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Sharable ESLint configuration for Kong's frontend repositories


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A shared ESLint configuration for Kong's frontend repositories.


This package only supports ESLint flat config files and requires eslint >= 9.0.0.

Beginning in ESLint v9.0.0, the default configuration system utilizes a new flat config system. See the Migration Guide for more information.



Install the @kong/eslint-config-kong-ui package as a devDependency in your host project.

pnpm add -D @kong/eslint-config-kong-ui

# or for a mono repository, install to the workspace root
pnpm add -wD @kong/eslint-config-kong-ui

Available Configs

This package exports several ESLint configurations to use in your project. Read through the available configs below, and see the Setup section for instructions on how to add them to your project.

Default config

The default config provides linting for files matching this pattern **/*.{js,mjs,cjs,jsx,ts,tsx,mts,cts,vue} and includes rules configured via:

  • ESLint recommended rules
  • TypeScript recommended rules
  • eslint-plugin-vue
  • eslint-plugin-promise
  • ESLint Stylistic rules configured for our preferred formatting settings
  • ...and more. See index.mjs to view the configuration.

The default config can be imported as shown here:

import eslintKongUiConfig from '@kong/eslint-config-kong-ui'
// or
import eslintKongUiConfig from '@kong/eslint-config-kong-ui/default'

JSON config

The JSON config provides linting for files matching this pattern **/*.{json,jsonc} and includes rules and preferred formatting settings configured via eslint-plugin-jsonc.

The JSON config can be imported as shown here:

import eslintKongUiConfigJson from '@kong/eslint-config-kong-ui/json'


You will likely only want to apply the JSON config to a subset of file patterns in your project. See the section on applying a config to a subset of files for detailed instructions.

Cypress config

The Cypress config includes all settings from the Default config and provides additional rules for Cypress test files, given a pattern for files that your host project provides, and includes rules and preferred formatting settings configured via eslint-plugin-cypress, as well as the ESLint and TypeScript ESLint recommended settings. See cypress.mjs to view the configuration.

The Cypress config can be imported as shown here:

import eslintKongUiConfigCypress from '@kong/eslint-config-kong-ui/cypress'


You will likely only want to apply the Cypress config to a subset of file patterns in your project. See the section on applying a config to a subset of files for detailed instructions.


To use the shared config, import the package inside of an eslint.config.mjs file and add it into the exported array, like this:

// eslint.config.mjs
import eslintKongUiConfig from '@kong/eslint-config-kong-ui'

export default [

Overriding settings from the shared config

You can override settings from the shareable config by adding them directly into your eslint.config.mjs file after importing the shareable config. For example:

// eslint.config.mjs
import eslintKongUiConfig from '@kong/eslint-config-kong-ui'

export default [
  // anything from here will override eslintKongUiConfig
    rules: {
        'no-unused-vars': 'error',

Apply a config to a subset of files

You can apply a config array to just a subset of files by using the map() method to add a files key to each config object.

For example, you may only want to apply the JSON config to **/locales/**/*.json files in your project (this is our practice at Kong):

// eslint.config.mjs
import eslintKongUiConfig from '@kong/eslint-config-kong-ui'
import eslintKongUiConfigJson from '@kong/eslint-config-kong-ui/json'
import eslintKongUiConfigCypress from '@kong/eslint-config-kong-ui/cypress'

export default [
  // Use the main config for all other files
  // Only apply the shared JSON config to files that match the given pattern => ({
    files: ['**/locales/**/*.json']
  // Only apply the shared Cypress config to files that match the given pattern => ({
    files: [
  // your modifications
    rules: {
      'no-unused-vars': 'error',

Contributing & Local Development

To get started, install the package dependencies

pnpm install

Lint and fix

Lint package files, and optionally auto-fix detected issues.

# ESLint only
pnpm lint

# ESLint and fix
pnpm lint:fix

Committing Changes

Commitizen friendly

This repo uses Conventional Commits.

Commitizen and Commitlint are used to help build and enforce commit messages.

It is highly recommended to use the following command in order to create your commits:

pnpm commit

This will trigger the Commitizen interactive prompt for building your commit message.

Enforcing Commit Format

Lefthook is used to manage Git Hooks within the repo.

  • A commit-msg hook is automatically setup that enforces commit message stands with commitlint, see lefthook.ymal
  • A pre-push hook is used that runs eslint before allowing you to push your changes to the repository

Additionally, CI will use commitlint to validate the commits associated with a PR in the Lint Commit Messages job.


  • All pull requests require review and approval from authorized team members.
  • Automated approvals through workflows are strictly prohibited.
    • There is an exception for automated pull request approvals originating from generated dependency updates that satisfy status checks and other requirements.
  • Protected branches require at least one approval from code owners.
  • All status checks must pass before a pull request may be merged.

Package Publishing

This repository utilizes Semantic Release for automated package publishing and version updates.