A simple Express.js boilerplate server with typescript
- Express.js
- Typescript
- Yarn
- Package managament with Yarn
- Testing with Jest and Supertest
- Cross-Origin Resource-Sharing enabled using cors
- Secured HTTP Headers using helmet
- Logging with winston
- Environment variables using dotenv
- Compression with gzip
- Git hooks with husky and lint-staged
- Linting and enforced code style using Eslint and Prettier
- Containerization with Docker
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
See .env.example for further details
This project uses Yarn as package manager
npm install --global yarn
git clone https://github.com/Louis3797/express-ts-boilerplate.git
Go to the project directory
cd express-ts-boilerplate
yarn install
# run ESLint
yarn lint
# fix ESLint errors
yarn lint:fix
# run prettier
yarn code:check
# fix prettier errors
yarn code:format
# fix prettier errors in specific file
yarn code:format:specific-file <file-name>
To run tests, run the following command
yarn test
Start the server in development mode
yarn dev
Start the server in production mode
yarn start
Build the container
cd express-ts-boilerplate
docker build . -t express-ts-boilerplate
Start the container
docker run -p <port you want the container to run at>:4040 -d express-ts-boilerplate
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.
Louis-Kaan Ay
Project Link: https://github.com/Louis3797/express-ts-boilerplate