_index()
    had a return type of int, but it was possible for none of the statements
    to evaulate "true". The function now returns -1 for the case that
    there is no escaping_face_index. Thus, the return type is always defined.

  • Cell::assign_position() now sets:
    is_out_of_domain = true;
    is_active = false;
    is_movable = false;
    if the cell is out of bounds. This should prevent segfaults when cells
    are assigned positions out of bounds (e.g., during division).

  • Cell::update_position() now sets:
    is_out_of_domain = true;
    is_active = false;
    is_movable = false;
    if the cell moves out of bounds. This should prevent segfaults when cells
    move out of bounds (e.g., by mechanics).

Version 1.1.1

03 Nov 02:34
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PhysiCell: PhysiCell: an Open Source Physics-Based Cell Simulator for 3-D
Multicellular Systems.

Version: 1.1.1
Release date: 18 May 2017


This release includes minor bugfixes and corrections.

PhysiCell is currently under scientific peer review.

Major new features and changes:

  • none

Minor new features and changes:

  • none

Bugfixes and Corrections:

  • Changed "#include "../biofvm/BioFVM_MultiCellDS.h" to
    #include "../BioFVM/BioFVM_MultiCellDS.h" in modules/PhysiCell_MultiCellDS.h
    to fix compile errors. (Thanks, Randy Heiland!)

  • Replaced instances of "kid" to the more customary "child" (parent and child
    objects) in core/PhysiCell_cell.cpp

  • Modified the "make clean" rule in the Makefile to work better across
    platforms. (Previously worked fine on the object files, but only deleted
    $(PROGRAM_NAME).exe on Windows platforms.

  • Modified the "template2D" and "template3D" rules in the Makefile to
    copy the current Makefile to template_projects/Makefile.backup

  • Corrected the comments in template2D.cpp and template3D.cpp to more
    accurately note that we are seeding the three initial cells in all the
    states of the Ki67 advanced model. (Ki67+ premitotic, Ki67+ postmitotic,
    and Ki67-).

Notices for intended changes that may affect backwards compatibility:

  • Will rename the current "Phenotype" class to "Full_Phenotype"

  • Will introduce a new Phenotype class with a much simpler structure.

  • Will rewrite the represetation of cell cycle and death phases.

  • Will rewrite the standard phenotype models in the simpler

  • Will stop requiring use of the Digital_Cell_Line class for initializing

  • Will deprecate update_cell_and_death_parameters, and instead use

  • Will stop using the oxygen-dependent phenotype rule as default.

Version: 1.1.1
Release date: 16 May 2017


This release includes usability fixes and enhancements, including
more basic "template" projects, simpler project startup, improved SVG
visualization support, and cleanup on the Makefile.

PhysiCell is currently under scientific peer review.

Major new features and changes:

  • Added template3D.cpp and template2D.cpp template projects. See the
    template_projects directory.

  • Added Makefile rules to seed the 2D projects. To create and compile
    the 2D template:
    make template2D && make
    To create and compile the 3D template:
    make template3D && make

    To further edit your project, modify main.cpp in the root PhysiCell
    directory. Follow the online tutorials for further functionality.

  • Added preliminary MultiCellDS support, with MultiCellDS outputs. These
    are added via modules/PhysiCell_MultiCellDS.cpp

  • Many usability improvements listed in "minor new features" below.

  • Finished implementation of SVG support, to plot the simulation through a
    cross-section (fixed z-value).

  • Digital pathology: Improved coloring functions for the main cell cycle
    models, and virtual H&E (hematoxylin and eosin):

Minor new features and changes:

  • Created new function in PhysiCell_cell_container to simplify initialization
    of the mechanics data structures:

    Cell_Container* create_cell_container_for_microenvironment(
    BioFVM::Microenvironment& m , double mechanics_voxel_size );

  • Usability feature: If BioFVM::default_microenvironment has not yet been
    declared when calling create_cell_container_for_microenvironment(), then
    it is set to "m" in the new function above.

  • Usability feature: If the BioFVM::default_microenvironment has been set
    then Cell* create_cell( void ) now uses this to call

  • Changed Cell_Parameters from a struct to a class.

  • Usability feature: Created a new Cell_Defaults class, with a
    global PhysiCell::cell_defaults. Now, you can set these
    default functions and parameters at the start of your program, and
    all new cells are set to use these defaults.

