Open bookshelves like chests and store books inside them, as well as boosting enchantment tables!
More information (screenshots, commands, permissions) about the plugin can be found on the Spigot page linked above.
Built against Spigot's API (required mc versions are listed on the spigot page above). Plugins built against Spigot usually also work with Paper.
with the version number.
- BlockLocker
- WorldGuard
- GriefPrevention
- RedProtect
- Residence
- Towny
- Lands
- ASkyBlock
- BentoBox
- SuperiorSkyblock2
- GriefDefender
- PlotSquared v4 / v5 / v6
- OpenInv
- Essentials
- CMI (Public API)
- SuperVanish
- PremiumVanish
- InteractionVisualizer
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