VK is a social network that unites people all over the world and helps them communicate comfortably and promptly. It accounts for over half of Russian-speaking traffic in the world. Add easy-to-use VK API to your social games and apps and get access to more than 170 million users.
Development of this extension is supported by Master Tigra, Inc.
- Session management (auth, logout)
- Acessing user token
- Requests (see API methods)
- Sharing with native UI
Create an app in the VK dashboard. In the Settings tab, configure your app's IDs for iOS and/or Android. AIR apps for Android have their identifier prefixed with air.
(unless you manually override this behavior). Thus the settings must reflect this. The settings for Main activity for Android: is simply your app ID (Android package name) followed by .AppEntry
. See the official guide on how to get your Signing certificate fingerprint.
First, add the extension's ID to the extensions
If you are targeting Android, add the following extension from this repository as well (unless you know the Android Support library is included by some other extension):
For iOS support, add the following to iPhone / InfoAdditions
element where {APP_ID}
is the Application ID as specified in your VK dashboard:
If you plan to use nohttps
in your requests, add the following snippet as well to make sure the SDK works correctly on iOS9+:
For Android support, modify the manifestAdditions
so that it contains the following permission and activity:
<manifest android:installLocation="auto">
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
After your descriptor is set up, add the VK ANE package from the bin directory to your project so that your IDE can work with it. The Android support ANE is only necessary during packaging.
See the sources for the demo application.
Start by initializing the extension ideally after your app launches. You can also set a callback to be notified when an access token changes (which may happen shortly after you initialize the extension).
// The callback expects no parameters
VK.addAccessTokenUpdateCallback( onAccessTokenUpdated );
// The Boolean enables extension logs
VK.init( "VK_APP_ID", true );
function onAccessTokenUpdated():void {
// Access token updated, may be null if user is not logged in
// Retrieve the token using VK.accessToken
The onAccessTokenUpdated
method will be called every time the access token changes (for example, when user logs in). You can remove the callback using:
VK.removeAccessTokenUpdateCallback( onAccessTokenUpdated );
To authorize user, call the authorize
method along with the requested permissions and callback:
VK.authorize( new <String>[ VKPermissions.FRIENDS ], onAuthResult );
function onAuthResult( errorMessage:String ):void {
if( errorMessage != null ) {
// Error logging in or user denied
} else {
// Good to go
To check whether user is logged in, use the isLoggedIn
To log the user out, call the logout
// Token update callback will be called (if added before)
To see all the request methods and their parameters, please visit the official documentation.
To send a request to VK network, use VK.request
getter. It is a builder object and the usage is as follows:
// Simple request with no parameters
.setMethod( "account.getAppPermissions" )
.setResponseCallback( onGetAppPermissionsResponse )
.setErrorCallback( onGetAppPermissionsError )
// Response (success) callback expects Object and VKRequest parameters
private function onGetAppPermissionsResponse( response:Object, originalRequest:VKRequest ):void {
trace( "VKRequest::onGetAppPermissionsResponse for request: " + originalRequest.method );
// response param is a JSON
// originalRequest param may be useful to retrieve the request method (for example if you use a single callback method for different requests)
// Error callback expects String (that is the error message if provided)
private function onGetAppPermissionsError( error:String ):void {
trace( "VKRequest::onGetAppPermissionsError: " + error );
// A little more complex request with parameters
.setMethod( "users.get" )
.setParameters( {
user_ids: ["210700286"],
fields : "photo_200,city,verified"
} )
.setResponseCallback( onGetUsersResponse )
.setErrorCallback( onGetUsersError )
private function onGetUsersResponse( response:Object, originalRequest:VKRequest ):void {
Logger.log( "VK::onGetUsersResponse for request: " + originalRequest.method );
// response JSON could be something like this:
response: [
first_name: "Lindsey",
photo_200: "https://pp.vk.me/c631329/v631329286/23f6c/oMiHw7KjcrU.jpg",
id: 210700286,
verified: 1,
city: {
title: Los Angeles
id: 5331
last_name: "Stirling"
The extension allows you to present native UI dialogs with pre-populated content, including text, link and images. To show the share dialog, use VK.share
getter. Similar to the VK.request
API, it's a builder object which allows you to easily set only the data you need:
// Simple dialog with text and a link
.setText( "Hello, sharing this fine link with you." )
.setAttachmentLink( "VK.com", "http://vk.com" )
.setCompleteCallback( onShareCompleted )
.setCancelCallback( onShareCancelled )
.setErrorCallback( onShareFailed )
// Complete callback expects String (id of the post that's just been created)
private function onShareCompleted( postId:String ):void {
trace( "VK::onShareCompleted postId: " + postId );
// No parameters expected
private function onShareCancelled():void {
trace( "VK::onShareCancelled" );
// Error callback expects String (that is the error message if provided)
private function onShareFailed( errorMessage:String ):void {
trace( "VK::onShareFailed " + errorMessage );
// Dialog with BitmapData (photos) that will be uploaded
.setAttachmentImages( new <BitmapData>[ bmp1.bitmapData, bmp2.bitmapData ] )
// Dialog referencing IDs of photos that have been uploaded to VK earlier
.setUploadedPhotos( new <String>["photo368852665_420167096", "photo368852665_420213267"] )
- iOS 7+
- Android 4+
- Adobe AIR 20+
Generated ActionScript documentation is available in the docs directory, or can be generated by running ant asdoc
from the build directory.
ANT build scripts are available in the build directory. Edit build.properties to correspond with your local setup.
The ANE has been written by Marcel Piestansky and is distributed under Apache License, version 2.0.
- UPDATED request response to provide unified
object across iOS and Android- The
object no longer contains response key. Make sure to revise your request callbacks after updating to this version.
- The
- FIXED request callback not getting called if new request is made before receiving response (thanks Liklainy)
- ADDED prefix to IActivityResultCallback so that the class is unique for this extension
- FIXED incorrect conditional operator when removing token callback
- UPDATED iOS SDK to v1.4.4
- FIXED bug causing out-of-range array access if there are multiple token callbacks and one of them is removed when they are triggered
- FIXED inconsistency in JSON format when sending response from native side to AS3
- UPDATED AIRExtHelpers.framework
- FIXED null pointer exception when accessing scope of VKAccessToken
- FIXED parsing of access token's email property
- Public release