Pipeline script to clean and enrich a word list.
clean the word list to remove most junk, numbers and non-Dutch words
run spelling checker Ticcl to get spelling corrections
run lemmatizer form Frog to get lemmas for the corrected words
split the lemmas in their coumpound parts
- Clone this repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/LanguageMachines/lexiconenrichment
- Build the image:
$ docker build -t lexiconenrichment lexiconenrichment
- Start an interactive shell in a new container:
$ docker run -t -i lexiconenrichment
. - Invoke
with two parameters: inputfile outputname
The input should be the list of one word per line in the format: word,STATUSCODE The information status codes are numbers
Only words with Statuscode 0 or 10 are included.
The output is word per line, followed by spellchecked version, lemma, compound parts
example output:
binnnenkomststempel,binnenkomststempel,binnenkomststempel,binnen komst stempel