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Make Cumulative, NonCumulative and Private attributes.
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- Legacy attributes can now be specified in any order.
- Legacy attribute Cumulative maps to universes(cumulative).
- Legacy attribute NonCumulative maps to universes(noncumulative).
- Legacy attribute Private maps to private(matching).

We use "private(matching)" and not "private(match)" because we cannot
use keywords within attributes.
  • Loading branch information
Zimmi48 committed Mar 19, 2020
1 parent a5c131b commit 9f834bd
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Showing 6 changed files with 93 additions and 81 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions plugins/funind/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1517,7 +1517,7 @@ let do_build_inductive
let msg =
str "while trying to define"++ spc () ++
Ppvernac.pr_vernac (CAst.make Vernacexpr.{ control = []; attrs = []; expr = VernacInductive(None,false,Vernacexpr.Inductive_kw,repacked_rel_inds)})
Ppvernac.pr_vernac (CAst.make Vernacexpr.{ control = []; attrs = []; expr = VernacInductive(Vernacexpr.Inductive_kw,repacked_rel_inds)})
++ fnl () ++
Expand All @@ -1532,7 +1532,7 @@ let do_build_inductive
let msg =
str "while trying to define"++ spc () ++
Ppvernac.pr_vernac (CAst.make @@ Vernacexpr.{ control = []; attrs = []; expr = VernacInductive(None,false,Vernacexpr.Inductive_kw,repacked_rel_inds)})
Ppvernac.pr_vernac (CAst.make @@ Vernacexpr.{ control = []; attrs = []; expr = VernacInductive(Vernacexpr.Inductive_kw,repacked_rel_inds)})
++ fnl () ++
CErrors.print reraise
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion stm/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ let classify_vernac e =
| VernacPrimitive (id,_,_) ->
VtSideff ([id.CAst.v], VtLater)
| VernacDefinition (_,({v=id},_),DefineBody _) -> VtSideff (idents_of_name id, VtLater)
| VernacInductive (_, _,_,l) ->
| VernacInductive (_,l) ->
let ids = (fun (((_,({v=id},_)),_,_,cl),_) -> id :: match cl with
| Constructors l -> (fun (_,({v=id},_)) -> id) l
| RecordDecl (oid,l) -> (match oid with Some {v=x} -> [x] | _ -> []) @
Expand Down
59 changes: 28 additions & 31 deletions vernac/g_vernac.mlg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -107,35 +107,40 @@ GRAMMAR EXTEND Gram
| -> { VernacFlagEmpty } ]
[ [ IDENT "Local"; v = vernac_poly -> { let (f, v) = v in (("local", VernacFlagEmpty) :: f, v) }
| IDENT "Global"; v = vernac_poly -> { let (f, v) = v in (("global", VernacFlagEmpty) :: f, v) }

