A fork of https://github.com/yrgoldteeth/bootstrap-will_paginate which includes yrgoldteeth#33 (comment)
Will Paginate link renderer styles for Twitter Bootstrap 3/4
Rails Engine that extends will_paginate stylings to match the pagination styling conventions in Twitter's Bootstrap toolkit.
The real hard work done on the renderer initializer was written by Isaac Bowen.
Add to your Gemfile:
gem 'bootstrap-will_paginate'
Just like you would in the regular will_paginate. If you've got a need to use the default will_paginate stylings, pass an option like so:
<%= will_paginate(@things, :renderer => WillPaginate::ActionView::LinkRenderer) %>
To use Bootstrap 4 version:
<%= will_paginate(@things, :renderer => WillPaginate::ActionView::Bootstrap4LinkRenderer) %>
You can easily change the pagination components' appearance by passing the correct Bootstrap classes as options:
Sizing(Bootstrap 3 & 4): Add .pagination-lg
or .pagination-sm
for additional sizes.
<%= will_paginate(@things, :renderer => WillPaginate::ActionView::Bootstrap4LinkRenderer, class: 'pagination-lg') %>
Alignment (Bootstrap 4 only): Change the alignment of pagination components using Boostrap 4 Flexbox utilities
<%= will_paginate(@things, :renderer => WillPaginate::ActionView::Bootstrap4LinkRenderer, class: 'justify-content-center') %>
Copyright (c) 2017 Nicholas Fine, Isaac Bowen released under the MIT license