  • Usability feature: Traced code and determined that calling Cell::set_phenotype()
    calls Basic_Agent::set_total_volume() (Cell extends Basic_Agent), which sets
    Basic_Agent::volume_is_changed to true. This, in turn, makes the next call
    to Basic_Agent::simulate_secretion_and_uptake() call
    Basic_Agent::set_internal_uptake_constants(). So, it is unnecessary to
    call this function in typical initialization.

  • Usability feature: Cell:set_phenotype() now automatically calls
    Basic_Agent::set_internal_uptake_constants(). You no longer need to
    manually call this function if using the set_phenotype() function.

  • Usability feature: The default Cell constructor (Cell::Cell) uses
    the default functions in PhysiCell::default_cell_functions, instead
    of hard-coded defaults. The default constructor for Default_Cell_Functions
    has sensible defaults for cell mechanics and volume regulation to
    match the PhysiCell method paper. Phenotype-related functions are left

  • Usability feature: The create_cell() function now assigns the default
    microenvironment to the newly created cell, and assigns the
    cell functions in PhysiCell::default_cell_functions.

  • Changed default -march flag to -march=native, according to benchmarks
    on gcc 5x at phoronix:

  • Changed the -O3 flag to -Ofast, which tends to produce slightly faster
    code by the phoronix link above.

  • Updated to a pre-release copy of BioFVM 1.1.5.

  • Included the matlab functions first created for BioFVM, which can now be
    found in the matlab directory.

  • Fixed read_MultiCellDS_xml.m function to work when there are no cells.

  • Fixed read_MultiCellDS_xml.m function to display the current number of
    cells, when there are < 3 cells.

  • Added modules/PhysiCell_standard_modules.h to start organizing non-core,
    standard parts of MultiCellDS. This will inintially include SVG,
    pathology, and MultiCellDS modules.

  • Removed matlab output from log_output in PhysiCell_utilities.cpp. This
    only saved the microenvironment (but not cells), and it is no longer
    needed with new MultiCellDS output support.

  • Changed the default SVG length scale bar in PhysiCell_pathology to
    100 microns (previously 1000 microns).

  • Updated the archive rules to use the more-common "tar" command. Use
    "make tar" and "make untar". Archives are stored in the archives

  • Added a void up_orientation( Cell* pCell, double dt ) to
    PhysiCell_standard_models.cpp, which sets orientation = [0,0,1]
    and polarity = 1.0. This is useful for 2-D simulations.

  • Digital Pathology coloring functions:
    simple_cell_coloring: cell nucleus is blue, cytoplasm is red, and
    outlines are black

    false_cell_coloring_Ki67: for any Ki67-based cell cycle model,
    green cells are Ki67+ prior to mitosis (or any Ki67+ cell in
    the simplified Ki67 models), magenta cells are Ki67+ after
    mitosis, red cells are apoptotic, and brown cells are necrotic.

    hematoxylin_and_eosin_cell_coloring: "stains" nuclear solids with
    hematoxylin, "stains" cytoplasmic solids with eosin, and simulates
    light transmission / absorbtion through a thin slice to approximate
    microscopy and image acquisition. Note that cells with little water
    will appear dark (e.g., apoptotic debris, especially after the
    cytoplasm has blebbed), and cells with lots of water (e.g., onsosis
    in early necrotic cells) will appear faint.

    false_cell_coloring_live_dead: live cells are green, apoptotic cells
    are red, and necrotic cells are brown.

  • Added Phenotype::get_current_phase_code(void) to
    PhysiCell_digital_cell_line.cpp to more easily get the cell's current
    phenotypic state. (Especially useful for virtual pathology.)

Bugfixes and Corrections:

  • Fixed typo Time_Settings.cell_cylce_dt_default to
    Time_Settings.cell_cycle_dt_default in PhysiCell_cell_container.

  • Removed unused declaration Cell::initialize_functions( void );

  • Changed the default "update_cell_and_death_parameters" function from
    "update_cell_and_death_parameters_O2_based" to "empty_function".
    Examples and models should choose this explicitly.

  • Cell::set_orientation( Cell* pCell ) changed to
    Cell::set_orientation( Cell* pCell, double dt ) to be consistent with other
    cell member functions.

  • In void Cell::assign_orientation(), set polarity = 0.0 if a
    set_orientation(Cell*,double) function is not set (NULL).

  • Removed irrelevant data elements in the Custom_Cell_Data class.

Notices for intended changes that may affect backwards compatibility:

  • Will rename the current "Phenotype" class to "Full_Phenotype"

  • Will introduce a new Phenotype class with a much simpler structure.

  • Will rewrite the represetation of cell cycle and death phases.

  • Will rewrite the standard phenotype models in the simpler representatio.

