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A systematic comparison of different machine learning & deep learning classification approaches applied to the problem of fully automatic recognition of Facial Expressions.


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About the Project

About the Project

Photo by h heyerlein on Unsplash


  • Facial expression recognition software is a technology which uses biometric markers to detect emotions in human faces.
  • More precisely, this technology is a sentiment analysis tool and is able to automatically detect the six basic or universal expressions: happiness, sadness, anger, neutral, surprise, fear, and disgust.
  • Facial expressions and other gestures convey nonverbal communication cues that play an important role in interpersonal relations.
  • Therefore, facial expression recognition, because it extracts and analyzes information from an image or video feed, it is able to deliver unfiltered, unbiased emotional responses as data.

Built With

Problem Statement

  • Given a data set consisting of facial images and their sketches, retrieve all images (real and /or sketch) which are similar to the given test image, along with various attributes of the image such as gender, expression and so on.

Data Source

  • The dataset was collected by us, consisting of 60 university students.
  • Total images = 60 * 7 (happiness, sadness, anger, neutral, surprise, fear, and disgust).


  • Face Detection - Locating faces in the scene, in an image or video footage.
  • Facial Landmark Detection - Extracting information about facial features from the detected faces.
  • Facial Expression And Emotion Classification - Classifying the obtained information into expression interpretative categories such as smile or frown or emotion categories such as happy, anger, disgust etc.


Data Cleaning

  • After importing the images, the images were resized to 420 × 240 because some of the images in the dataset did not have 1280 × 960 as their size, despite the submission format.

Data Preprocessing

  • The images were then converted into grayscale to remove the third dimension and to make the implementation easier.
  • Then the images were then flattened (except for CNN) and for Neural Network we have applied PCA to reduce image’s dimensions.
  • Histogram of oriented gradients was used to extract faces from entire images.
  • Then the dataset was divided into two parts 90% of the dataset was used for training and rest 10% was used for testing.

Data Augmentation

  • We have used data augmentation to increase size of our dataset.

Learning Algorithms

  • We have taken two types of approaches:
    • Non-neural network approach
      • K Nearest Neighbours (with k = 5, minkowski distance with p = 2)
      • Support Vector Machine (linear kernel)
      • Naive Bayes (Gaussian with variance 10^-9)
      • Decision Tree
      • Random Forest (n = 10)
    • Neural network approach
      • Back propagation Neural Network (with 15 features and 2 layers)
      • Convolutional Neural Network (3 convolutional layers and 2 fully connected layers with pooling layers)


  • Convolutional Neural Network Summary




  • Visualization of Weights of Different Filters (Emotion Recognition)




  • Confusion Matrix for CNN


  • Misclassified Images


  • Accuracy for Face Recognition


  • Accuracy for Gender Recognition


  • Accuracy for Expression Recognition



Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'feat: some amazing feature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/amazing-feature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.





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