| v = vernac_poly -> { v } ]
[ [ IDENT "Local" ->
{ ("local", VernacFlagEmpty) }
| IDENT "Global" ->
{ ("global", VernacFlagEmpty) }
| IDENT "Polymorphic" ->
{ Attributes.vernac_polymorphic_flag }
| IDENT "Monomorphic" ->
{ Attributes.vernac_monomorphic_flag }
| IDENT "Cumulative" ->
{ ("universes", VernacFlagList ["cumulative", VernacFlagEmpty]) }
| IDENT "NonCumulative" ->
{ ("universes", VernacFlagList ["noncumulative", VernacFlagEmpty]) }
| IDENT "Private" ->
{ ("private", VernacFlagList ["matching", VernacFlagEmpty]) }
| IDENT "Program" ->
{ ("program", VernacFlagEmpty) }
] ]
[ [ IDENT "Polymorphic"; v = vernac_aux ->
{ let (f, v) = v in (Attributes.vernac_polymorphic_flag :: f, v) }
| IDENT "Monomorphic"; v = vernac_aux ->
{ let (f, v) = v in (Attributes.vernac_monomorphic_flag :: f, v) }
| v = vernac_aux -> { v } ]
[ [ attrs = LIST0 legacy_attr; v = vernac_aux -> { (attrs, v) } ] ]
(* Better to parse "." here: in case of failure (e.g. in coerce_to_var), *)
(* "." is still in the stream and discard_to_dot works correctly *)
[ [ IDENT "Program"; g = gallina; "." -> { (["program", VernacFlagEmpty], g) }
| IDENT "Program"; g = gallina_ext; "." -> { (["program", VernacFlagEmpty], g) }
| g = gallina; "." -> { ([], g) }
| g = gallina_ext; "." -> { ([], g) }
| c = command; "." -> { ([], c) }
| c = syntax; "." -> { ([], c) }
| c = subprf -> { ([], c) }
[ [ g = gallina; "." -> { g }
| g = gallina_ext; "." -> { g }
| c = command; "." -> { c }
| c = syntax; "." -> { c }
| c = subprf -> { c }
] ]
vernac_aux: LAST
[ [ prfcom = command_entry -> { ([], prfcom) } ] ]
[ [ prfcom = command_entry -> { prfcom } ] ]
[ [ c = query_command -> { c None } ] ]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -197,9 +202,8 @@ GRAMMAR EXTEND Gram
| IDENT "Let"; id = identref; b = def_body ->
{ VernacDefinition ((DoDischarge, Let), (lname_of_lident id, None), b) }
(* Gallina inductive declarations *)
| cum = OPT cumulativity_token; priv = private_token; f = finite_token;
indl = LIST1 inductive_definition SEP "with" ->
{ VernacInductive (cum, priv, f, indl) }
| f = finite_token; indl = LIST1 inductive_definition SEP "with" ->
{ VernacInductive (f, indl) }
| "Fixpoint"; recs = LIST1 rec_definition SEP "with" ->
{ VernacFixpoint (NoDischarge, recs) }
| IDENT "Let"; "Fixpoint"; recs = LIST1 rec_definition SEP "with" ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -341,13 +345,6 @@ GRAMMAR EXTEND Gram
| IDENT "Structure" -> { Structure }
| IDENT "Class" -> { Class true } ] ]
[ [ IDENT "Cumulative" -> { VernacCumulative }
| IDENT "NonCumulative" -> { VernacNonCumulative } ] ]
[ [ IDENT "Private" -> { true } | -> { false } ] ]
(* Simple definitions *)
[ [ bl = binders; ":="; red = reduce; c = lconstr ->
Expand Down
24 changes: 7 additions & 17 deletions vernac/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ let string_of_definition_object_kind = let open Decls in function
let assumptions = prlist_with_sep spc (fun p -> hov 1 (str "(" ++ pr_params p ++ str ")")) l in
return (hov 2 (pr_assumption_token (n > 1) discharge kind ++
pr_non_empty_arg pr_assumption_inline t ++ spc() ++ assumptions))
| VernacInductive (cum, p,f,l) ->
| VernacInductive (f,l) ->
let pr_constructor (coe,(id,c)) =
hov 2 (pr_lident id ++ str" " ++
(if coe then str":>" else str":") ++
Expand All @@ -830,24 +830,14 @@ let string_of_definition_object_kind = let open Decls in function
str" :=") ++ pr_constructor_list lc ++
prlist (pr_decl_notation @@ pr_constr env sigma) ntn
let key =
let kind =
match f with Record -> "Record" | Structure -> "Structure"
| Inductive_kw -> "Inductive" | CoInductive -> "CoInductive"
| Class _ -> "Class" | Variant -> "Variant"
if p then
let cm =
match cum with
| Some VernacCumulative -> "Cumulative"
| Some VernacNonCumulative -> "NonCumulative"
| None -> ""
cm ^ " " ^ kind
else kind
let kind =
match f with
| Record -> "Record" | Structure -> "Structure"
| Inductive_kw -> "Inductive" | CoInductive -> "CoInductive"
| Class _ -> "Class" | Variant -> "Variant"
return (
hov 1 (pr_oneind key (List.hd l)) ++
hov 1 (pr_oneind kind (List.hd l)) ++
(prlist (fun ind -> fnl() ++ hov 1 (pr_oneind "with" ind)) ( l))

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79 changes: 54 additions & 25 deletions vernac/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -604,17 +604,39 @@ let vernac_assumption ~atts discharge kind l nl =

let is_polymorphic_inductive_cumulativity =
declare_bool_option_and_ref ~depr:false ~value:false
~key:["Polymorphic"; "Inductive"; "Cumulativity"]

let should_treat_as_cumulative cum poly =
match cum with
| Some VernacCumulative ->
if poly then true
else user_err Pp.(str "The Cumulative prefix can only be used in a polymorphic context.")
| Some VernacNonCumulative ->
if poly then false
else user_err Pp.(str "The NonCumulative prefix can only be used in a polymorphic context.")
| None -> poly && is_polymorphic_inductive_cumulativity ()

let polymorphic_cumulative =
let error_poly_context () =
Pp.(str "The cumulative and noncumulative attributes can only be used in a polymorphic context.");
let open Attributes in
let open Notations in
qualify_attribute "universes"
(bool_attribute ~name:"Polymorphism" ~on:"polymorphic" ~off:"monomorphic"
++ bool_attribute ~name:"Cumulativity" ~on:"cumulative" ~off:"noncumulative")
>>= function
| Some poly, Some cum ->
(* Case of Polymorphic|Monomorphic Cumulative|NonCumulative Inductive
and #[ universes(polymorphic|monomorphic,cumulative|noncumulative) ] Inductive *)
if poly then return (true, cum)
else error_poly_context ()
| Some poly, None ->
(* Case of Polymorphic|Monomorphic Inductive
and #[ universes(polymorphic|monomorphic) ] Inductive *)
if poly then return (true, is_polymorphic_inductive_cumulativity ())
else return (false, false)
| None, Some cum ->
(* Case of Cumulative|NonCumulative Inductive *)
if is_universe_polymorphism () then return (true, cum)
else error_poly_context ()
| None, None ->
(* Case of Inductive *)
if is_universe_polymorphism () then
return (true, is_polymorphic_inductive_cumulativity ())
return (false, false)

let get_uniform_inductive_parameters =
Expand All @@ -627,8 +649,7 @@ let should_treat_as_uniform () =
then ComInductive.UniformParameters
else ComInductive.NonUniformParameters

let vernac_record ~template udecl cum k poly finite records =
let cumulative = should_treat_as_cumulative cum poly in
let vernac_record ~template udecl ~cumulative k ~poly finite records =
let map ((coe, id), binders, sort, nameopt, cfs) =
let const = match nameopt with
| None -> Nameops.add_prefix "Build_" id.v
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -668,12 +689,21 @@ let finite_of_kind = let open Declarations in function
| CoInductive -> CoFinite
| Variant | Record | Structure | Class _ -> BiFinite