  • Will stop requiring use of the Digital_Cell_Line class for initializing

  • Will deprecate update_cell_and_death_parameters, and instead use

  • Will stop using the oxygen-dependent phenotype rule as default.

PhysiCell 1.1.1 includes an advance copy of BioFVM 1.1.5. Here are the changes:

/* fixes in Bi...

Read more

Version 1.1.0

03 Nov 02:29
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PhysiCell: PhysiCell: an Open Source Physics-Based Cell Simulator for 3-D
Multicellular Systems.

Version: 1.1.0
Release date: 16 May 2017


This release includes usability fixes and enhancements, including
more basic "template" projects, simpler project startup, improved SVG
visualization support, and cleanup on the Makefile.

PhysiCell is currently under scientific peer review.

Major new features and changes:

  • Added template3D.cpp and template2D.cpp template projects. See the
    template_projects directory.

  • Added Makefile rules to seed the 2D projects. To create and compile
    the 2D template:
    make template2D && make
    To create and compile the 3D template:
    make template3D && make

    To further edit your project, modify main.cpp in the root PhysiCell
    directory. Follow the online tutorials for further functionality.

  • Added preliminary MultiCellDS support, with MultiCellDS outputs. These
    are added via modules/PhysiCell_MultiCellDS.cpp

  • Many usability improvements listed in "minor new features" below.

  • Finished implementation of SVG support, to plot the simulation through a
    cross-section (fixed z-value).

  • Digital pathology: Improved coloring functions for the main cell cycle
    models, and virtual H&E (hematoxylin and eosin):

Minor new features and changes:

  • Created new function in PhysiCell_cell_container to simplify initialization
    of the mechanics data structures:

    Cell_Container* create_cell_container_for_microenvironment(
    BioFVM::Microenvironment& m , double mechanics_voxel_size );

  • Usability feature: If BioFVM::default_microenvironment has not yet been
    declared when calling create_cell_container_for_microenvironment(), then
    it is set to "m" in the new function above.

  • Usability feature: If the BioFVM::default_microenvironment has been set
    then Cell* create_cell( void ) now uses this to call

  • Changed Cell_Parameters from a struct to a class.

  • Usability feature: Created a new Cell_Defaults class, with a
    global PhysiCell::cell_defaults. Now, you can set these
    default functions and parameters at the start of your program, and
    all new cells are set to use these defaults.

  • Usability feature: Traced code and determined that calling Cell::set_phenotype()
    calls Basic_Agent::set_total_volume() (Cell extends Basic_Agent), which sets
    Basic_Agent::volume_is_changed to true. This, in turn, makes the next call
    to Basic_Agent::simulate_secretion_and_uptake() call
    Basic_Agent::set_internal_uptake_constants(). So, it is unnecessary to
    call this function in typical initialization.

  • Usability feature: Cell:set_phenotype() now automatically calls
    Basic_Agent::set_internal_uptake_constants(). You no longer need to
    manually call this function if using the set_phenotype() function.

  • Usability feature: The default Cell constructor (Cell::Cell) uses
    the default functions in PhysiCell::default_cell_functions, instead
    of hard-coded defaults. The default constructor for Default_Cell_Functions
    has sensible defaults for cell mechanics and volume regulation to
    match the PhysiCell method paper. Phenotype-related functions are left

  • Usability feature: The create_cell() function now assigns the default
    microenvironment to the newly created cell, and assigns the
    cell functions in PhysiCell::default_cell_functions.

  • Changed default -march flag to -march=native, according to benchmarks
    on gcc 5x at phoronix:

  • Changed the -O3 flag to -Ofast, which tends to produce slightly faster
    code by the phoronix link above.

  • Updated to a pre-release copy of BioFVM 1.1.5.

  • Included the matlab functions first created for BioFVM, which can now be
    found in the matlab directory.

  • Fixed read_MultiCellDS_xml.m function to work when there are no cells.

  • Fixed read_MultiCellDS_xml.m function to display the current number of
    cells, when there are < 3 cells.

  • Added modules/PhysiCell_standard_modules.h to start organizing non-core,
    standard parts of MultiCellDS. This will inintially include SVG,
    pathology, and MultiCellDS modules.

  • Removed matlab output from log_output in PhysiCell_utilities.cpp. This
    only saved the microenvironment (but not cells), and it is no longer
    needed with new MultiCellDS output support.

  • Changed the default SVG length scale bar in PhysiCell_pathology to
    100 microns (previously 1000 microns).

