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KubeSnapIt Krew Release v0.0.12

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@github-actions github-actions released this 10 Dec 15:36

[0.0.12] - 2024-12-10


  • Helm Backend Storage: $SnapshotHelm now includes a backup of Helm backend storage (Secrets or ConfigMaps), ensuring that all metadata for Helm releases is captured in snapshots.
  • Verbose Backend Logging: Detailed logging of backend type (Secrets or ConfigMaps) and operations is now included when running in verbose mode.
  • Helm Restore with History: Added support for restoring Helm releases, including their full history and backend configuration (Secrets or ConfigMaps). This ensures a complete recovery of release state.
  • Dynamic Resource Discovery: Replaced hardcoded lists of resource kinds with dynamic discovery using kubectl api-resources. This ensures all available Kubernetes resource types, including CRDs and their objects, are automatically included in snapshots.
  • Automatic CRD Object Backup: CRD objects are now seamlessly backed up alongside other resources without requiring separate logic.


  • Empty Release Handling: Improved handling of namespaces with no Helm releases, avoiding unnecessary warnings and providing clear messages instead.

  • Error Messages: Enhanced error messages for missing tools (helm or kubectl) to include actionable instructions for installation.

  • Changed: Replaced $AllNamespaces with $ClusterResources for snapshotting cluster-scoped resources. $AllNamespaces remains available for Helm snapshotting purposes.