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Version 1.3.1

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@MathCancer MathCancer released this 01 Aug 02:03
· 1582 commits to master since this release

PhysiCell: an Open Source Physics-Based Cell Simulator for 3-D Multicellular Systems.

Version: 1.3.1
Release date: 31 July 2018

PhysiCell is a flexible open source framework for building agent-based multicellular models in 3-D tissue environments.

Reference: A Ghaffarizadeh, R Heiland, SH Friedman, SM Mumenthaler, and P Macklin, PhysiCell: an Open Source Physics-Based Cell Simulator for Multicellular Systems, PLoS Comput. Biol. 14(2): e1005991, 2018.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005991

Visit for the latest tutorials and help.

Key makefile rules:

make : compiles the current project. If no
project has been defined, it first
populates the cancer heterogeneity 2D
sample project and compiles it

make : populates the indicated sample project.
Use "make" to compile it.

<project_name> choices:

make clean : removes all .o files and the executable, so that
the next "make" recompiles the entire project

make data-cleanup : clears out all simulation data

make reset : de-populates the sample project and returns to
the original PhysiCell state. Use this when
switching to a new PhysiCell sample project.


Quick Start: Look at QuickStart.pdf in the documentation folder.
User Guide: Look at UserGuide.pdf in the documentation folder.

Latest info: follow @MathCancer on Twitter (

See changes.txt for the full change log.


Release summary:

This release introduces a new cycle model with an active cycling state and a quiescent state. It also adds new functions to the Mechanics class to make it easier to modify the cell-cell interaction distance (while maintaining equilibrium cell-cell spacing), or to modify the equilibrium cell-cell spacing. The release also includes major reliability and performance improvements to how gradients are calculated.

As usual, the release also contains minor bugfixes and improvements.

NOTE: OSX users must now define PHYSICELL_CPP system variable.
See the documentation.

Major new features and changes:

  • Implemented a new cell cycle model (cycling_quiescent),
    where quiescent cells can enter a cycling state. This
    model uses identical parameters to the Ki67-basic cycle
    model, but decouples the conceptual model from Ki67

    Updated the documentation and coloring functions accordingly.

    Updated update_cell_and_death_parameters_O2_based() to
    support the new cycling_quiescent cycle model.

  • update_all_cells(t,dt,dt,dt) now checks to see if gradient
    calculations are enabled, and if so, computes it once per dt_mechanics.

    This improves code performance by 2x to 3x in gradient-enabled codes,
    because we no longer need to calculate gradients once per dt_diffusion
    time step. (Gradients are only needed for cell velocity calculations,
    and occasionally for phenotype decisions.)

    All sample projects have been updated to make use of this.

    Also, removed the explicit gradient calculations from the template
    and sample projects.

  • Added a new function to Mechanics class to simplify changes to cell
    interaction distances:

    void set_relative_maximum_adhesion_distance( double new_value );

    Here, new_value is a multiple of the cell's (mean equivalent) radius.
    Our default is 1.25. This function preserves the cell's "repulsion"
    strength and adjusts the strength of cell-cell adhesion to maintain
    its prior equilibrium cell-cell spacing.

  • Added a new function to Mechanics class to simplify changes to cell
    equilibrium distances.

    void set_relative_equilibrium_distance( double new_value );

    Here, new_value is a multiple of the cell's (mean equivalent) radius.
    The default is around 1.9. This function preserves the cell's "repulsion"
    and the maximum interaction distance, and it adjusts the strength of
    cell-cell adhesion to match the new equilibrium cell-cell spacing.

    Note that this function performs a "sanity check" to ensure that you have
    not given a value greater than 2.0.

  • Added a new function to Mechanics class to simplify changes to cell
    equilibrium distances.

    void Mechanics::set_absolute_equilibrium_distance( Phenotype& phenotype,
    double new_value )

    Here, new_value is the new equilibrium spacing (in units of microns).
    The function internally requires the cell's mean equivalent radius,
    and so you pass the cell's phenotype (by reference) as an additional

    Note that this function performs a "sanity check" to ensure that you have
    not given a value greater than 2.0 * mean_cell_radius.

