A cURL-based post-deploy health check with build-in redirect & retry. A quick & easy way to verify a deployment.
- name: Check the deployed service URL
uses: KrogerWalt/url-health-check-action@main
# Check the following URLs one by one sequentially
url: https://example.com|http://example.com
# Follow redirects, or just report success on 3xx status codes
follow-redirect: false # Optional, defaults to "false"
# Fail this action after this many failed attempts
max-attempts: 3 # Optional, defaults to 1
# Delay between retries
retry-delay: 5s # Optional, only applicable to max-attempts > 1
# Retry all errors, including 404. This option might trigger curl upgrade.
retry-all: false # Optional, defaults to "false"
# Tell curl to skip certificate validation when making the call
skip-validation: false # Optional, defaults to "false"
The action will fail if any of the URLs reports either 4xx or 5xx status codes.