This CV app project was created to begin practicing React concepts such as:
- Components
- Rendering techniques
- State
- Hooks
- Passing data/state between components
As React was the main focus of the project, other areas could have been developed better.
Possible improvements/notes to take forward:
- Additional sections for information relevant to a real world CV
- Better client side form validation
- Better accessibility features - E.g. color contrast of input focus, semantic HTML
- Put jsx elements into their own separate components E.g. controlled inputs
- Education and Experience components are very similar, it could be beneficial to combine these into a form element component to reduce code repetition
- Research if there is a better way to handle linking bewteen data and DOM nodes in react
- Research into how CSS and files are structured in a React project
- Brush back up on CSS and design skills - E.g. better organisation of css files (typography/layout)
- Fix various CSS overflow and layout issues
- Better css naming to prevent overlap between display and forms
- Research the best practices for repeated CSS in multiple components