Python library to remotely manage/automate switches running OcNOS operating system.
- ncclient = 0.6.3
pip install pyocnos
pip install --upgrade pyocnos
>>> from pyocnos.ocnos import OCNOS
>>> # initialze device
>>> # timeout is optional default value is 60 seconds
>>> device = OCNOS(hostname='hostname', username='username', password='password', timeout=10)
>>> # open connection
>>> # check if connection is alive
>>> device.is_alive() # returns True
>>> # close the connection
>>> device.close()
>>> from pyocnos.ocnos import OCNOS
>>> # initialze device and open connection
>>> with OCNOS(hostname='hostname', username='username', password='password') as device:
>>> device.is_alive() # returns True
>>> from pyocnos.ocnos import OCNOS
>>> # initialze device and open connection
>>> with OCNOS(hostname='hostname', username='username', password='password') as device:
>>> running_config = device.get_config('running')['running']
>>> print(running_config)
>>> from pyocnos.ocnos import OCNOS
>>> # initialze device and open connection
>>> with OCNOS(hostname='hostname', username='username', password='password') as device:
>>> # from a string
>>> device.load_candidate_config(config='<config><vr><vrf>2</vrf></vr></config>')
>>> # Or could also be loaded from a file path
>>> device.load_candidate_config(filename='path-to-file.xml')
>>> from pyocnos.ocnos import OCNOS
>>> # initialze device and open connection
>>> with OCNOS(hostname='hostname', username='username', password='password') as device:
>>> device.load_candidate_config(config='<config><vr><vrf>2</vrf></vr></config>')
>>> #Now we can diff the candidate with the running
>>> diff = device.compare_config()
>>> for line in diff:
>>> print(line)
>>> # Should print something like
>>> # [vr]
>>> # - <vrf>1</vrf>
>>>># + <vrf>2</vrf>
>>> from pyocnos.ocnos import OCNOS
>>> # initialze device and open connection
>>> with OCNOS(hostname='hostname', username='username', password='username') as device:
>>> # load candidate config from a string
>>> device.load_candidate_config(config='<config><vr><vrf>2</vrf></vr></config>')
>>> # device running config will be replace by the candidate config
>>> device.commit_config()
Logging is facilitated though the python logging module. Once you initilize a logger in your main program, pyexos will emit its messages accordingly.
>>> import logging
>>> import sys
>>> logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO)
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