The KPy gradle plugin allows you to write Kotlin/Native code and use it from python.
Note: Modules built with KPy still require XCode when building on macOS, this is a Kotlin/Native limitation.
A huge thank you to the indygreg/python-build-standalone project for providing prebuilt python binaries to build against. This project would be impossible to maintain without it.
- Export Kotlin/Native functions and classes without having to touch the Python API directly
- Convert between Kotlin and Python types with .toPython() and .toKotlin()
- Conversions handled mostly automatically
- Class inheritance mapped to python
- Generate Python stubs
- Catch Kotlin exceptions and raise them as Python exceptions
Change your gradle version to 7.5 (nightly builds only as of writing) Enable the plugin in your build.gradle.kts file:
plugins {
kotlin("multiplatform") version "2.0.0"
id("com.martmists.kpy.kpy-plugin") version "1.0.1"
kotlin {
val hostOs = System.getProperty("")
val isMingwX64 = hostOs.startsWith("Windows")
val isArm64 = System.getProperty("os.arch") == "aarch64"
// You can rename the target from `native` to something else,
// but make sure to also change to match this change!
val nativeTarget = when {
hostOs == "Mac OS X" && !isArm64 -> macosX64("native")
hostOs == "Linux" && !isArm64 -> linuxX64("native")
hostOs == "Mac OS X" && isArm64 -> macosArm64("native")
hostOs == "Linux" && isArm64 -> linuxArm64("native")
isMingwX64 -> mingwX64("native")
else -> throw GradleException("Host OS is not supported in Kotlin/Native.")
Use the following template (note: may be outdated, see kpy-sample for an up-to-date example):
from os.path import dirname, abspath
from platform import system
from setuptools import setup, Extension, find_packages
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
osname = system()
debug = False # Debug currently has some issues
dir_name = dirname(abspath(__file__))
if osname == "Linux" or osname == "Darwin":
gradle_bin = "./gradlew"
gradle_bin = ".\\gradlew.bat"
# Build the project
proc = Popen([gradle_bin, "build"])
if proc.wait() != 0:
raise Exception("Build failed")
# Fetch configuration from gradle task
proc = Popen([gradle_bin, "setupMetadata"], stdout=PIPE)
if proc.wait() != 0:
raise Exception("Failed to fetch metadata")
output =
real_output = output.split("===METADATA START===")[1].split("===METADATA END===")[0]
exec(real_output, globals(), locals())
# Types of variables from gradle metadata
has_stubs: bool
project_name: str
module_name: str
project_version: str
build_dir: str
root_dir: str
target: str
print("name: " + project_name)
print("version: " + project_version)
def snake_case(name):
return name.replace("-", "_").lower()
def extensions():
folder = "debugStatic" if debug else "releaseStatic"
prefix = "_" if has_stubs else ""
native = Extension(prefix + module_name,
return [native]
with open("", "r") as fh:
long_description =
attrs = {}
if has_stubs:
stub_root = f'{build_dir}/generated/ksp/{target}/{target}Main/resources'
attrs["packages"] = find_packages(where=stub_root)
attrs["package_dir"] = {"": stub_root}
attrs["packages"] = []
To configure the plugin, you can use the kpy
kpy {
// Pass properties to, the exec() command will pass them to the context
// Note: the second parameter is an expression, and must be valid python.
metadata("my_key", "'my' + 'value'") // in you can now use my_key and it evaluates to 'myvalue'
// Specify the python version to build against.
// Currently supported: [3.9, 3.10]
// Generate python stubs for the native sources
// These are stored to `build/generated/ksp/<target>/<target>Main/resources/`
// Note: these will be overwritten every time you build the project