SecureVault: A tool designed to generate and store secure passwords.
Recommended distributions:
1. Ubuntu and its derivatives (such as Kubuntu, Xubuntu)
2. ArchLinux
To restore local backups: simply copy them to the KeySafe/. VaultSecret path and remove the date, but first remove the immutable attribute from the keys in the . VaultSecret directory.
NOTE: in Arch Linux and in some distros derived from Ubuntu, it is necessary to create a virtual environment to install the dependencies that are in the requirements.txt file
NOTE: Do not use symbols in password names
First, navigate to your home directory:
cd ~
Clone the repository:
git clone
Move into the KeySafe directory:
cd KeySafe
Install dependencies:
For most distributions, install with:
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip e2fsprogs procps
For Arch Linux, use:
sudo pacman -S python python-pip e2fsprogs procps
Then, install the Python dependencies:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Convert to executable:
Install PyInstaller:
python3 -m pip install pyinstaller
Compile the program:
pyinstaller --onefile sv
Copy the executable:
cp -f dist/sv ./
Give execute permissions:
chmod u+x sv
Sign the executable:
Install GnuPG:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install gnupg -y
Create a GPG key:
gpg --full-generate-key
Sign the executable:
gpg --detach-sign -o sv.sig sv
Verify the signature:
gpg --verify sv.sig sv
Run the following command to generate the unique key, which will be required for any further actions within the script:
./sv -u
Other commands:
./sv [-h, --help, -V, -r, -g, -u, -d, -l, -b, -c, -ck]
How to create a virtual environment in Python3:
python3 -m venv venv/path/to/venv
Using the virtual environment:
venv/path/to/venv/bin/"and here the commands to execute"