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Kong Icons

Kong's open-source, Vue icon component library, partially sourced from Google's Material Symbols.

View all available icons:



Install the @kong/icons package in your host project.

pnpm add @kong/icons


Icons should be imported individually which allows for proper tree-shaking, so only import the icons you need.

Notice that since the few styles that are included are inlined, there is no stylesheet to import.

    Add a service
    <AddIcon size="24" />

<script setup lang="ts">
import { AddIcon } from '@kong/icons'

Component Props


  • type: String
  • required: false
  • default: ''

The accessibility text provided to screen readers.


Note: The color prop only impacts solid, single-color icons generated from the /svg/solid/ directory.

  • type: String
  • required: false
  • default: 'currentColor'

Set the icon color to any valid CSS color value or currentColor, which inherits the text color of the icon's parent element.


  • type: String
  • required: false
  • default: 'block'

Set the CSS display property for the icon wrapper element.


  • type: Boolean
  • required: false
  • default: false

Whether the SVG is meaningful to the page, or just complimentary. Utilized to expose or hide the SVG from screen readers and enable or disable pointer events.


  • type: [Number, String]
  • required: false
  • default: 24

The size of the icon, in pixels.

As a convenience, you may pass the size as a number, e.g. 24 or as a string that can be converted to an integer, such as '48'.

When utilizing a string, do not pass any units along with the value.


  • type: String
  • required: false
  • default: 'span'

The HTML tag to use in place of the default wrapper <span> tag.

<CloseIcon as="button" />

Contributing & Local Development

To get started, install the package dependencies

pnpm install --frozen-lockfile

The exported Vue components are generated from SVG source files located in the /svg/ child directories.

SVG file requirements

Source SVG files must:

  • have a unique, lowercase and kebab-case filename, regardless of the /svg/* subdirectory they are located in
    • file names must not include the word icon (the suffix is automatically added during component generation)
    • the resulting exported icon name will be a PascalCase file with an added Icon suffix (e.g. kebab-case.svg -> KebabCaseIcon.vue)
  • be stored in the /svg/ directory
    • All solid (single-color) icon SVG files must be placed in the /svg/solid/ directory
    • All flag icon SVG files must be named following the format {country code}.svg and must be placed in the /svg/flags/ directory. All country codes must be two-character strings.
    • All multi-color SVG files must be placed in the /svg/multi-color/ directory
  • have a default size of 24px when they are exported
  • be sourced from and approved of by Kong's Design team

Adding a new icon

To add a new SVG:

  1. Ensure the SVG has been exported from the Design team (do not create custom SVG files)
    1. Icons must follow the viewbox and color guidelines to match the standard of existing icons. New icons can be requested on Slack in #ask-kong-design-system
  2. Ensure the filename is lowercase and kebab-case
  3. Place the SVG file into the corresponding /svg/* subdirectory.
  4. Locally, run pnpm generate to create the corresponding Vue component
  5. Locally, run pnpm test --update to run the tests and update the test snapshots
  6. Commit your changes and push up a Pull Request for review

Development Sandbox

This repository includes a Vue sandbox app (see the /sandbox directory) to allow you to experiment with icons.

The pnpm dev command will automatically call the generate command to generate the icon components.

To compile the icon components and start the sandbox:

# Generate the Icon Components and start the sandbox
pnpm dev

Build and Preview the Development Sandbox

To run a local preview of the Sandbox site that will be deployed to GitHub Pages:

pnpm build:sandbox
pnpm preview:sandbox

Lint and fix

Lint package files, and optionally auto-fix detected issues.

# Lint only
pnpm lint

# Lint and fix
pnpm lint:fix


Unit and component tests are run with Vitest.

The Vitest settings are pre-configured to regenerate the icon components before every run.

# Run tests
pnpm test

# Run tests in the Vitest UI
pnpm test:open

# Update test snapshots
pnpm test --update

When SVG files are added or removed, this will cause the test(s) that compare snapshots to fail. If the snapshot change is expected, run pnpm test --update to update the test snapshots accordingly, then commit those changes to your branch.

Build for production

Process the /svg/ directory, generate the icon components and associated files, and build for production.

pnpm build

Committing Changes

Commitizen friendly

This repo uses Conventional Commits.

Commitizen and Commitlint are used to help build and enforce commit messages.

It is highly recommended to use the following command in order to create your commits:

pnpm commit

This will trigger the Commitizen interactive prompt for building your commit message.

Enforcing Commit Format

Lefthook is used to manage Git Hooks within the repo.

  • A commit-msg hook is automatically setup that enforces commit message stands with commitlint, see lefthook.ymal
  • A pre-push hook is used that runs eslint before allowing you to push your changes to the repository

Additionally, CI will use commitlint to validate the commits associated with a PR in the Lint and Validate job.


  • All pull requests require review and approval from authorized team members.
  • Automated approvals through workflows are strictly prohibited.
    • There is an exception for automated pull request approvals originating from generated dependency updates that satisfy status checks and other requirements.
  • Protected branches require at least one approval from code owners.
  • All status checks must pass before a pull request may be merged.

Package Publishing

This repository utilizes Semantic Release for automated package publishing and version updates.