- Simple: Add, Rename and Remove bookmarks with only one command, less shortcuts more productivity.
- Persistent: save your bookmarks into a sqlite db file
- Accessible: Find your bookmark by telescope or Treeview with ease.
- Informative: mark with a name or description, so you can record more information.
- Visibility: display icon and name at the marked lines, and highlight marked lines.
- Lists: arrange your bookmarks in lists, organise the bookmarks in your way.
Install & Config · Basic Operations · Treeview · Quick Navigation · More Commands · Keymap · Contributing
More usecases can be found at https://oatnil.top/bookmarks/usecases
-- with lazy.nvim
return {
-- pin the plugin at specific version for stability
-- backup your bookmark sqlite db when there are breaking changes
-- tag = "v2.3.0",
dependencies = {
{"stevearc/dressing.nvim"} -- optional: better UI
config = function()
local opts = {} -- check the "./lua/bookmarks/default-config.lua" file for all the options
require("bookmarks").setup(opts) -- you must call setup to init sqlite db
-- run :BookmarksInfo to see the running status of the plugin
check the config.lua file for all the options
For Windows users, if you meet sqlite dependency issues, please ref to #73, and try if it can fix your problem
Command | Description |
BookmarksMark |
Mark current line into active BookmarkList. Rename existing bookmark under cursor. Toggle it off if the new name is an empty string |
BookmarksGoto |
Go to bookmark at current active BookmarkList with telescope |
BookmarksNewList |
Create a new bookmark list, but I normally use BookmarksTree to create new list |
BookmarksLists |
Pick a bookmark list with telescope |
BookmarksCommands |
Find bookmark commands and trigger it |
Those Telescope shortcuts are also available
Shortcut | Action for bookmarks | Action for lists |
Enter |
Go to selected bookmark | set selected list as active list |
<C-x> |
Open selected bookmark in horizontal split | - |
<C-v> |
Open selected bookmark in vertical split | - |
<C-t> |
Open selected bookmark in new tab | - |
<C-d> |
Delete selected bookmark | Delete selected list |
and you can bind the commands to a shortcut or create a custom command out of it.
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "v" }, "Bd", function() require("bookmarks.commands").name_of_the_command_function() end, { desc = "Booksmark Clear Line" })
-- e.g.
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "v" }, "Bd", function() require("bookmarks.commands").delete_mark_of_current_file() end, { desc = "Booksmark Clear Line" })
-- or create your custom commands
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("BookmarksClearCurrentFile", function() require("bookmarks.commands").delete_mark_of_current_file() end, {})
Change the name_of_the_command_function
to the one you want to use, you can find all the names goes alone with the plugin in https://github.com/LintaoAmons/bookmarks.nvim/blob/better-treeview-visual/lua/bookmarks/commands/init.lua
And you can also extend the plugin by creating your own custom commands and put them into the config.
Command | Description |
BookmarksTree |
Browse bookmarks in tree view |
There are quite a lot operations in treeview, which you can config it in the way you like.
-- default keybindings in the treeview buffer
keymap = {
quit = { "q", "<ESC>" }, -- Close the tree view window and return to previous window
refresh = "R", -- Reload and redraw the tree view
create_list = "a", -- Create a new list under the current node
level_up = "u", -- Navigate up one level in the tree hierarchy
set_root = ".", -- Set current list as root of the tree view, also set as active list
set_active = "m", -- Set current list as the active list for bookmarks
toggle = "o", -- Toggle list expansion or go to bookmark location
move_up = "<localleader>k", -- Move current node up in the list
move_down = "<localleader>j", -- Move current node down in the list
delete = "D", -- Delete current node
rename = "r", -- Rename current node
goto = "g", -- Go to bookmark location in previous window
cut = "x", -- Cut node
copy = "c", -- Copy node
paste = "p", -- Paste node
show_info = "i", -- Show node info
reverse = "t", -- Reverse the order of nodes in the tree view
Command | Description |
BookmarksGotoNext |
Go to next bookmark in line number order within the current active BookmarkList |
BookmarksGotoPrev |
Go to previous bookmark in line number order within the current active BookmarkList |
BookmarksGotoNextInList |
Go to next bookmark by order id within the current active BookmarkList |
BookmarksGotoPrevInList |
Go to next bookmark by order id within the current active BookmarkList |
You can also use Hydra
to make navigation
-- use `nvimtools/hydra.nvim`: https://github.com/anuvyklack/hydra.nvim/issues/104
local Hydra = require('hydra')
name = "Bookmarks",
mode = 'n',
body = '<leader>m',
hint = [[
Bookmark Navigation
^ _j_: Next in List _J_: Next Bookmark
^ _k_: Prev in List _K_: Prev Bookmark
^ _<Esc>_: Exit
heads = {
{ 'j', '<cmd>BookmarksGotoNextInList<cr>' },
{ 'k', '<cmd>BookmarksGotoPrevInList<cr>' },
{ 'J', '<cmd>BookmarksGotoNext<cr>' },
{ 'K', '<cmd>BookmarksGotoPrev<cr>' },
Command | Description |
BookmarksDesc |
Add description to the bookmark under cursor, if no bookmark, then mark it first |
BookmarksGrep |
Grep through the content of all bookmarked files |
BookmarksInfo |
Overview plugin current status |
BookmarksInfoCurrentBookmark |
Show current bookmark info |
BookmarkRebindOrphanNode |
Rebind orphaned nodes by attaching them to the root node |
This plugin doesn't provide any default keybinding. I recommend you to have these keybindings.
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "v" }, "mm", "<cmd>BookmarksMark<cr>", { desc = "Mark current line into active BookmarkList." })
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "v" }, "mo", "<cmd>BookmarksGoto<cr>", { desc = "Go to bookmark at current active BookmarkList" })
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "v" }, "ma", "<cmd>BookmarksCommands<cr>", { desc = "Find and trigger a bookmark command." })
In this section, we will cover some advanced usage of the bookmarks.nvim plugin.
Mostly, how users can customise the plugin to fits their needs programmatically.
Check the ADVANCED_USAGE.md for more details.
Don't hesitate to ask me anything about the codebase if you want to contribute.
Goto help-wanted issues to check the task you can help with.
Most of them should have some hints about how we want to impl it.
- Plugin Structure:
the entry point of the pluginlua/bookmarks/domain
where the main objects/concepts live