(** When [poly] is true the type is declared polymorphic. When [lo] is true,
then the type is declared private (as per the [Private] keyword). [finite]
indicates whether the type is inductive, co-inductive or
neither. *)
let vernac_inductive ~atts cum lo kind indl =
let template, poly = Attributes.(parse Notations.(template ++ polymorphic) atts) in
let private_ind =
let open Attributes in
let open Notations in
[ "matching"
, single_key_parser ~name:"Private (matching) inductive type" ~key:"matching" ()
|> qualify_attribute "private"
>>= function
| Some () -> return true
| None -> return false

let vernac_inductive ~atts kind indl =
let (template, (poly, cumulative)), private_ind = Attributes.(
parse Notations.(template ++ polymorphic_cumulative ++ private_ind) atts) in
let open Pp in
let udecl, indl = extract_inductive_udecl indl in
if Dumpglob.dump () then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -710,7 +740,7 @@ let vernac_inductive ~atts cum lo kind indl =
let coe' = if coe then Some true else None in
let f = AssumExpr ((make ?loc:lid.loc @@ Name lid.v), ce),
{ rf_subclass = coe' ; rf_priority = None ; rf_notation = [] ; rf_canonical = true } in
vernac_record ~template udecl cum (Class true) poly finite [id, bl, c, None, [f]]
vernac_record ~template udecl ~cumulative (Class true) ~poly finite [id, bl, c, None, [f]]
else if List.for_all is_record indl then
(* Mutual record case *)
let () = match kind with
Expand All @@ -735,7 +765,7 @@ let vernac_inductive ~atts cum lo kind indl =
let kind = match kind with Class _ -> Class false | _ -> kind in
let recordl = unpack indl in
vernac_record ~template udecl cum kind poly finite recordl
vernac_record ~template udecl ~cumulative kind ~poly finite recordl
else if List.for_all is_constructor indl then
(* Mutual inductive case *)
let () = match kind with
Expand All @@ -758,9 +788,8 @@ let vernac_inductive ~atts cum lo kind indl =
| RecordDecl _ -> assert false (* ruled out above *)
let indl = unpack indl in
let cumulative = should_treat_as_cumulative cum poly in
let uniform = should_treat_as_uniform () in
ComInductive.do_mutual_inductive ~template udecl indl ~cumulative ~poly ~private_ind:lo ~uniform finite
ComInductive.do_mutual_inductive ~template udecl indl ~cumulative ~poly ~private_ind ~uniform finite
user_err (str "Mixed record-inductive definitions are not allowed")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2008,8 +2037,8 @@ let translate_vernac ~atts v = let open Vernacextend in match v with
vernac_declare_module_type lid bl mtys mtyo)
| VernacAssumption ((discharge,kind),nl,l) ->
VtDefault(fun () -> with_def_attributes ~atts vernac_assumption discharge kind l nl)
| VernacInductive (cum, priv, finite, l) ->
VtDefault(fun () -> vernac_inductive ~atts cum priv finite l)
| VernacInductive (finite, l) ->
VtDefault(fun () -> vernac_inductive ~atts finite l)
| VernacFixpoint (discharge, l) ->
let opens = List.exists (fun { body_def } -> Option.is_empty body_def) l in
if opens then
Expand Down
6 changes: 1 addition & 5 deletions vernac/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -250,10 +250,6 @@ type register_kind =
type module_ast_inl = module_ast * Declaremods.inline
type module_binder = bool option * lident list * module_ast_inl

(** [Some b] if locally enabled/disabled according to [b], [None] if
we should use the global flag. *)
type vernac_cumulative = VernacCumulative | VernacNonCumulative

(** {6 The type of vernacular expressions} *)

type vernac_one_argument_status = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -312,7 +308,7 @@ type nonrec vernac_expr =
| VernacExactProof of constr_expr
| VernacAssumption of (discharge * Decls.assumption_object_kind) *
Declaremods.inline * (ident_decl list * constr_expr) with_coercion list
| VernacInductive of vernac_cumulative option * bool (* private *) * inductive_kind * (inductive_expr * decl_notation list) list
| VernacInductive of inductive_kind * (inductive_expr * decl_notation list) list
| VernacFixpoint of discharge * fixpoint_expr list
| VernacCoFixpoint of discharge * cofixpoint_expr list
| VernacScheme of (lident option * scheme) list
Expand Down

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