    Also note that PhysiCell internally uses a relative spacing, so the
    absolute spacing will change from the value you set, over time.

  • Updated User_Guide to reflect new cell cycle model,
    including reference parameters chosen for consistency with
    the other cycle models.

Minor new features and changes:

  • Added the following constants to support the new cycle model

    static const int cycling = 17;
    static const int quiescent = 18;
    static const int cycling_quiescent_model = 7;

  • Removed the (never-used) Mechanics.maximum_adhesion_distance.

  • Removed the legacy template_projects folder.

Beta features (not fully supported):

  • Added a function pointer to the Cell_Functions class for intended
    contact-based cell-cell interaction, like delta-Notch signaling.

    void (contact_function)(Cell pMyself, Phenotype& my_phenotype,
    Cell* pOther, Phenotype& other_phenotype, double dt );

    It would be up to the user to define these functions and decide
    if the functions modify pMyself, pOther, or both. For now,
    the code will initialize the pointer to NULL and won't use it.

  • Open to comments on handling cell-cell contact functions. Here's what
    I have in mind:

    notation: cell i interacts with cell j with function f(i,j).

    Each cell agent can hold one contact-based interaction function f,
    to be stored as a pointer in the cell's instance of the Cell_Functions

    We use the containers (and their interaction testing structures) to
    identify all interactions (i,j,f), and add it to a vector of interactions.
    The interaction (i,j,f) is added to the list so long as (j,i,f) is not
    already in the list, to avoid double-counting the interaction.

    The code will seek through the "container" interaction testing
    data structure, probably at the cell mechanics time scale, and update /
    recreate the vector of contact-based interactions (i,j,f).

    The code would likely go through the vector of interactions and
    execute the codes once per dt_diffusion time step, since I would
    imagine molecular biology (with faster time scales) is intended here.

    Since f(i,j) can potentially modify both cell i and cell j, it's probably
    not thread-safe. So we'll probably need that in a non-parallel loop.

    We will probably add a new time scale for interactions, dt_interactions,
    and update the interaction list on that time scale.

    For faster checking if (i,j,f) or (j,i,f) is already in the vector,
    we'll probably want some sort of hash map in addition to the vector
    of interactions.

    We'll probably implement this all in something like
    PhysiCell_contact_interctions.*, and add a global enable/disable option.
    I'd imagine we'd add code to the "update_all_cells" to keep this
    as simple to the users as possible.

    We should probably update each cell's "neighbors" data structure at
    when we're doing all this testing.

    In a longer-term update, we could leverage that for simpler interaction
    testing during velocity updates.


  • Added missing "omp_set_num_threads(PhysiCell_settings.omp_num_threads)"
    in the main-heterogeneity.cpp file for the heterogeneity sample project.

  • In BioFVM, Microenvironment::compute_gradient_vector(int), removed "static"
    from "static std::vector indices(3,0)" to prevent rare segfaults.

  • Changed root above the comment lines in output files for
    better Python parsing compatibility. Thanks, rheiland!

Notices for intended changes that may affect backwards compatibility:

  • None.

Planned future improvements:

  • Further XML-based simulation setup.

  • read saved simulation states (as MultiCellDS digital snapshots)

  • "mainline" prototype cell attach/detach mechanics as standard models
    (currently in the biorobots and immune examples)

  • integrate SBML-encoded systems of ODEs as custom data and functions
    for molecular-scale modeling

  • integrate Boolean network support from PhysiBoSS into the mainline code

  • Develop contact-based cell-cell interactions. (Likely in next release.)

  • Add a new standard phenotype function that uses mechanobiology,
    where high pressure can arrest cycle progression.
    (Likely in next release.)

  • Add module for standardized pharmacodynamics, as prototyped in the
    nanobio project. (See

  • create an angiogenesis sample project

  • create a small library of angiogenesis and vascularization codes as
    an optional standard module in ./modules (but not as a core component)