This is a django app that allows you to run python interactively in slack. It requires an existing server running django.
allows interactivity between users
Long running code will be terminated
Need an already running django site
pip install django-slappy
Add "django_slappy" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this
INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'django_slappy', ]
Include the URLconf in your project like this
path('slappy/', include('django_slappy.urls'))
Create a slack app and add command with url 'http://your-server/slappy/'
Install to workspace. Slack will give you an OAUTH secret. Paste to your
like followingSLACK_OAUTH_SECRET = "abab-1231231231232-sfasfasdf-12312312"
A better practice is to use environment variable.
Of course you'll expose your server to remote-exploitation.
Make sure your have nice people in your workspace, otherwise prepare to get your entire server deleted