  • Updated the archive rules to use the more-common "tar" command. Use
    "make tar" and "make untar". Archives are stored in the archives

  • Added a void up_orientation( Cell* pCell, double dt ) to
    PhysiCell_standard_models.cpp, which sets orientation = [0,0,1]
    and polarity = 1.0. This is useful for 2-D simulations.

  • Digital Pathology coloring functions:
    simple_cell_coloring: cell nucleus is blue, cytoplasm is red, and
    outlines are black

    false_cell_coloring_Ki67: for any Ki67-based cell cycle model,
    green cells are Ki67+ prior to mitosis (or any Ki67+ cell in
    the simplified Ki67 models), magenta cells are Ki67+ after
    mitosis, red cells are apoptotic, and brown cells are necrotic.

    hematoxylin_and_eosin_cell_coloring: "stains" nuclear solids with
    hematoxylin, "stains" cytoplasmic solids with eosin, and simulates
    light transmission / absorbtion through a thin slice to approximate
    microscopy and image acquisition. Note that cells with little water
    will appear dark (e.g., apoptotic debris, especially after the
    cytoplasm has blebbed), and cells with lots of water (e.g., onsosis
    in early necrotic cells) will appear faint.

    false_cell_coloring_live_dead: live cells are green, apoptotic cells
    are red, and necrotic cells are brown.

  • Added Phenotype::get_current_phase_code(void) to
    PhysiCell_digital_cell_line.cpp to more easily get the cell's current
    phenotypic state. (Especially useful for virtual pathology.)

Bugfixes and Corrections:

  • Fixed typo Time_Settings.cell_cylce_dt_default to
    Time_Settings.cell_cycle_dt_default in PhysiCell_cell_container.

  • Removed unused declaration Cell::initialize_functions( void );

  • Changed the default "update_cell_and_death_parameters" function from
    "update_cell_and_death_parameters_O2_based" to "empty_function".
    Examples and models should choose this explicitly.

  • Cell::set_orientation( Cell* pCell ) changed to
    Cell::set_orientation( Cell* pCell, double dt ) to be consistent with other
    cell member functions.

  • In void Cell::assign_orientation(), set polarity = 0.0 if a
    set_orientation(Cell*,double) function is not set (NULL).

  • Removed irrelevant data elements in the Custom_Cell_Data class.

Notices for intended changes that may affect backwards compatibility:

  • Will rename the current "Phenotype" class to "Full_Phenotype"

  • Will introduce a new Phenotype class with a much simpler structure.

  • Will rewrite the represetation of cell cycle and death phases.

  • Will rewrite the standard phenotype models in the simpler representatio.

  • Will stop requiring use of the Digital_Cell_Line class for initializing

  • Will deprecate update_cell_and_death_parameters, and instead use

  • Will stop using the oxygen-dependent phenotype rule as default.

PhysiCell 1.1.0 includes an advance copy of BioFVM 1.1.5. Here are the changes:

/* fixes in BioFVM 1.1.5 */

  • correct typos in citation information in all source files

  • updated citation information

  • added void set_default_microenvironment( Microenvironment* M ) declaration to

  • set volume_is_changed = false in Basic_Agent::set_internal_uptake_constants();

  • Set the MultiCellDS options Booleans to extern bool in BioFVM_MultiCellDS.h
    so that PhysiCell can read these options.

  • Updated the simlified_data field in MultiCellDS XML output to include a
    new "source" attribute with value "BioFVM".

Version 1.0.0

03 Nov 02:26
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PhysiCell: PhysiCell: an Open Source Physics-Based Cell Simulator for 3-D
Multicellular Systems.

Version: 1.0.0
Release date: 12 September 2016


This is the initial public release of PhysiCell: an Open Source Physics-Based
Cell Simulator for 3-D Multicellular Systems. It is currently under scientific
peer review.

Major new features:

  • Simulating large systems of cells in 3-D tissues on desktop machine
  • Cells move and change based on biomechanical and physical rules
  • Built upon BioFVM to couple processes with the substrates' concentrations
    in the microenvironment
  • Implements multiple realistic cell cycle and cell death models
  • Performance linearly scales with the number of the cells
  • Preliminary support for MultiCellDS (
  • Includes examples for 3-D ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and hanging
    drop tumor spheroids


  • Not applicable.

Version 0.5.0

03 Nov 02:23
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PhysiCell: an open source physics-based multicell simulator

Version: 0.5.0
Release date: 2 Auguust


Pre-release. Not for public use. Not supported.

New features:

  • First code bundling.


  • Nothing to see here. Move along.