Members GL02_MSMZ (Developper) : Sébastien BACOUP, Zoé BOUTIN, Matéo CONDAT, Maxence JAULIN GL02_AngloFrenchTeam (Maintainer) : Soraya Lizeth MAQUEDA GUTIERREZ, WANG Ziyan, ZHANG Xizhu
The goal of this project is to create a software according to the specifications defined in the first deliverable [Document serving as specifications] AngloFrenchTeam_cc_SujetA.pdf.
- SPEC01 : Search for the Timeslot and all realated information for a given course.
- SPEC02 : Check the schedule and maximum Capacity of a precise room.
- SPEC03 : Search for which rooms are available for a defined Daytime.
- SPEC04 : Export a file in iCalendar format between two given dates.
- SPEC05 : Visualize room occupancy rates.
- SPEC06 : Visualize a chart of room types by Capacity.
- SPEC_NF_01 : The software is able to check the quality of the university schedule data to avoid overflow of rooms.
readMe : displays the readMe file and its information in the console
Form : node caporalCli.js command file
displaySchedule : displays the general schedule based on the information entered in the file .cru
searchCourse (SPEC01) : give the informations for a given course
capacityRoom (SPEC02) : give the maximum capacity of a precise room
roomAvalaible (SPEC03) : give the room avalaible for a period of time in a day
iCalendar (SPEC04) : permit a user to create all his UE's appointments in a .ics file. When opened in a calendar, it will takes all the appointments for the desired period
roomOccupancyChart (SPEC05) : generates an .html file that displays the occupancy average according to the number of rooms (Vega-Lite)
roomCapacityChart (SPEC06) : generates an .html file that displays the capacity according to the number of rooms (Vega-Lite)
checkScheduleQuality (SPEC_NF_01) : check the quality of the university schedule data to avoid overflow of rooms.
- Exceptions/errors management
- Do some tests
- Documentation
This project was carried out as part of a course on the foundations of software engineering (GL02) led by M.Tixier at l'Université de Technologie de Troyes (UTT).
You can find the subject on this repository [here](./doc/topic/Projet GL02 A21_SRU_SujetA.pdf) and the specifications here.
Copyright Developper Sébastien Bacoup, Zoé Boutin, Matéo Condat, Maxence Jaulin. Copyright Maintainer Soraya Lizeth MAQUEDA GUTIERREZ, WANG Ziyan, ZHANG Xizhu.